News Alert Niagara has been crying in the wilderness while our society is under attack by 'Snake Oil' salesmen hell bent on destroying our society for their own misguided and selfish agendas!
From the corrupt Canadian Prime Minster on down, Canadians have been languishing under Nazi-like barbarism as can be observed in published News Alert Niagara Articles as shown below!
The time may come when memoirs of Covid-19 survivors will replace the memoirs of Germany's National Socialism survivors on YouTube telling their horror stories of how they survived the treatment they received at the hands of tyrannical-draconian leadership.
Stories of low-life civic leaders using CV as a weapon against duly elected political opponents; to ban elected opponents from political duties; to steal the income from constituent elected choice of candidates and all under the spurious guise of 'Integrity'!
It is fully understandable why society did not rebel against the CV nonsense given that people were fed a pack of lies from the very start and given that the bought & paid for media drove the lying propaganda until now that the truth is unraveling their Political-Party Criminal Cabal narrative!
Please notice how their tune is changing as their election draws near!
December 2021 News Alert Niagara published:

After Crushing of our 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms', Breaking the Nuremberg Code, incoherent lock downs, extorted financial torture, irrationally jailing Pastors while freeing criminals, exuberant police brutality, tyrannical denial of services, travel bans, suppression of free speech, lying to the public, physical & psychological harassment, illegal constructive firing & denial of employment, mortally withholding of life saving medicines, denial of medical services, medical blackmail, social distancing, restricting food shopping, worthless face masks, mandating risky inoculations, Covic-19 passports, halts visits & deny social trips for long-term care residents, destroy much of small business, destroying lives, withholding life-saving medication, create inflation, manipulated supply shortages, interruption of education, increased drug addiction & suicide, not to mention the long term damage to our children and future generations all in the stated goal of slowing the spread of CV! .After all this insufferable and unmitigated trauma these financially maniacal fear mongering extremists have put our society through, they still have the temerity to stupidly utter the threat of 'Really Big Measures' to slow the spread of Omicron!
Now we have a fellow Ontarian Mr. Steve Clarke valiantly pointing to the Crumbling of the Narrative regarding the diminution of the so-called pandemic that never was! England and Denmark casting off the draconian tyrannical wasted effort ignorantly applied to innocent Citizens by unelected 'Wingdings' for the sole purpose of selling snake oils!
Who Is Brian Peckford
In this breaking and historic interview, the LAST SURVIVING ARCHITECT of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Honourable Brian Peckford, P.C., explodes onto the scene with his utter condemnation of the Canadian government’s response to the “pandemic”, and consequently its blatant violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The former Premier of Newfoundland discusses with Sam DubĂ©, M.D., Ph.D., the flagrant disregard of the fundamental principles and laws upon which Canada and its provinces were founded as enshrined in the Charter, the abject failure and globalist agenda of current Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the undemocratic policies of the three major parties and the radical restructuring that must occur, the upcoming federal election and his support for Max Bernier and the People’s Party of Canada (P.P.C.), and what we can all do to urgently oppose the insidious, and now rapid loss of freedom and democracy.
Thursday September 2, 2021 'News Alert Niagara' published an article titled:
We shuttered at the level of violence used against Citizens for not following unlawful orders issued by non-elected bureaucrats! Sadly the vaccine peddlers turned our flip-flopping political leaders against their own constituents! Innocent Citizens suffering the modern day torture under horrendous fines! It was appalling to witness vaccine peddlers lying by omission deliberately and for no reason to hide the names of people who died as a direct cause of Covid-19. We witnessed folks being imprisoned to stop the threat of Covid-19, while criminals where being release on the same idiotic excuse!

We marveled at the violent CRIMINAL arrest and incarceration of pastors as if their rejection of health official's edicts where based on law! We lived through a completely incohesive and incomprehensible 'sky is falling' reaction to a virus that is controllable! We watched as the vaccine peddlers desperately tried to foist their questionable cure to all age groups in perpetuity! Above all we witness the smashing of our so-called 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms' predicated on a virus with such a low mortality rate.

In June of 2021 News Alert Niagara published :
Without leaders like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott of Texas, our feckless Socialist leaders would still be allowing unelected 'Inquisitors' to abuse our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms!
While Governor DeSantis and Governor Abbott took full charge and responsibility for the health and welfare of their respective Citizens, our Canadian political leaders hid behind questionable health authorities who exercised their new found power to crush our constitutional rights.
Unlike the Florida and Texas governors our psychotic bumblecrats release criminals and lock up Church Pastors for months at a time on the pitiful excuse of a coronavirus so 'deadly' it did not raise the death rate.

In April 2021 News Alert Niagara Published:
Now where have I heard that phrase before? Oh yes! We wrote that very same phrase in a previous article under the Title; Crime against Humanity. .
We now have Dr. Reiner Fuellmich spouting the same rhetoric as News Alert Niagara and with every bit as much enthusiasm as those who only have rhetoric to prove that it is their right to destroy society to save society!.It is totally understandable that people are confused by misinformation and outright lies. In our article titled; Crime against Humanity we posted a graph published by STATSCAN, the authority that we are expected to follow for correct statistics. There are other graphs and charts showing the same results but apparently our fearless leaders prefer their own never ending rhetoric of hell and damnation. .
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Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!
PS: Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!