Wednesday 12 January 2022

Canadians Deserve Good Government

For those chafing under what has become the norm of Canadian leadership,  please let News Alert Niagara point to what a proper government looks like; sounds like and is like: Florida!!! 

For those who can break away from their penchant for our disgusting party-gang politics, you are urged to listen to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' 2022 State of the State Address

Just Saying says: DeSantis is an incredible man who cares for the people.  Everyone in Canada should take a few minutes to listen to Governor DeSantis's speech if they treasure freedom.  Here are  some of the highlight's.  His speech starts at the 16:00 minute mark. Florida being the freest state in the U.S., protecting citizens' right to work, children's right to an education without disruption, etc.  22:00 bringing gas prices down.  At 22:30 minute mark he talks about the importance of children's education, putting kids first. 30:30 mark bringing jobs back and protecting the economy rather than buying from communist China.  At 37:00 he talks about the lawless open border.  At 40:00 mark talks about Constitutional Rights. 

If the 'Draconian Tyrants' in charge of Canada could make the same, or even similar address to Canadians as the Governor of Florida made to Floridians we would think we had died and went to heaven!
Please take note of  Former Premier of Newfoundland Brian Peckford's views on Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Brian Peckford is the last remaining premier involved in forming our now defunct Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Premier Peckford gives a clear account as to what happened to our Charter and who killed it!

Do yourself the biggest favor in the world by listening to the left-wing response to the Florida governor's address. The left-wing response bears an eerie resemblance to the feckless rhetoric Canadians are subjected to.

To cap off the caliber of the Desantis presentation lease check out the comments from Floridians!

Unlike Florida, who protects its citizens from social media giants, we have Draconian Tyrants using social media to stifle dissent and state-funded media for propaganda! Canadians suffer lockdown, lock-up prison and deprived freedom! 

Our corrupt PM Trudeau tells us "its never to late to do the right thing!"

The CINO Ford Government denies unvaccinated the right vote because they know that the unvaccinated will never vote for this poor excuse for the beloved Rob Ford!

Then we have the great pretender Niagara Regional Chair Bradley who has spent 50 years pretending that he is doing something positive! Voters have got to let politicians know that their tenure will be short lived if they refuse to serve their constituents in a manner similar to the Governor of Florida.

Danger lies in the fact that we have an inordinate amount of self-serving, self-interest career politicians corrupting everything they touch which will bring our society down to an inevitable and tragic conclusion.  

Canadians must learn to use their vote to end career politicians!

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!


  1. The best speech I've ever heard! Here is Florida Governor DeSantis, State of the State Address:
    Worth listening to! He is an incredible man who cares for the people. Everyone in Canada should take a few minutes to listen to Governor DeSantis's speech if they treasure freedom. His speech starts at the 16:00 minute mark. Florida being the freest state in the U.S., protecting citizens right to work, children's right to an education without disruption, etc. 22:00 bringing gas prices down. At 22:30 minute mark he talks about the importance of children's education, putting kids first. 30:30 mark bringing jobs back rather than buying from communist China. At 37:00 he talks about lawless open border. At 40:00 mark talks about Constitutional Rights. We need a Governor DeSantis for Canadians!

  2. We can have that too if we understand that we have to end the political party/corporate style government we have and embrace a constitutional republic.

    They can do all that in the US because every state is a constitutional republic in it's own right...totally sovereign. They won their independence from corporate Queens/Kings, but then got lazy and almost lost their republic to corporations again. They are turning things around now and that's what Trump said from the beginning...we must restore our Republic. He said it straight that he will never allow a socialist/communist take-over of his beloved country.

    Unfortunately, Canada was never a republic, we there is some foundational work to be done. When will it be done? Only once people are finally educated as to the actual facts of our situation and when they are fully willing to end their reliance on party politics.

    There are some of us who toil in the shadows to get everything ready, but we are few because those with skills want to be heros and do their 'own thing' without ever understanding or knowing the 'big picture'.

    1. It is gratifying to hear from someone who understands to difference!

  3. I love Governor DeSantis! Common sense prevails in Florida! I wish I could be a snowbird. I would nest there permanently!!!

  4. Anyone who fails to listen and to hear the Florida Governor's State of the State Address will never know good government!

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