Sunday, 14 July 2019

Lying loser returns

On January 16, 2016 'News Alert Niagara' published an article under the heading 'Official Niagara Baffle Gabregarding an overload of bovine waste emanating from the Niagara Regional Regime and in particular the Regime's former CAO Harry Schlange.
Now we find that the lying loser has returned as the CAO of the Niagara Municipality of Grimsby.
How Nice!
How could this happen? What due diligence was conducted by those hired and elected by the Grimsby Citizens?
With very little effort they would have discovered the true nature of their potential hire. The first thing of paramount importance is the fact that Schlange is not only a liar but a liar under oath; a perjurer in his court deposition. They could have examined the integrity of a individuals who would perjure themselves in order to harm a citizen who disagrees with them or is critical of their conduct. Perjury made worse by the cost to the Niagara Taxpayer of a $Quarter Million!
CITATION: Bracken v. Regional Municipality of Niagara Corporation, 2015 ONSC 6934
COURT FILE NO.:  10408/15
What effort did the Grimsby authorities make to check into Liar Schlange's past conduct or his historic adventures starting in Fort Erie before hiring him? 
With all the resources of government, why is it that a little media outfit like 'News Alert Niagara' is left to publicly sound the alarm as in the article: A Close Call for Niagara Taxpayers.
How can the Municipal Town of Grimsby go from spending hours and hours trying to legally retrieve taxpayers hard earned money all the way down to hiring a disreputable Character like Harry Schlange?
So Sad!


  1. What did he do ?

  2. Follow the links provided. It will explain his nefarious past...

  3. ALERT: taxpayers awaken please. Municipal Act, 2001 (Ontario), section 17 (1)(a) states:

    Restrictions, financial matters
    17 (1) Sections 9, 10 and 11 do not authorize a municipality to,
    (a) impose taxes;
    (b) borrow or invest money or sell debt;

    Send a polite letter to your municipalities Chief Administrative Officer and Mayor asking why you are forced to pay property taxes? They will not reply, but threaten. Keep up the pressure. Look at the defintion of 'municipality'. We have all been incorporated without our consent and we all need to dissociate - a negative 'right' under the Charter. Share, discuss, awaken and demand answers and that this stop.
