So there you have it folks! The Troll has revealed itself!
At the Niagara Regional Council meeting of April 22, 2021 the left-leaning socialist Chair Bradley made a spectacle of himself by calling for more taxpayer financial protection of his protective media shield. Obviously, the six-hundred million dollar {$600,000, 000.00} payoff to his protective shield wasn't enough! Now, Chair Bradley wants more 'Taxpayer money' to ensure his protective media shield spins stories in his favor.
Bradley bemoans the fact that many of our independent newspapers have disappeared but, he neglects to mention that many of our independent newspapers are still operating but they are no longer independent. They have been bought up by the few giant biased media corporations leaving us with precious few independent newspapers.
And what have his powerful government backed media protectors done with their consolidated news gathering power? They clutter up social media screens with truncated stories trying to force paid subscription. Could it be that the taxpayers have paid dearly to back the wrong horse?
News Alert Niagara has repeatedly raised concern about Bradley's political acumen only to witness his shameless effort to buy media bias, with more taxpayer funds, from a corporate media that is all to willing to sell. Seems to be a Liberal trait to operate in secrecy by blocking media not biased in favor of Liberals!
Unlike his favored newspaper, that only proffered a truncated story on behalf of their shameless benefactor, the rival news media 'the Niagara Independent' proffered the whole sordid story (Free of Charge) as written by Catherine Swift.
To top it all off this lifetime Tax-burning silk-socked socialist tries to let on that he is doing something necessary by spending more of the taxpayer's hard-earned money to buy property for an eco-park while his constituents are languishing financially, locked down under disinformation, suffering from immoral inflation and government sponsored joblessness.
Worse, what Bradley is willing to do for his protective shield media he has and is just as willing to do against independent media!