Because Someone is lying to us!
The first wave of the pandemic, long-term care facilities and retirement homes accounted for more than 80% of all COVID-19 deaths in the country.
There were fewer than fifty COVID-involved deaths among those under the age of 45. Pneumonia, and symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified, were the most common comorbidities among this age group.
On the one hand we have STATSCAN informing us the the overall death rate has actually dropped during the Covid-19 Hysteria, while on the other hand we have Health Officials screaming about the shocking Covid-19 mortality rate!
Politicians claim they are just following science but, many are convinced that many politicians are just hiding behind questionable health officials predicated on the politician's personal proclivities.
Covid-19 has been an epiphany for the general public starting with the physical and financial abuse of innocent Citizens.
We learned that the so-called health experts where generally wrong with their prognostications.
We learned that those who were supposed to be on guard for pandemics such Covid-19 managed to squander our resources on themselves without the expected results. They failed us! It was more than alarming that our self-praised nation was in no position to supply our own vaccine making us a beggar nation.
We witnessed a pitifully slow roll-out and administering of much vaunted Covid-19 Vaccine.
Most disturbing of all is facing the fact that the claim that the Covid-19 vaccine was safe turns out to be 'not as advertised'.
Those abusing innocent Citizens based on conflicting statistics and spurious information could and possibly should face charges relating to Crimes against humanity!
Obviously we must pay more attention to the value of those we have elected or hired to govern!
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