describe a fiefdom as an organization that is controlled
by a dominant person or group as in a caliphate or semi-dictatorial and authoritarian
rule, which in the case of the enigmatic Niagara Regional Government is
disguised as democracy predicated solely on the freedom of an election .
This assessment of ‘The Lords of
Niagara’ is not based on foolish pomp and ceremony. No, this assessment is
based on actual years of observations and written expose's regarding conduct
and behavior.
Oh sure, there is the malignant
effects of parochialism overshadowing the 13 individual municipal governments comprising
of 125 Councilors (Toronto 44) and an army of bureaucrats to over-govern a mere
430K citizens. And just what do we witness from our self-absorbed Lords and Ladies
regarding the ‘greater Niagara Chamber’s call for ‘efficiencies in government?’
Nothing! Absolutely nothing!
In fact they don’t want to
talk about it! They have said that they don’t even want to hear about it!
We suffer persistent rumors and
allegations of nepotism and corruption, bureaucratic Bullying and Machiavellian schemes designed to
benefit their fiefdom and themselves over the citizens who have placed, or
misplaced, their faith in the people they have elected and hired.
Those that the citizens have elected
and hired have grown complacent because they have garnered so little attention
to themselves and to their machinations that they are slipping ever deeper into
an autocratic, adversarial relationship with the very citizens that indeed
elected and hired them in the first place!
The daily newspaper pays so-called
reporters to report the benign occurrence of grown men and women playing
council to the rules of parliamentary procedure, while totally missing the
underlying current of gratuitous conduct going on behind their veil of secrecy.
These Lords and Ladies of Niagara's senior level of government make sure that even Cogeco's televised council meetings are not live.
They make sure the canned program is only available week days during working hours.
Their sound system is kept at a level that it makes it hard to follow along with what is going on.
These mounting things have begun to
coalesce in Niagara’s collective psyche to the point where questions are starting to form, yet still there is very little tangible evidence of
negative response from the citizens or visible contrition from ‘The Lords
of Niagara’ .
No one knows just when the backlash
started or just when the growing discontent will dissipate or what it will
achieve but it is growing.
New groups
of people are forming all in an effort to protect themselves and their property
from ever increasing imperious mistreatment.
We have stories detailing our Lords of Niagara allowing their many
government bureaucracies to run roughshod
over innocent citizens by using taxpayer money to continually appeal the

losing court cases
until their citizens are completely financially drained, exhausted or even dead under their relentless pressure.
Some say that the days of ham-fisted
abuse of the citizen are coming to a close. Others are saying not so. Whatever
the situation, there are citizens stepping up to expose what they
feel is unacceptable conduct of those ‘over the rainbow’ characters hiding
behind their curtain of secrecy.

It’s unclear whether or not this
jolt was the beginning of dictatorial responses from our civic leaders, such as
unanimously passing a bylaw
permanently baring the public
from the public forum! (meaning: denying the citizen their right to present their concerns and opinions to their authoritarian government in OUR taxpayer paid for Regional Council chamber.
We asked each Niagara Regional Councilor this simple question:
Who do we see about the fact that we have admitted and convicted armed and dangerous criminals on our Niagara Regional Police force?
It was stunning when so few of our regional councilors took the time to respond.
It's for that very reason that we took up the challenge to run a poll to gather information on just where each of our politicians stand on very important issues.
It's hard to fathom how our regional councilors can display such contempt toward the Citizens of Niagara by refusing to answer a simple question regarding a very important subject matter!
We asked each Niagara Regional Councilor this simple question:
Who do we see about the fact that we have admitted and convicted armed and dangerous criminals on our Niagara Regional Police force?
It was stunning when so few of our regional councilors took the time to respond.
It's for that very reason that we took up the challenge to run a poll to gather information on just where each of our politicians stand on very important issues.
It's hard to fathom how our regional councilors can display such contempt toward the Citizens of Niagara by refusing to answer a simple question regarding a very important subject matter!

Spurious attacks ranged from outright lies and false testimony to anonymous charges from a pseudonym 'Tim Lewis' and gang of

( The St.
Catharines Standard Newspaper refused to publish this open letter)
discovering the faulty nature of their ‘Integrity Commissioner’s report’ the
Lords of Niagara blatantly refuse to this day to correct ‘for the record’ the
charges against their least loved
Councilor Andrew Petrowski! This Niagara Regional Government continually
displays its lack of integrity by attacking the credibility of any of its citizens.
The Lords and Ladies of Niagara utilize an expensive 'on-call' Integrity Commissioner for the sole purpose of controlling councilors into general conformity, while they protect their uncontrollable and unaccountable agencies from the prying eyes and oversight of that same, already paid for, Integrity commissioner!
The Lords and Ladies of Niagara utilize an expensive 'on-call' Integrity Commissioner for the sole purpose of controlling councilors into general conformity, while they protect their uncontrollable and unaccountable agencies from the prying eyes and oversight of that same, already paid for, Integrity commissioner!
Now try to imagine the reaction of The
Lords of Niagara to a well publicized and licensed video reporter who
operates under the banner, ‘Holding them accountable’.

The name, ‘Holding them Accountable’
was considered by The Lords of Niagara to be nothing less than a declaration of
war. The word went out to all 13 Niagara municipalities, bureaucrats and law
But there was Mr. Bracken valiantly
presenting his concern before the City of Fort Erie council regarding what he
considered an issue of ‘Bait and Switch’ by promising one thing to the citizens
and then successfully sneaking through the placing of a marijuana factory on Fort
Erie' Main Street and without accepted norms of setbacks from the street. The
city had promised that any such marijuana factory would be restricted to a
rural setting with commonly accepted setbacks.
Bracken learned that the city was
proceeding with its plans to open a marijuana factory on Fort Erie Main Street
and decided to protest OUTSIDE city
hall. A city staffer called police and had Bracken illegally arrested, handcuffed and thrown in a police cruiser.
The illegal Fort Erie incident was
more than enough for The Lords of Niagara to take action to defend their fiefdom
by hiring two police officers to be present at 'their' Niagara Regional Council
meetings at a cost of over $800.00 per meeting.

For Bracken’s dastardly deed, he now
finds that The Lords of Niagara have placed trespass charges
against him and that he is barred for a full year from all property of the
Niagara Region under penalty of arrest.
a new attempt to hide information from the public the Niagara Regional
Bureaucrats has had ‘other Business’ removed as a Council agenda item as
part of the Procedural By-law review, in favor of announcements only and not for the introduction of new items for
Hide from the public ‘New Business’ or ‘Other Business’ in favor of announcements regarding such earth shattering items as an upcoming pancake breakfast?
Hide from the public ‘New Business’ or ‘Other Business’ in favor of announcements regarding such earth shattering items as an upcoming pancake breakfast?
restrictions on Niagara Citizens predicated on the Region’s #13.2 ‘delegations shall be permitted to appear at
Council meetings with respect to items on
the Council agenda provided a
written request is made to the Clerk by 9:00 a.m. on Friday prior to the following
Thursday council meeting.
However, the silent Lords and Ladies know full well that the items on their ‘agenda’ are not published until the following Monday. Assuming of course that a volatile item is ever placed on the agenda!
However, the silent Lords and Ladies know full well that the items on their ‘agenda’ are not published until the following Monday. Assuming of course that a volatile item is ever placed on the agenda!
Click here to witness the
progress of the self-proclaimed Green Niagara’s war on Pollution.
click here for a display
of the Region’s preference for a quick tax grab at the expense of Industry,
Commerce and above all else, JOBS!
2008 this regional government inaugurated the failed ‘Culture Committee’ in an
expensive scheme to buy ‘Culture’!
Citizens are stunned when they learn of a disgraceful situation of having convicted, violent and armed criminals as Niagara Regional Police officers (NRP now over 40% of our budget) on duty and all with the tacit approval of our Lords and Ladies of our,

Niagara Regional Council meets once every three weeks and then under time restrictions for each meeting. At some council meetings there are no presentations at all. The citizens of Niagara are left completely in the dark as to the value of this imperious regime.
The Niagara Regional Government has been extremely successful at avoiding transparency but with Canadians paying 42% of income in tax — more than they spend on food, shelter, clothing combined it's time for this level of government to prove its relevancy.
upper tier of Regional Government must come to realize who they serve, or be
served up themselves!
We can no longer
afford a redundant level of government that is primarily focused on its own
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”- Albert Einstein
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”- Albert Einstein

If any
part of this expose´ comes as a surprise to you, then you should ask
yourself why, who dropped the ball and who sat at the ‘PRESS TABLE’ and failed
TO BE CONTINUED... We are sad to report that Mr. Haskell’s customary comments under The St. Catharines' ‘STANDARD’ articles are now being blocked or immediately removed.
Mark Cressman
Publisher, St.Catharines
Standard Wrote:
I don't have anything to do with deleting comments. Please direct these emails to Peter Conradi at peter.conradi@sunmedia.ca or Erica Bajer at erica.bajer@sunmedia.ca
I don't have anything to do with deleting comments. Please direct these emails to Peter Conradi at peter.conradi@sunmedia.ca or Erica Bajer at erica.bajer@sunmedia.ca
more Information Click Here