Wednesday, 28 April 2021

The death of Independent News

So there you have it folks! The Troll has revealed itself!

At the Niagara Regional Council meeting of April 22, 2021 the left-leaning socialist Chair Bradley made a spectacle of himself by calling for more taxpayer financial protection of his protective media shield. Obviously, the six-hundred million dollar {$600,000, 000.00} payoff to his protective shield wasn't enough! Now, Chair Bradley wants more 'Taxpayer money' to ensure his protective media shield spins stories in his favor. 

Bradley bemoans the fact that many of our independent newspapers have disappeared but, he neglects to mention that many of our independent newspapers are still operating but they are no longer independent. They have been bought up by the few giant biased media corporations leaving us with precious few independent newspapers.

And what have his powerful government backed media protectors done with their consolidated news gathering power?  They clutter up social media screens with truncated stories trying to force paid subscription. Could it be that the taxpayers have paid dearly to back the wrong horse?

News Alert Niagara has repeatedly raised concern about Bradley's political acumen only to witness his shameless effort to buy media bias, with more taxpayer funds, from a corporate media that is all to willing to sell. Seems to be a Liberal trait to operate in secrecy by blocking media not biased in favor of Liberals!

Unlike his favored newspaper, that only proffered a truncated story on behalf of their shameless benefactor, the rival news media 'the Niagara Independent' proffered the whole sordid story (Free of Charge) as written by Catherine Swift.

To top it all off this lifetime Tax-burning silk-socked socialist tries to let on that he is doing something necessary by spending more of the taxpayer's hard-earned money to buy property for an eco-park while his constituents are languishing financially, locked down under disinformation, suffering from immoral inflation and government sponsored joblessness.

Worse, what Bradley is willing to do for his protective shield media he has and is just as willing to do against independent media!

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Monday, 26 April 2021

A Glimmer of Hope

What caused our Contario Premier to make an apology to his Constituents? 
Good Question! Could it be that his epiphany was caused by an overdose of 'Smartening up pills' or the refusal of police to become Gestapo-like agents of a looming fascist government! The more likely cause for his about face is the fact that he can see his sorry donkey being kicked from office! Even in the face of Premier Ford's Feckless apology he had to mitigate his chosen antics by shifting the blame somewhere else, to someone else, to anyone else but to whom holds the actual responsibility! 
Worse, evidence proves our Contario Premier a 'Gatekeeper' buffoon equal to that corrupt Jackass Justin in Ottawa! Who is our feckless Premier listening to? Certainly not his own Conservative MPPs or even his Federal MPs of the stature of Pierre Poillievre. Does Feckless Ford look at a state like Ron Desantis's Florida? A state with twice the population of Contario! A state with infinitely more Senior Citizens than Contario! A state with millions of tourists, many of whom are snowbirds from Conada! A state not abusing its Citizens with draconian measures predicated on misinformation, lies and even fascism.
In his presentation to Parliament, Pierre Poillievre, one of a dwindling few politicians of integrity, exposed exactly what is going on and gave us the exact terminology of those doing their best to retard the wellbeing of our society. He called them 'Gatekeepers'. We knew them by their actions but we didn't know them by name. In our world of hurt and shame these 'Gatekeepers' add nothing to society. With all that should and could be done for society these contemptable 'Gatekeepers' prefer to line their own pockets, attack political rivals, give themselves pay increases and hand out heavy penalties to anyone who refuses to dance to their tune.  
'Gatekeepers' who pretend to be doing the job that they were hired and elected to do should take a crash course with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's educational program called 'Market Place' where they will learn what the Citizen already know, and that is the fact that the seat-heaters now known as 'Gatekeepers' are dangerous purveyors and even participants in the onslaught of crime and corruption permeating every level of our  societyOur title of this article is 'A Glimmer of Hope' and here it is in the form of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who is launching the largest class-action lawsuit in history. Dr. Fuellmich's biggest hurtle will be his effort to overcome Judicial Rot! If successful, we will have the opportunity to go after all of the would-be fascists who have perpetrated tyrannical abuses against innocent Citizens.

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Saturday, 17 April 2021

Who Dunnit?

Our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with the help of feckless Nincompoops has managed to make Canada into a worldwide Laughing stock predicated on political motivated corona crackdown.
Laugh if you like; many others are laughing including some of  the victims of this modern day witch-hunt.
However, the modern day Witch-finders are no laughing matter! These obsessive characters are hell bent on shutting down political opposition of anyone not disposed to their ideological bent as can be witnessed in their attempt to silence those who have a different opinion and Heaven help anyone trying to have their voices heard!
It's no laughing matter when a pack of 'schitz-in-a-snit' try to subjugate their fellow Citizens with no more than dubious rhetoric instead of concrete evidence. 
They sit in their comfortable pew soaking up taxpayer pay-increases while misusing their political positions, along with their friendly local media, to single out political opponents and silence  dissenting voices. 
Tell us again the mortality rate of Covid-19 and how this deadly virus has failed to increase the overall death rate and then explain how this pandemic give you the right to break our Constitution, crush our Charter of Rights and Freedoms and defile everything our country stands for. 
There is no doubt at all that our nation and our society can and will survive this so-called pandemic but surviving you silk-socked socialists is quite another matter. No country has proved successful under the likes of Tyrants and Fascists dictating their perverted policies. Without shame you have turned our country into an internment camp, battered Citizens, destroyed business and commerce, restricted public communication, created a police state and tried to turn our police officers into Gestapo.
We will not find salvation until the whole lot of you are driven from public office!

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Monday, 12 April 2021

Crime Against Humanity

Now where have I heard that phrase before? Oh yes! We wrote that very same phrase in a previous article under the Title; Crime against Humanity.

Now we have Dr. Reiner Fuellmich spouting the same rhetoric as News Alert Niagara and with every bit as much enthusiasm as those who only have rhetoric to prove that it is their right to destroy society to save society!
It is totally understandable that people are confused by misinformation and outright lies. In our article titled; Crime against Humanity we posted a graph published by STATSCAN, the authority that we are expected to follow for correct statistics. There are other graphs and charts showing the same results but apparently our fearless leaders prefer their own never ending rhetoric of hell and damnation. 
While other societies are opening up our 'Canada the Good' is physically assaulting Canadian Citizens and smashing into and barricading our churches, all the while condemning China for 'Crimes Against Humanity! 
When the Citizens start to show their displeasure with the never-ending lockdowns they are publicly threatened by their Mayor and chastised by a failing media whose local newspaper reporter mingled in the 'risky crowd' of freedom fighters without a mask.
Is there any chance that the experts can tell us what to expect if the stay-at-home lockdown fails to slow Covid-19 since none of their brilliant prognosis has been accurate? 
The sad political driven commentary manifests itself when in the middle of the news story the reporter attacks a Conservative Mayor for stating his 'free speech opinion'.  
Proof of corruption is evident when our 'Leaders of Dubious Distinction' raise their own pay, while their constituents lose everything! 

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Sunday, 11 April 2021

Rally for Freedom

 On Saturday April 10, 2021 an estimated 1500 Citizens rallied in St. Catharines for their freedom.
They Rallied for the freedom that has been stolen from them through fear mongering and misinformation. They Rallied because it appears to be the only way they have to let the 'tone deaf' powers that be know how they feel. They Rallied because they have been following the facts and statistics; facts and statistics that put a lie to this 'Crime against Humanity'.

And what did these concerned Citizens get for their effort to be heard? They got this threatening letter posted in the local Newspaper by their 'tone deaf' Mayor.

Perhaps Mayor Sendzik would do well to check out
the facts and statistics before his constituents take a dim view of his acumen! According to Sendzik and his ilk there will be a dramatic surge in Covid-19 cases predicated on the tightly packed and unmasked rally crowd. Mr. Sendzik and ilk, no one will take your word for a Covid-19 surge. This time the demand will be for proof! Allow all willing Journalists into our hospital to disseminate the truth!

There is room for argument as to the size of this 'Rally for Freedom' but there is big fat elephant to explain away, and that is the number of VOTERS who have lost faith in their political leadership!  

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Wednesday, 7 April 2021

News Alert Niagara is now an eBOOK

 That's right! The 'News Alert Niagara' stories are now available on Amazon

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News Alert Niagara has produced an ebook, soon to be followed by a paperback edition for the purpose of permanently chronicling the misconduct of public officials in their line of duty.
It's not enough to simply disseminate our articles coast to coast and around the world where they are  too soon to be forgotten. It is important the misconduct of public officials be preserved for future reference.
After decades doing our best to expose misconduct and corruption of public officials we have finally come to the realization that misconduct and corruption fades from memory allowing misconduct and corruption to continue infinitem! 
Forgetfulness has brought forward the ever conquering liar and perjurer from out of Fort Erie, CAO Mr. Schlange who fires senior staff to bring in his buddies! That same forgetfulness perpetuated the Brampton financial misconduct! Decades of exposing political miscreants only to ride out their storm and continue as if nothing ever happened!.
If exposing the misconduct of public officials, their names, faces and even those know-it-alls that block information, helps keep would-be miscreants on the straight and narrow we will consider the effort worth while. 
News Alert Niagara is working tirelessly to keep everyone informed because doing nothing has not only not worked, doing nothing is why our society is suffering!
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Crooks in Charge!

Looks like a few things are going to have to change Around here!

Obviously, one of the first things that must be changed is to give credence to the actual nature of the state of corruption permeating all levels of our government.
We could start by changing a few names to more appropriately reflect what is happening to our Citizens i.e. Change the name of Canada to Conada or Ontario to Contario.
It starts out with Politicians who think that they must spend money to appear to be doing something.
Willie Brant once became Chancellor of Germany by promising his people that if elected he would do nothing!
Worse, when they do propose something they make sure some of the project's money finds a friendly pocket!
Case in point, we now have a direct line of evidence following small time gangsters emanating from the backwoods municipalities of the Niagara Peninsula to major Contario cities as exposed by 'The Pointer' Newspaper and the 'St. Catharines Standard'
.Under ‘The Pointer’ banner Titled Inside Job part 2: Controversial Brampton CAO handed $218K in city contracts to former Niagara political ally. 
Brampton CAO David Barrick, who was FIRED from his jobs in Niagara, gave $218,259.50 of Taxpayer Money in contracts to his Regional Council Pal, a foul-mouthed liar named Tony Quirk who was also turfed by his constituents!
Obviously voting political miscreants out of office has little to no effect on improving the standard of government when these same defrocked reprobates can revirginize themselves by sneaking off to some other unsuspecting community as an organized criminal cabal enabling themselves to pilfer the public purse. 
Thank goodness for CBC's program called 'MARKET PLACE' which points out the crime and corruption going on in so much of Conada's conmerce and incestry otherwise we might never know just how bad and how widespread the egregious blight is, especially in Contario. Without a proper government we have no hope of getting corrupt unelected Corpocracy off our our backs. We cannot hold Corrupt unelected Corpocracy accountable but we sure as hell can hold our feckless political leaders who are aiding and abetting Corporate abuse of Citizens!  
However, crime and corruption in commerce and industry is not the prime focus of this article. This article is to expose the crime and corruption cannibalizing Conada's Governments and pointedly the Contario Government and all of its spawn of empire building agencies, committees, and authorities. 
News Alert Niagara is struggling to keep up with the deluge of information concerning crime and corruption stinking up our political landscape!

So, what can be done to clean up the mess?

Vote out any sick SOB that does not support a recall mechanism because in a single term these miscreants can and will destroy everything Canada stands for.
There is of course another way to reverse the trend of political corruption and that is to mount a vigorous 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' campaign so as to let career politicians know that their political career is no longer a secure life-long vocation.

Folks, if you have no concrete evidence that the person in office that you are about to vote for has done anything of value to advance our society then please vote that feckless incumbent out of office! 
Our Career St. Catharines MPP once said "we were elected to rule these people".

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Friday, 2 April 2021

Who is Accountable for Municipal Decisions?

Those accountable for Municipal Decisions are the Elected Officials and only the Elected Officials and here they are...


The Elected Officials of Fort Erie are the Town's final decision makers and as such are responsible for what goes on in their municipality. No one can fault those who are elected by the Citizens for wanting to clean up the squalid condition of dozens of eyesore properties proliferating the landscape of Fort Erie as can be seen in the 64 telling images below. 
Eventually these Fort Erie Elected Officials will have to explain to their Families, their friends, their Constituents and maybe even the Courts just how their Regime was allowed to wade through the properties of disgusting squalor (64 pics below) to attack innocent Citizens; Citizens who uphold community standards and keep their properties in decent visual condition. 
Furthermore, perhaps the Fort Erie elected officials can explain how the privately owned valuable possessions stolen off private property can wind up in the possession of a third party?
Possibly the good Fort Erie elected officials could ask the Fort Erie detachment of the Niagara Regional Police why they are not investigating this theft since it appears the value of misappropriated private possessions far exceeds the $5K threshold. 
Worse, the elected officials of Fort Erie regime will eventually have to explain the spurious reasons for this expensive decades-long persecution
Their Regime has repeatedly lost in court during their immoral if not nefarious effort to harm and dislodge property owners for some person's unknown reasons.
The expressed municipal by-law being used against targeted Citizens falls flat in light of their ignoring the real and actual blight posing in plain sight!

Folks, its really hard to understand just why the Town of Fort Erie Regime would tolerate these 64 Fort Erie highly visible eyesores while persecuting reputable Citizens who actually uphold their municipal responsibly.

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Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

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PS. Unlike the regime's muzzled website the elected Fort Erie Officials can explain themselves in the free and open comment section provided below and they won't need the help of the Ontario Ombudsman's office to do it!