August 22, 2012 an email was sent to the Region of Niagara asking that the
proper authorities be given the following eight questions regarding serous
amounts of pollutants:
tests were done on the soil?
conducted the tests?
were the results of the tests?
was the contaminated soil removed to, which landfill site?
the excavation large amounts of water filled the excavation pit, what was done
with this water?
test samples taken of this water?
were the results?
are the test results?
more info and pictures CLICK HERE: Page
After several emails to the Region staff
and seven tries via emails to just the councilors, I received response from only
the officials listed below and only from Councilor Volpatti, Councilor
Petrowski and Councilor Caslin.
Matthew Trennum, Information and
Privacy Analyst,
advised: ‘The records you are seeking can be requested through
the Freedom of Information process. The formal request form is available to you
on our Niagara Region website: www.niagararegion.ca/government/mfippa. The webpage will describe the process and how it works. Please fill out
the request form and send it, along with your $5.00 application fee’.
*Mr. Brothers, Commissioner of Public Works noted that ‘this
matter is not under the purview of Regional Council; that storm water
management is a local municipality responsibility and that the MOE has the
monitoring and legislative responsibility.
*Perhaps Mr. Brothers should acquaint himself
with the Region's own Sewer Use By-Law No. 47-2008
*Dr. Valerie Jeager, Chief Medical
Officer of Niagara responded to Councilor Petrowski, ‘I would
encourage Mr. Haskell to contact the MOE.’
*Could we also encourage Dr. Jeager to read Niagara
Sewer Use By-Law No. 47-2008
responded, ‘Councillors have received your email and are aware of your
concerns, as is Regional staff. It is my understanding that Regional staff will
be responding’.
Robinson, Matt, Executive
Officer to Regional Chair, who was not emailed replied, ‘Your
message was read on Thursday, September 27, 2012 6:42:44 PM UTC.’
Question: After raising the alarm by bringing a serious
matter of pollution to the Niagara Regional Government, the self acclaimed Green Capital of Canada, am I
now expected to become an unpaid regional employee to spend money and effort to
apply for Freedom of Information for information that the regional staff should
already have at their disposal?
I now expected to run around to various other government ministries like Paul
Revere screaming ‘The British are coming - The British are coming’ or Chicken
Little crying, ‘The sky is falling’?
Soil Sample Analysis
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--------------------------------------------- Groundwater Analysis |
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Groundwater Test -------------------------------------------- |
The email alarm was sent to the
Region of Niagara asking that the proper authorities be given eight
questions regarding serous amounts of pollutants.
What we received, loud and clear was
that the problem was not in their purview.
Surely the pollution levels, shown
in the test analysts, are of concern to everyone.
would appear that raising the alarm is no longer enough for those we have
elected and hired! Now they just want you to go away and annoy somebody else
because your alarm is apparently of no concern to them!
For Pollution Part Two click link: http://newsalertniagara.blogspot.ca/2012/11/watersmart-niagara-how-does-that-work.html
For Pollution Part Two click link: http://newsalertniagara.blogspot.ca/2012/11/watersmart-niagara-how-does-that-work.html
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