Understandable when you consider the environment that the Lying Tyrant started in. He was spawned in the Town of Fort Erie which is renowned for corruption, denying FOI Documents and outright criminal activity and under the Ontario Ombudsmen Investigation.
In his few short months as CAO this over-zealous Lying Tyrant is already spreading his brand of misery with tax increases at outrageous multiples the rate of inflation (ONLY13.4%), hyper-expansion of Grimsby's Government including as usual the liar's buddies as additional personnel, not to mention abusing owners of private property.
As is his want Lying Tyrant Schlange is rapidly turning the Town of Grimsby into a harder place to live!
Click here to watch Grimsby Council in action https://vimeo.com/395015106..
its a contract. Tell them you don't want to contract. Why are we held hostage to their changes of the contract?