At no time in any of the extraordinary statements of our so called learned experts does the words defeat Covid-19 appear.In their effort to 'destroy society to save society' they use weasel words like 'help prevent the spread' , 'help slow the spread' or 'help fight the spread' but never do you hear 'help destroy the COVID-19 virus'.
The fact is that all their efforts to clamp down and punish Citizens with fines ranging up to $25,000 will only ensure that the virus will be extended into perpetuity and all predicated on a continuing litany of untruths.
The question is; what should be the penalty for tyrant 'Commerce Killers' and sociopathic 'Society Destroyers' who cower behind their computer screens while sending children into "Risky" Covid-19 ridden schools and their astonishing failure of our susceptible seniors in their care homes?
Why should these fear mongers ever hold public office if their repeated draconian crackdowns don't work?

As a matter of fact, they have already done an inordinate amount of damage to our society with no cost to themselves and now they are doubling down in their vain endeavor to slow the virus down.

Don't worry about the lost tax revenue of the businesses closed by the Covid-19 fear mongers because these cunning control freaks will just make up for the tax loss by taxing home owners more or by grabbing outrageous fines based solely on swindle.
P.S. Its reported that two companies are coming out with a Covid-19 vaccine. One to save us from Covid-19 the other to save us from the Covid-19 Fear Mongers!
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Wait till the bill for the Canada summer games Build comes's already 10 million over budget and growing!