Wednesday 7 April 2021

Crooks in Charge!

Looks like a few things are going to have to change Around here!

Obviously, one of the first things that must be changed is to give credence to the actual nature of the state of corruption permeating all levels of our government.
We could start by changing a few names to more appropriately reflect what is happening to our Citizens i.e. Change the name of Canada to Conada or Ontario to Contario.
It starts out with Politicians who think that they must spend money to appear to be doing something.
Willie Brant once became Chancellor of Germany by promising his people that if elected he would do nothing!
Worse, when they do propose something they make sure some of the project's money finds a friendly pocket!
Case in point, we now have a direct line of evidence following small time gangsters emanating from the backwoods municipalities of the Niagara Peninsula to major Contario cities as exposed by 'The Pointer' Newspaper and the 'St. Catharines Standard'
.Under ‘The Pointer’ banner Titled Inside Job part 2: Controversial Brampton CAO handed $218K in city contracts to former Niagara political ally. 
Brampton CAO David Barrick, who was FIRED from his jobs in Niagara, gave $218,259.50 of Taxpayer Money in contracts to his Regional Council Pal, a foul-mouthed liar named Tony Quirk who was also turfed by his constituents!
Obviously voting political miscreants out of office has little to no effect on improving the standard of government when these same defrocked reprobates can revirginize themselves by sneaking off to some other unsuspecting community as an organized criminal cabal enabling themselves to pilfer the public purse. 
Thank goodness for CBC's program called 'MARKET PLACE' which points out the crime and corruption going on in so much of Conada's conmerce and incestry otherwise we might never know just how bad and how widespread the egregious blight is, especially in Contario. Without a proper government we have no hope of getting corrupt unelected Corpocracy off our our backs. We cannot hold Corrupt unelected Corpocracy accountable but we sure as hell can hold our feckless political leaders who are aiding and abetting Corporate abuse of Citizens!  
However, crime and corruption in commerce and industry is not the prime focus of this article. This article is to expose the crime and corruption cannibalizing Conada's Governments and pointedly the Contario Government and all of its spawn of empire building agencies, committees, and authorities. 
News Alert Niagara is struggling to keep up with the deluge of information concerning crime and corruption stinking up our political landscape!

So, what can be done to clean up the mess?

Vote out any sick SOB that does not support a recall mechanism because in a single term these miscreants can and will destroy everything Canada stands for.
There is of course another way to reverse the trend of political corruption and that is to mount a vigorous 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' campaign so as to let career politicians know that their political career is no longer a secure life-long vocation.

Folks, if you have no concrete evidence that the person in office that you are about to vote for has done anything of value to advance our society then please vote that feckless incumbent out of office! 
Our Career St. Catharines MPP once said "we were elected to rule these people".

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1 comment:



    Never a negative story or support from the city.

    Piece of scrap paper delivered in mailbox that I have asked many times to stop delivering.
