People who live far away from the water’s edge should not feel safe, because removal of property rights for one is removal of property rights for all. This is the thin edge of the wedge and it is the proof that the NDP and the Liberals presently in power in Toronto, have no respect for property rights or for the letter of the law that has been passed down to us, from the Magna Carta.
Adam Smith, Scottish author and moral philosophy, explained the role of government when he said, “the first and chief design of every system of government is to maintain justice; to prevent the members of society from encroaching on one another’s property, or seizing what is not their own. The design here is to give each one the secure and peaceable possession of his own property”.
Now instead of the government standing up to defend property rights, it is the one instigating the removal of said property rights, led by an NDP member that fails to recognize how the removal of property rights has worked in the rest of the world. He should take a long look in the mirror and hopefully recognize that this will eventually destroy this country and then do the right thing and withdraw Bill 118.
If you have any opinions to pass on to this MPP regarding this Bill, you can reach him by phone at 905-357-0681 and leave a message or write to him at:
MPP Wayne Gates
Unit 1, 6746 Morrison Street
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6Z8
Make sure you copy your own MPP on this matter.
Tom Black OLA
Rights that can be legislated away are not rights
Response #1:
In a civilized society it is customary to pay market price to acquire someone's property when expropriating for valid reason. It is never appropriate to steal a property or a right.
Response #2:
For some people theft of property or theft of right is okay as long as it is someone else's property without compensation or someone else's right that is being stolen!
But how would they feel if it were their property that was being stolen without compensation? How would they feel if it was their right being removed by legislation?
In the case of NDP, MPP, and Union Leader Wayne Gate it creates a question as to how Mr. Gates would feel if union rights were stolen such as the 'right to strike'?
If government can simply legislate away one right, it stands to reason that they can legislate away every right leaving citizens with no rights at all!
I believe this is all a part of the agenda of the left, to eventually make all property, belong to the government. It is a travesty against justice. If intelligent people don't stand up and fight back, everyone will share equal misery, at the whim of the government of the day. STOP THIS NOW! Call your MPP, and insist, that this government-sanctioned theft, be stopped NOW! We are the rightful owners, of the property we have paid for honestly! They have NO right, to legislate a use for it!!!