Can you believe it? Everyone is waiting
for a valid explanation for
the $Hundreds of Thousands foisted onto the backs of TAXPAYERS by a gang of
municipal officials.
What do we get?
We get a taxpayer funded 33 Page despicable
attack on a private Citizen! We get the CAO spending 45 Minutes of Pelham’s
Council meeting, with lawyer Shedden as a prop, railing point by point in his
attack on whistle-blower Hummel.
Pelham Authorities say that it is
‘Complete Nonsense’ that “You
don’t rock the boat because, all of a sudden, your project will be stalled or
your files will get lost” and these same geniuses turn around and prove Mr. Hummel
absolutely correct with Pelham’s despicable
attack (page 5/37) on a private Citizen whistle-blower.
spews nonsense that this land was purchased for a higher price than that of a
single lot on the market because the Town had to valuate (appraise) the land assuming
that each buildable lot was ready for a building permit.
More CAO
‘nonsense’ about the fact that this Taxpayer abuse has actually had the effect
of doubling the price of nearby land as in the properties of Mr. Hummel, which
is still short $400K of what Pelham paid.
paraphrase Pelham’s
CAO Darren Ottaway’s astonishing claim
(14Minute Mark that by paying too much for the property at the time is proving
fortuitous now because prices have gone up.
Following Graph illustrates MR. Hummel’s case regarding the Unexplained 700%
mark-up on un-serviced property:

it’s reasonable to conclude that Municipal Authorities who allow a sudden
unexplained mark-up of $Hundreds of Thousands (over 700%) are either
incompetent or corrupt!
In its 33 Page despicable attack, the
Town of Pelham concludes that the actions and statements of Mr. Hummel to be
intentionally designed to question the credibility of the Town of Pelham by
making extraordinary claims of ‘potentially’ illegal activities and schemes
while providing zero evidence of such activities.
News Flash: Mr. Hummel’s actions and
statements are not for the Pelham Authorities to question, attack or waste more
taxpayer money on! It’s not for Mr. Hummel as the whistle-blower to prove
anything. It’s up to the Pelham to explain the suspicious Land-flipping deal in
simple and concise terms.
It would be more appropriate for the
Pelham Authorities to exercise their efforts and spend taxpayer hard earned
dollars on the things that they are elected and hired to do and that is to explain
the mark-up of 700% ($Hundreds of Thousands) on a suspicious Land-flipping deal.
to Pelham Town Council: Launching
an expensive attack on a private Citizen whistle-blower is no substitute for
simply explaining who benefited from the over-priced land deal!
In the timeline from Hummel's slide - ISSUE #2 Questionable Land Purchase, who is "Mamas land" ?