Those accountable for Municipal Decisions are the Elected Officials and only the Elected Officials and here they are...
The Elected Officials of Fort Erie are the Town's final decision makers and as such are responsible for what goes on in their municipality. No one can fault those who are elected by the Citizens for wanting to clean up the squalid condition of dozens of eyesore properties proliferating the landscape of Fort Erie as can be seen in the 64 telling images below. .
Eventually these Fort Erie Elected Officials will have to explain to their Families, their friends, their Constituents and maybe even the Courts just how their Regime was allowed to wade through the properties of disgusting squalor (64 pics below) to attack innocent Citizens; Citizens who uphold community standards and keep their properties in decent visual condition.
Furthermore, perhaps the Fort Erie elected officials can explain how the privately owned valuable possessions stolen off private property can wind up in the possession of a third party?
Possibly the good Fort Erie elected officials could ask the Fort Erie detachment of the Niagara Regional Police why they are not investigating this theft since it appears the value of misappropriated private possessions far exceeds the $5K threshold.
Worse, the elected officials of Fort Erie regime will eventually have to explain the spurious reasons for this expensive decades-long persecution!
Their Regime has repeatedly lost in court during their immoral if not nefarious effort to harm and dislodge property owners for some person's unknown reasons.
The expressed municipal by-law being used against targeted Citizens falls flat in light of their ignoring the real and actual blight posing in plain sight!
Folks, its really hard to understand just why the Town of Fort Erie Regime would tolerate these 64 Fort Erie highly visible eyesores while persecuting reputable Citizens who actually uphold their municipal responsibly..

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Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!
PS. Unlike the regime's muzzled website the elected Fort Erie Officials can explain themselves in the free and open comment section provided below and they won't need the help of the Ontario Ombudsman's office to do it!
Ninth picture from the end is my personal trailer and forklift that was on my property. The tractor trailer did not have an annual inspection because the trips it was used for was to go to Newfoundland. Because of the COVID-19 restrictions on the ferry it was not financially feasible to use till the restrictions were removed. The Town Of Fort Erie considered it “DEBRIS” or “REFUSE” because it did not have its annual inspection sticker. They categorized it as “DEBRIS” or “REFUSE” and removed it from the property but the next day I found it at another business location with my forklift tractor. For a month I have tried making contact with the property owner where it was located so I could retrieve it or get my belongings out of it I have gotten no replies. If the city considered it “DEBRIS” or “REFUSE” why was it given to another business when my other belongings went to the scrap yard? A month now and NO reply from the business where my trailer and forklift were located and now they are gone, and so are all my belongings that was in it.
ReplyDeleteYet the pics after mine is the “ liquor store” in Ridgeway made out of A tractor trailer with no annual inspection sticker and an outdoor washroom for employees only.
I have made many requests to the town “SORRY WE ARE CLISED DUE TO COVID-19 “
Yet that did not stop them from trespassing and removing my property when I gave them notification that this matter was going to court but they were also closed due to COVID-19.
Yet that does not keep them from invading the property “THEY CHOOSE TO”
February 26th 2021 I had called the suicide hotline only because “PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT WE ARE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC” yet I can go to Walmart, Timmies, McDonald’s and so on and speak to a worker and cashier.
ReplyDeleteThe conversation was getting nowhere and more negative so I ended the discussion.
Soon after (7pm) they contacted the police who contacted my son and brother and arrived at my property and were ready to knock the door down.
They would not leave till I made another call to them. So I did.
It is now April 3rd “NO REPLY”
What is the square green piece of paper in your wallet or purse????
ReplyDeleteNO it’s NOT an OWNERSHIP it’s a piece of scrap paper.
After the discussion with the police officer regarding the assault charge he said they would not proceed, take it to court he said.
ReplyDeleteI asked for some information, company name, person involved and reason for them not taking any actions.
“Take it to court”
The information I asked him for he said he would not give me.
I sent a registered mail request form and they have not accepted the registered mail.
Thanks to all.
ReplyDeletePhil Collins - I Don't Care Anymore