Tuesday 22 December 2020

Dear Civic Leaders

News Alert Niagara has one simple question for you.

Are the numbers in the graph below accurate?

Well Dear Civic Leaders you are more than welcome to make updates or corrections in the FREE comment section provided below!

Assuming that the stats are accurate and legitimate it begs the question: Why 'Marshall Law?

Protection from a 'KILLER VIRUS' demands instant action whereas Marshall Law follows a designated plan as to when to displace Civil Law.

Merry Christmas Marshall Law doesn't start until after Christmas! HO! HO! HO!  

Why the war on Citizens as we are currently witnessing?https://www.rebelnews.com/help_joshua_mall_security_tackles_canadian_forces_member_over_minor_covid_violation?utm_campaign=dm_joshua_12_17_20&utm_medium=email&utm_source=therebel 

Your own statistics show that your pathetic efforts to 'flatten the curve' is causing more harm than good! 

Looks like the Citizen will have to lump your 'war on Covis-19' in with your 'war on Povertyor your failure to 'Stamp out Corruptionalong with so many of 'your other spectacular failures'!
Seldom do we get to vote for the best of the best
If lucky we get to vote for the Least of the Worst

54 International Flights landing at Pearson today!!! 
Don't know why we can't get this under control.

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