The Despicable Persecution of ‘the Lady of the Horses’.
Now the 'Lady of the Horses' has been hit with a Citizen crushing $600.000 lean on her property.
The HCA claims control of 80% of the Thomas property including their home and barn, which means they could never rebuild or replace, and still they must pay 100% property tax!
Question: How does an attempted $1,000.00 shakedown by HCA to keep the horse-riding ring qualify as environmental conservation?
The court transcripts show that the Lady of the Horses, Jean Thomas has been denied her rights by a justice who followed and agreed to the ridiculous charges of a vindictive HCA prosecutor; the same persecutor that wrote the judgment for the justice.
Question? Who in all levels of government; in our (so-called) justice system is looking out for the Canadian Citizen?
So Far all we have heard from our Conservative government is ignorant silence even though we have kept them fully informed!
The court transcripts show that the Thomas’s had to sit through hours, days and years of the persecutors’ musings ranging from the ‘sand ring not a threat to the nearby wetland in over seven years’ to ‘removing the sand ring could somehow harm the wetland!’
The same transcripts show that the Justice listened to the same hours, days and years of the persecutor’s barely audible musings only to accept the persecutor’s notes as her final verdict costing the ‘Lady of the Horses’ a grinding financial penalty of over a quarter of a $million and for what? For creating a sand ring between her house and barn for her horses that never threatened a wetland!
Liberals need to wake the puck up.
Nobody wants your pucking nanny state...