Monday 4 October 2021

Nom du Corruption

Our political parties are designated  as right or left of the ideological center meaning more or less socialistic ranging from Imperialistic on the far right to Communism on the far left.
However, designation of status does not preclude corruption, tyranny or even brutality!

The good Citizens placed their hopes and dreams, not to mention trust in the Ontario Conservative Party to counter the devastation caused by the previous Liberal Party ruled by Kathleen Wynne!

As a matter of fact, the Doug Ford Conservatives have done little to nothing to undue the harm caused by the Kathleen Wynne Liberals. Worse they have not shown the slightest deference to the Trudeau Liberals. They have not even mentioned the top heavy and bloated bureaucracies nor the devastating effects the 'Empire Building Bureaucracies are having on the Citizens of Ontario.

Doug Ford, the pretend Conservative, is just another generic run of the mill tyrant forcing his constituents to waste their life savings before our contemptable court system in a vain effort to claim their rights under the feckless 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms'!

'Rights and Freedoms' are supposed to be protected by law NOT argued in a court room! When a Charter Right and/or Freedom is transgressed it is for the State to correct NOT the victim of the transgression!

Can you imagine the victim of violent crime having to make a claim before our courts to have the perpetrator brought to account?  When the Citizen transgresses the state comes down on the Citizen! When the state transgresses the Citizen must seek sanctuary through the expensive court system - a court system owned and operated by the transgressing state! 

Case in point, The Ontario Conservative Party under the flip-flop questionable leadership of Premier Doug Ford allows violent police crime (arm twisting arrest)  to be perpetrated on an innocent mother in front of her crying children, who is left with no protection under our worthless 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms'.

Question: Was all the violence, assault, financial torture, deprivation of liberty not to mention the contravention of our so-called 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms' predicated on a pandemic with the veracity of Polio, Aids, Tuberculosis or any of the terrible and tragic illnesses that have afflicted Citizens? 

Answer: Hell No! As it turns out, this savage treatment against innocent Citizens is strictly predicated on an illness with a recovery rate of 99.7% and can be knock-out with medicines such as 'Monoclonal'.

Covid-19 and its variants is a ghastly charade perpetrated by a corpocracy hell bent on selling never ending vaccines! 

Worse, is the specter of elected officials cashing in on this lamentable scheme!  

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