Friday 24 January 2020

Corruption Compounded

Who would deprive Regional Council of vital information

Check with the Kathleen Wynne Liberal Operative in charge!
.Why should the Niagara Regime's Councilors be expressing concern over  the Niagara Regime's corruption? 'News Alert Niagara' has been harping on the subject of corruption for years!
Now the Regime's Councilors are displaying outrage predicated on learning that the Chair's men have been skewing the rules of purchase and withholding the outcome of reports. The Chair's men have withheld pertinent information for up to a year under the watchful eye of Chair Bradley!
Chair Bradley stated that his Number one priority was to return Trust of regional council to the people of Niagara while he has failed to bring Trust to his own council.
It is heartening to see our Regional Councilors standing against the flim-flam conduct that has gotten us so much infamy of embarrassing corruption. Our Regional Councilors would do well to understand who is in charge and why their constituents elected them!
Following their raucous hour long in-camera session of the Special Council meeting January 23, 2020 our Niagara Regional Councilor's distrust of process was beyond palpable as can be witnessed by CLICKING HERE: (144 Minute Mark)

Trust, Integrity, Civility, Transparency and Openness.

Perhaps if our leadership wasn't so busy playing  team politics they might have heard the warnings. To paraphrase a famous axiom 'there is none so deaf as those who will not hear'.  

Please Note: There is plenty of room in comment section below for all those with a differing opinion, including Regional Councilors and Staff, to say so.

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