While the local newspaper spread a note of good cheer of a more cooperative Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) Board
Niagara Peninsula
Conservation Authority’s vice-chair James Kaspersetz says he is ready to work
with Niagara’s new board members, despite previously denying the Region’s
authority to appoint them.
The Watchdog group 'A BETTER NIAGARA' tells us that sharks are still circling the pool.
There's a lot we could
say about Kaspersetz, one of Hamilton's appointees to the Niagara Peninsula
Conservation Board. There's the large part he played in the current chaos at
the NPCA; there's his propensity for meddling in Niagara politics; there's his
role in the wrecking of the NPCA's Foundation which raised more than $200,000
in the name of charity in 2017 but spent 98% of it on administration and gala
parties . . . oh so much we could say, but let's just chew on this: in
2017 Kaspersetz claimed $6,721 for attending 90 meetings. The Auditor General
notes how out of the norm this is. She states: “Board members in 28 of the
other 35 conservation authorities we surveyed claimed an average of 4 meetings
each in 2017.” This is indicative of the mismanagement and lack of
accountability the current Board has operated under and which Kaspersetz fully
participated in.
This whole 'intolerable' situation as displayed by the miscreants controlling the NPCA is a natural occurrence caused when an elected government relinquishes their responsibility to an unelected government agency.
Perhaps the Regional Council should have changed their meetings from bi-weekly to bi-monthly with a curfew of 9:00 o'clock. Or better yet, justify to the Citizens the necessity for the Regional level of government altogether!

It was the Region and the NPCA who siced their common legal beagles to prey upon innocent property owners like some 'Matthew Hopkins Witchfinder' in full extortion mode!
And it was these same Regional/NPCA miscreants that the electorate finally had enough of!
According to Ed Smith of 'A BETTER NIAGARA' our elected and hired authorities need a lot more scrutiny and “We’re not done yet!”
Liberals need to wake the puck up.
Nobody wants your pucking nanny state...