Monday, 30 March 2020

Reasonable Reasoning to Save Resources

Letter to Premier Doug Ford:
Hello Premier Ford,
I would like to congratulate you and your government for the way that you have been handling this terrible crisis that has put the world on shut down. I also agree with you when you said that we must start to bring back to Ontario, the production of products that we all depend on for our health and security. With that in mind, what could be more important than our own food supply.

Competition from countries where the climate is more favourable to growing vegetables  and fruits, plus the manipulation of large corporations that have bought up and removed nearly all large canning and processing plants from the Niagara fruit belt, has left Ontario with only seasonal products from this province. This is also a problem with provincial slaughter plants that have virtually disappeared from this province for several reasons but the most often reason was because of aggressive interference of non-health related regulations (demanding dual washrooms in a small plant was just unaffordable).
.There is also a shortage of slaughter space in the Federal plants and much of our beef has to go to the United States for processing, which was the case during the “Mad Cow” disaster of 2004 where we could not slaughter our own animals for hamburger. The border closing for over 2 years almost destroyed our cattle industry which has never fully recovered. If this or the next disaster closed the border with the U.S, we will be back in the same situation.
.rFarm-land is also under pressure all over the province, from the municipal official plans with the Conservation Authorities identifying wetlands that for years have been farmed and the Heritage Groups identifying special features to restrict the use of the land. Tree-cutting bylaws are stopping farmers from cutting ‘brush’ on farm fields that they have just bought. Often these are farms where the farming operations have been abandoned often due to health or no one to take over. There should never be a restriction on re-clearing land that was farmed a few years ago. There is no Amazon Rain forest being cleared in Ontario, as virtually all land being cleared was farmed before with horses, then abandoned because of two-wheel drive tractors, and now are again viable with tile drainage.
I would ask all politicians to take a close look at agriculture and see how fragile this sector of our society is and then think of how important it is to be self-sufficient in food especially in the time of crisis. The founding fathers of this nation, who wrote the blueprint for how this new   country, Canada, was to be operated, put the importance of agriculture above everything except mining. They even allowed farmers to cut the trees reserved for the Crown if it was to create fields, fences or buildings.
I think that it is time to put agriculture back in its special place of importance, where it would be again recognized as an ‘essential service’. Let’s stop these special interest groups like conservation authorities and the MNR from morphing the legislation that they get their power from, into something that says they have control over agriculture.
We have all seen on the news how China turned the boats back that had masks heading for North America, because they needed them. No one blames them for doing that but we should never again allow our country to be dependent on the rest of the world when there is a crisis, we must be self-reliant at least in our food supply.
Our lives and those of our families, depend on it.
Tom Black
Beef and grain farmer
Stittsville, Ontario

"All Struggle is Political" -ph

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Free Tour of Niagara


You or Your Friends, Your Relatives or anyone you know worldwide can take a free photographic tour of  our Charming and Spectacular Niagara by simply clicking HERE.
Now is your opportunity to let everyone know where you live and what it looks like until they are fortunate enough to visit Niagara to see for themselves!

Courtesy of Preston Haskell Photographer

Monday, 23 March 2020

Government Attack on PRIVATE Property

Stop the attack on landowners in East Gwillimbury

We demand the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority [LSRCA] immediately retract its unfair and damaging appeal against the landowners and the town of East Gwillimbury! Please help us
There has been an attack on private landownership and private property in Canada! Our small municipal governments have been asked to regulate private land by conforming to new "comprehensive bylaws" set out by the province of Ontario. These new regulation infringe on private landowners by taking away land rights, use of private property, and devaluing land. This attack has affected people in home sales, future planning, mental stress, property maintenance, retirement plans, lawyer fees, and the human right to be self-sustainable.
The Town of East Gwillimbury proposed an "Official Plan" that would have basically stolen thousands of acres of private land from their owners by enforcing "environmental protection" zones on rural and agricultural land, expropriating away land uses and devaluing it without any legitimate testing or proof that these lands needed protection from their owners in the first place. There was no real effort made by the town or any other direct notice given to inform or educate landowners regarding the depth of these changes (almost like they didn't want them to know).
Through pure luck and determination a small handful of landowners (out of thousands) found out about the new bylaw and spoke out against it in council (town hall) saving thousands of acres of private property from being wrongfully regulated by the government. The new bylaw was voted down by East Gwillimbury Town Council on May 15th  2018 and the landowners were promised that they would be able to keep all the same rights they had paid for when the purchased these lands.
A few days after the bylaw was amended by council the LSRCA appealed the town decision to not conform and demanded these lands be regulated (lots of permit money involved). We the landowners of East Gwillimbury are now fighting once again, not only to save what is ours, but to save the rights and freedoms that we have enjoyed in this country for so long, to save the right to be self-sustainable, to grow food, to have home business, to have animals, and to be left alone from the never ending reach of the government into our pockets!
Now all we need is the LSRCA to retract this appeal and our land will be safe! Our town and the conservation have wasted hundreds of thousands if not millions of tax dollars fighting us already.
We mean to set the stage for the rest of Canada in saying "No You May Not Take Our Lands!"
We demand that the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority immediately retract its appeal against the town of East Gwillimbury, the private landowners, farmers, and business owners, and get back to actually clearing and maintaining waterways and public lands again. Flooding has been very bad this year because they have been insufficient in their actual job. We can handle our own backyards!
Please help us in this fight! We are all neighbors
Thank you
East Gwillimbury Landowners

Friday, 20 March 2020

The Mayor & His Deceivers

During the midterm period, politically considered a safe-zone for passing unpopular rules, regulations and taxesNews Alert Niagara railed against inflationary tax increases in multiples of the rate of inflation. Some tax increases reaching as high as 13+% compounded but not counting other levels of government taxes and fees!
News Alert Niagara believes that raising taxes & fees 4-5-6 times the rate of inflation is predicated on inadequate husbanding of the economy and has lead to increased poverty and homelessness. 

Worse yet, we already have homeowners (and of coarse their children) living in homes falling into ever increasing state of disrepair to the point that we now have families taxed out of their homes with 22% of our children living below the poverty level.

Perhaps it was the embarrassment of the News Alert Niagara articles that caused the City of St. Catharines to sensor our emails to our City Councillors. 
The question arises as to the origins of the laws that create this state of diminution of such a great swath of society. How does it happen? When does it happen? Without our being aware we are suddenly living under deleterious laws that are mysteriously enacted and of coarse enforced.
Eventually society gets a notice like the following sent to all homeowners:


The City's Machiavellian Mandarins sends out a notice of property tax changes in your tax bill but you have to be Sherlock Holmes with forensic audit ability if you want to speak to the changes before your failing council; the same council that approved tax and fee increases in multiples of inflation! They'll be happy to tell you that this is their modern version of openness and transparency!
The City of St. Catharines covertly
passed its major change to its property tax formula that effectively speeds up their ability to create homelessness!
They then have the temerity to add an administration fee of over $1,075 on the back of their victim who is already financially beaten down to the point that they are losing their home!
The problem is that no one knows when this serious tax change was quietly passed by the City of St. Catharines Council. It wasn't reported in the corporate media. Not a mention!

So, News Alert Niagara decided to investigate.

Our St. Catharines City Clerk informed us that the 15 page report under item #4.5 (hidden in the middle of 10 such tittles) was unanimously voted on in open session of council starting at 14:00 minute mark without discussion, public or otherwise.
Questions: What about the other 9 items passed unanimously without public discussion? Must we ferret out every item? No wonder council meetings have been cut in half from weekly to bi-weekly! 

Here is what we found. 

The first thing we found is that the speed-up of the property tax scheme was improperly concocted out of public view and then passed surreptitiously. However the clerk did inform us that public notice was posted on the city website. Perhaps we missed that website notice in our tax bill!
Second, its astonishing that our Mayor and His Deceivers supported this clandestine speed up of tax collection with their unanimous vote and even more astonishing is that they still claim Transparency.
They rolled their new tax change scheme into a carefully contrived collection to hide their scheme from the public as can be witnessed during the open council meeting and again following the in-camera session of March 18, 2019:
Third was the disappointment in learning that there are folks which we once held in high esteem among the Mayor and his Deceivers who came freshly out of an in-camera meeting and immediately concealed what they had done!


Should politicians tout their tax predilection as bragging rights in the next election?

PS. we held up this article 5 days for our City councilor to get back to us after his investigation. No City Councilor! 

Friday, 13 March 2020

The Meeting You Missed


Guest Speaker: Robert Ciuppa who is a retired police officer, served 38 years with the NRP.
Robert Ciuppa dealt with internal matters, his involvement was with the court system, the  topic: how to receive justice in the court system.
Officer Robert Ciuppa's very enlightening presentation touched of a flood of audience participation.
We heard about the horrendous abuse of property owners by the muni-tyrants from a Fort Erie Property Owner!
Information flowed freely from NLA Members who are assisting property owners involved with litigation regarding serious and often illegal abuses by municipalities.
The whole conference clearly indicates that the Property Owner's plight is deepening and becoming far more widespread.
The tenner of the conference revealed that the struggle is primarily with our own government. 

Meeting Place
Silverdale Community Centre
4610 Sixteen Road, St. Anns, ON
(for GPS purpose put in Lincoln, ON)

For interesting stories about property owners go to: 


Monday, 9 March 2020

City Censors Emails

After Watching Elaine Manocha's passionate plea before the St. Catharines City Council (43 Min Markregarding the embarrassing resurgence of Graffiti Scribble plaguing our city, News alert Niagara published a February 28, 2020 article titled 'Graffiti Scribble'.
The defining message in our article was: 'we proffered a solution'. We felt confident that the message would get through to the committee that there might, just Might be a positive avenue of attack leading to a solution to abhorrent City-wide Graffiti Scribble.
It came as a surprise that following council's great effort, not to mention the expense, of 2 hours of graffiti deliberation that 'News Alert Niagara' would receive not a single response from those we have hired and elected.
Possibly something went wrong. Possibly a mistake. So on March 5, 2020 we resent the article to our City Council. We not only resent the Article but, as is our custom, we sent it with 'Request Read Receipt'! 
                                                         Nope! No mistake!
Very difficult for a group such as a City Council to in-unison black out email correspondence. 
Had to be a deliberate censoring of public email. Any administration who would stoop to deciding what an elected official can or cannot read is an administration that would stoop to anything! 
Lets talk integrity.
News Alert Niagara does not for one minute believe that every single councilor decided in unison to block our email. 

News Alert Niagara charges that the City of St. Catharines has immorally and unlawfully interfered with the right to email our councilors and/or for our elected councilors to be denied.
It is inconceivable that our elected officials would countenance the censorship of their incoming email!  On the other hand they don't know what to do about Graffiti Scribble!

Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching!

Friday, 6 March 2020

Complimentary Photographic Tour of Niagara

Click HERE for complimentary photographic tour of the beautiful Niagara Peninsula

This Photographic Tour clearly illustrates why Niagara is the most photogenic in the world!
Send the Link above to family and friends to show them the charms of your Niagara!

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Lying Tyrant Strikes Again

On July 14, 2019 'News Alert Niagara' lamented in an article titled 'Lying Loser Returns' regarding the disgusting character of a former Fort Erie Tyrant against citizens and his penchant to perjure himself in order to harm innocent Citizens.
Understandable when you consider the environment that the Lying Tyrant started in. He was spawned in the Town of Fort Erie which is renowned for corruption, denying FOI Documents and outright criminal activity and under the Ontario Ombudsmen Investigation.
In his few short months as CAO this over-zealous Lying Tyrant is already spreading his brand of misery with tax increases at outrageous multiples the rate of inflation (ONLY13.4%), hyper-expansion of Grimsby's Government including as usual the liar's buddies as additional personnel, not to mention abusing owners of private property. 
As is his want Lying Tyrant Schlange is rapidly turning the Town of Grimsby into a harder place to live! 
Click here to watch Grimsby Council in action

Lying Tyrant Schlange has been turfed from several municipalities and will no doubt take several councilors down with him at election time!

PS. Who will save our children from  'Tax & Spend' Tyrants!

Monday, 2 March 2020

Secretive Municipal Governments

The Town of Erin, Ontario, is the 2019 recipient of the Code of Silence Award for Outstanding Achievement in Government Secrecy in the category of municipal government.The award is given annually by the Canadian Association of Journalists, Centre for Free Expression at Ryerson University, News Media Canada and Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, to call public attention to governments and government departments and agencies that put extra effort into denying public access to information to which the public has a right under access to information legislation.
NOTE: The Municipal Region of Niagara has the dubious distinction of being the 2018 recipient of the 'Code of Silence Award'. 
The awards jury, which comprised representatives of the four press-freedom advocacy groups, recognized the Town of Erin with this citation:
It has become commonplace for The Town of Erin to refuse to be transparent with the media and therefore local residents on even basic matters of public interest. Local officials regularly avoid interviews with the media, insist that all communications from media must go through a recently hired communications officer, and Chief Administrative Officer and only by email. Even these requests are then dodged or refused. Worse yet, Erin officials have failed to inform the media of meetings at which major decisions will be made. 
In response to a large number of senior staff and department heads being fired a couple of years ago staff at the Wellington Advertiser submitted FOI requests for details of severance payments. Erin refused these requests and Erin Mayor Allan Alls told the media they would not release these details unless forced to by the commissioner.
The jury also indicated five other
municipalities that, thanks to similar achievements in government secrecy, deserve honourable mentions: Cranbrook, B.C., Morinville, Alta., North Bay, Ont., Cornwall, Ont., and Côte-Saint-Luc, Que.
The CAJ, CFE, News Media Canada and CJFE will announce the Code of Silence Award recipient in the Federal, Provincial, and Law Enforcement categories in the coming weeks. 
All four organizations will continue to advocate for substantive reform to Canada's federal access-to-information law.

"Thanks Sandy"

PS. Make your nominations to: 
James Turk, Director, CFE, 613.277.0488,