Tuesday 29 December 2020

Reminder to WOULD-BE Dictators

Dictators worldwide convicted, imprisoned and or executed for 'Crimes Against Humanity' were all punished for the activities perpetrated by their security forces; security forces supposedly under their control! 

Dictators, tyrants and fascists of all sorts felt comfortable knowing that they controlled the judiciary, the press and backed up by their security forces.

Can you imagine the surprise when these Dictators, tyrants and fascists found themselves charged with 'Crimes Against Humanities', unloved and unwanted!

Unfortunately, the security forces that are supposed to be under control are not the ones who are charged with 'Crimes Against Humanity'. The security forces that are allowed to break their Oath and flout the laws of the land (Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) and transgress against the Citizen are the actual criminals and left unaccountable will eventually reflect on their Civic Leaders.
However, the difference now lies in the fact that social media makes it harder for dictators,  tyrants and fascists to control the dissemination of news and information and with the advent of Cellphone Cameras the evidence of 'Crimes Against Humanity' is being exposed in real time . 




  1. All so very true..These people will pay in the end..

  2. Tudont you will lose your followers and you shall get your up and comings.the sooner than better.
