Of coarse we stand with our police officers!
We need our police officers! We need good police officers!
And we've got'em! All we can afford!
There is no question that the greater preponderance of our police officers are true and honorable members of our society.
It's not the 99% of decent police officers that are disturbing the general public. It's the oft claimed 1% of police miscreants that causing a definite backlash against all police officers!
Hiding the fact that we have cops that become judge, jury and executioner the moment they slip into their uniform and weapons is detrimental to society.
Unfortunately we have misguided authorities that believe supporting bad cops is in the best interest of police.
Protecting and supporting bad cops is doing no one any good! In fact protecting bad cops is justifiably causing alarm and distrust. It's damaging the needed public participation between law enforcement and the very society law enforcement is supposed to secure. It is reported that Citizens killed by police in England during 2016 is 5 whereas Citizens killed by police in America during 2016 is over 1155.
At the very least unwarranted police brutality has sponsored several exposing entities such as: Photography is not a crime and Filming Cops.
It's police brutality that has contributed to the increase in the murder of police officers!
Backlash against police brutality is growing at an alarming rate and threatens the whole superstructure of law enforcement.
Hiding the fact that we have cops that become judge, jury and executioner the moment they slip into their uniform and weapons is detrimental to society.
Unfortunately we have misguided authorities that believe supporting bad cops is in the best interest of police.

At the very least unwarranted police brutality has sponsored several exposing entities such as: Photography is not a crime and Filming Cops.
It's police brutality that has contributed to the increase in the murder of police officers!
Backlash against police brutality is growing at an alarming rate and threatens the whole superstructure of law enforcement.
Wow! Cops are RARELY fired.
state trooper in Hartford, Connecticut was caught stealing cash and
jewelry from John Scalesse, a dying motorcycle accident victim. Now,
that thief has lost his…

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Preston Haskell Some lunatics want bad cops protected! http://newsalertniagara.blogspot.ca/.../stop-thetarget...
Silvio Ranieri Finally
with the new technology now people are seeing some of these "cops" for
the crooks and criminals that they really are. It is a shame because it
gives quite a black eye to those who really want to do a good job and
do their best to provide safety for the people that they serve.
Lucinda Wu Wonder
why putting a bullet in someone restrained, tazering, kicking the shit
or sexually violating a black person doesn't justify proper justice,
oooops because they're black, fooooorgot.
James Simpson Wow
a cop actually got caught stealing and still didnt go to jail for some
reason this dont shock me i wanna be a cop that way i can rob people and
speed all the time and just do what ever the hell i want to
Trina Harvey "State
Police said Huntsman maintained his innocence even after he was shown a
video that was captured on the dash camera of his police car and showed
him taking the money."
Joel Saeks This needs to happen more often they lose job and pension, add locking them up would be a trifecta!
Malik Muhammad Good more that do this unlawful things needs to get the same
Sarah Lorien Wait, wait, wait.... So you can murder people, but not steal from their demolished death car?
Yolanda Jackson That. Is. So. Good. Hope he's fired two and lost all his benefits
Stevanovic Hoohoos Unusual, mostly police misbehaving is swept under the carpet.
Raymond Boynak Absolutely shameful and disgraceful to the uniform...
Gerry Cordero i wish they did something against those cops who kill
Angela Taylor Good!
Rusty Eleby Smh
Edith Mcconnell Sicko
:( Disgrace to his Uniform ..

Cody Geeting Fuck cops
Annette Phillips Sad!
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