Monday, 20 January 2025

The Wonderful World of Socialism

Back in February 2024 I wrote an article titled: 


If the question is: who is spending hard earned tax dollars on blindly enriching the NRP budget, only to get a police service that partake in dereliction of duty, trespass, involved in theft, claiming police property as police private property, unlawfully penalizing "Innocent until proven guilty" Citizens, uses police cars to run Citizens off the road, brutalizing Citizens not to mention murder, then the honour goes to the Niagara Regional Government!

Only a stinking socialist cabal would shovel double digit hard earned tax $Dollars to any agency or service, let alone a secret police service that answers to nobody or no one!

NRP Chief Fordy requests major Niagara Regional
Government seeking a jump in funding of over 15 per cent Police Service budget increase for 2025

Niagara Regional Police Service Chief Bill Fordy is pitching a massive operating budget increase for 2025

The dollar value of Fordy’s requested budget increase for next year is $28.5 million, which would bring NRPS’s overall operating budget to just shy of $217 million.

News Alert Niagara has faith that the NRSP is populated with a preponderance of excellent and dedicated police; we cannot say the same for the NRSP service!

Please pay attention to the police service correction to any of our comments and stories!?

The only ones holding police services accountable are the newly minted street auditors created by police misconduct! street auditors exposed that police officers require more education, training and people skills. 

News Alert Niagara: Clyde Do Something


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Sunday, 24 November 2024

Police State

According to the Niagara Independent Newspaper

NRP Chief Fordy requests major Niagara Regional 
Government seeking a jump in funding of over 15 per cent 
Police Service budget increase for 2025

Niagara Regional Police Service Chief Bill Fordy is pitching a massive operating budget increase for 2025

The dollar value of Fordy’s requested budget increase for next year is $28.5 million, which would bring NRPS’s overall operating budget to just shy of $217 million.

News Alert Niagara expresses deep concern about the easily verifiable changing character and conduct of the Niagara Regional Police Force starting from the Farkus affair

The attitude of the NRP toward the citizens of Niagara, which has  plunged Niagara Citizens liable for $Hundreds of thousands in lawsuits against police predicated on NRP conduct.

The apparent lack of concern for the financial plight of Niagara Taxpayer!

NRP believes that they can remove a journalist from a public meeting for no reason.

Evidence of lack of police oversight was the following response from the OIPRD as follows

Section 60(4) s:of the Police Services Act allows the Director to decide not to deal with a complaint if, having regard to all the circumstances, in his opinion, dealing with the complaint is not in the public interest

According to OIPRD Director Stephen Leach, investigating the interception of emails (criminal Code 184) from citizens to their elected officials is not in the public interest!

OIPRD Not Worth the COST!

Observations that caused News Alert Niagara heightened alarm was the NRP attempting to sit in during an (in camera session) of Regional Council.

Witnessing a NRP Sargent state "the NRP has rules, regulations and policies unprinted and unavailable to citizens!"
News Alert Niagara noted that the NRP has unilaterally decided to take upon themselves to become judge, jury and executioner.

News Alert Niagara is well aware of the risk involved in attempting to alert Niagara about the intimidating character of the NRP and their penchant to shoot first and duck responsibility later. The duty of the NRP is to control crime, not to intimidate law abiding citizens, not to trespass on private property, not to operate in secrecy like thugs and definitely not to rewrite rules, regulations and laws.

What is even more distressing is the smug attitude of the NRP to make matters worse for the Citizens of Niagara by  adding to their cost to the tune of 15.1% or $29Million Dollars when Citizens can't even afford to repair their leaking rooves! 

News Alert Niagara urges better oversight of the NRP while they still have decent Police Officers that can be counted on!

It gets worse: It is happening under a PC Government!!!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are 

always available for your free use!

Thursday, 7 November 2024



Fordy requests major Niagara Regional Police Service budget increase for 2025

Niagara Regional Police Service Chief Bill Fordy is pitching a massive operating budget increase for 2025, seeking a jump in funding of over 15 per cent.

The dollar value of Fordy’s requested budget increase for next year is $28.5 million, which would bring NRPS’s overall operating budget to just shy of $217 million.


Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Niagara's Secret Police

 Niagara's Secret Police

Sarah Harding  OCTOBER 25

Recording management department /welland courthouse/ 905-735-0010

Barb chatwin 905-448-3095

NRP Sargeant

Sabrina Hill  

Sunday, 13 October 2024

A Streak of Mean?

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story! 

Friday, 20 September 2024


No one should hold public office who wilfully and deliberately prevents the public from expressing themselves before the elected authorities.

Evidence shows that the Niagara Regional Government has been denying Citizens their right to present to Regional Council for years. It starts with the convoluted rules. First, If you wish to speak at a Regional Council meeting to a matter already on the agenda, you must submit your written delegation request to the Regional Clerk by 9 a.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting.  

The problem arises when the agenda is not reported until the following Monday!

This long time scam of the Niagara Regional Government allows for the ability to pick and choose who the regime can allow and who can deny to speak! 

In the situation of Sabrina Hill, not one person in the Niagara Region Chamber bothered to ask why she had to resort to hand- written-white-board signs to alert that she was continually barred from presenting to council or who was preventing her from presenting! Not one person bothered to ask why Sabrin Hill was continually denied her right to present to council! Only one Councillor voted "NO" to silence her again! 

I believe it goes against our charter rights to deny a Citizen the right to present to council.

Perhaps 'unelected chair' Bradley should have his litigious legal beagles check to see if signs or placards can be displayed in council. I believe the precedent has already been set into law.

Canadian elected authorities would do better if they conducted their duty more in favour of their electorate as they do manipulating their own self-interest!   

But then what can you expect from an 'unelected Regional Chair' that has to be sued to return stolen property!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!  

We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information !