Wednesday, 26 December 2018

NPCA the gift that keeps on giving!

Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water along comes a watchdog to burst our bubble!
While the local newspaper spread a note of good cheer of a more cooperative Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) Board 
Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority’s vice-chair James Kaspersetz says he is ready to work with Niagara’s new board members, despite previously denying the Region’s authority to appoint them.

The Watchdog group 'A BETTER NIAGARA' tells us that sharks are still circling the pool.
There's a lot we could say about Kaspersetz, one of Hamilton's appointees to the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Board. There's the large part he played in the current chaos at the NPCA; there's his propensity for meddling in Niagara politics; there's his role in the wrecking of the NPCA's Foundation which raised more than $200,000 in the name of charity in 2017 but spent 98% of it on administration and gala parties . . . oh so much we could say, but let's just chew on this: in 2017 Kaspersetz claimed $6,721 for attending 90 meetings. The Auditor General notes how out of the norm this is. She states: “Board members in 28 of the other 35 conservation authorities we surveyed claimed an average of 4 meetings each in 2017.” This is indicative of the mismanagement and lack of accountability the current Board has operated under and which Kaspersetz fully participated in.

This whole 'intolerable' situation as displayed by the miscreants controlling the NPCA is a natural occurrence caused when an elected government relinquishes their responsibility to an unelected government agency.
Perhaps the Regional Council should have changed their meetings from bi-weekly to bi-monthly with  a curfew of 9:00 o'clock. Or better yet, justify to the Citizens the necessity for the Regional level of government altogether! 

After all, it was the regional council that chased abused property owners back to their NPCA abusers! 
It was the Region and the NPCA who siced their common legal beagles to prey upon innocent property owners like some 'Matthew Hopkins Witchfinder' in full extortion mode! 
And it was these same Regional/NPCA miscreants that the electorate finally had enough of! 
According to Ed Smith of 'A BETTER NIAGARA' our elected and hired authorities need a lot more scrutiny and “We’re not done yet!”

Friday, 21 December 2018

NPCA refused to listen until the very end!

Citizens of Niagara tried to tell them; Regional Government tried to tell them ; Now Judge Ramsey has told them in no uncertain terms!
When Dave Barrett identified himself as CEO of the NPCA the judge commented "Allegedly".

Judge Ramsey described the NPCA situation as 'intolerable' and proceeded to rule that the 12 temporary members of the board appointed by Regional Council as of December 6, 2018 were in charge and that the former board members were dismissed.
The whole 'intolerable' situation as displayed by the miscreants controlling the NPCA is a natural occurrence caused when an elected government relinquishes their responsibility to an unelected government agency.
It was the NPCA's wonton abuse of power that caught the attention of 'News Alert Niagara'. Our lonely stories slowly grew until the electorate decided that enough was enough and turfed their donkeys to the curb along with most of the Regional Councilors. The icing on our Christmas cake was the effort of our new watchdog group 'A Better Niagara' with their successful court injunction before Judge Ramsey.  
In the end the miscreants in charge of the NPCA collapsed under public exposure of their own unsupervised repugnant conduct.
The question remains; will the NPCA continue in their Empire Building on the backs of hapless Niagara Citizens or will the new board return the NPCA to their mandate of conservation. 

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

How does any self-respecting government allow this?

The Despicable Persecution of ‘the Lady of the Horses’.

Now the 'Lady of the Horses' has been hit with a Citizen crushing $600.000 lean on her property.

And who conducted this despicable years-long persecution? Why, none other than the secretive Halton Conservation Authority (HCA)! The Same HCA that the Halton Regional Government allows to hide the identification of the HCA board of directors and allows their HCA to screen presenters that don’t ascribe to their corrupt aspirations. Indicating that the Region of Halton has a mad-dog gang on the loose.

The only way this mad-dog HCA gave themselves control of the Thomas’s property is by continuing to claim ever-increasing meters from the so-called wetland. Perhaps the Ontario Government of Premier Kathleen Wynne and her Liberal henchmen should have simply extended their reach by kilometers instead of meters in their effort to steal private property equity especially with their proposed increase of fines from $10K to a Family-Crushing $50,000.00!  

The HCA claims control of 80% of the Thomas property including their home and barn, which means they could never rebuild or replace, and still they must pay 100% property tax!

Question: How does an attempted $1,000.00 shakedown by HCA to keep the horse-riding ring qualify as environmental conservation?

The court transcripts show that the Lady of the Horses, Jean Thomas has been denied her rights by a justice who followed and agreed to the ridiculous charges of a vindictive HCA prosecutor; the same persecutor that wrote the judgment for the justice.
Question? Who in all levels of government; in our (so-called) justice system is looking out for the Canadian Citizen?
So Far all we have heard from our Conservative government is ignorant silence even though we have kept them fully informed!

The court transcripts show that the Thomas’s had to sit through hours, days and years of the persecutors’ musings ranging from the ‘sand ring not a threat to the nearby wetland in over seven years’ to ‘removing the sand ring could somehow harm the wetland!’

The same transcripts show that the Justice listened to the same hours, days and years of the persecutor’s barely audible musings only to accept the persecutor’s notes as her final verdict costing the ‘Lady of the Horses’ a grinding financial penalty of over a quarter of a $million and for what? For creating a sand ring between her house and barn for her horses that never threatened a wetland!


  1. Well, Ford is in now. If this is all true, then the HCA should not only be closed down, but refund all losses to her and her estate and family. The means courts cost, loss of income and anything else lost in this action.

    1. This is right down Fords alley. He has a lot on his plate at the moment, but in the next 2 weeks I will do all I can to have a meeting with him. And yes it is all true. Its unbelievable. So much more has been done, I could write a book. Thank God I had someone to help us that has knowledge in bi laws of the Conservation, that I was able to get this far. Thank you.
  2. I hope you get the cash back.
    Liberals need to wake the puck up.
    Nobody wants your pucking nanny state...
  3. Thanks its going to be a long battle.
  4. Perhaps this should be brought up to Doug Ford to see if he could do anything about what these monsters are doing.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

NPCA Frustration

caused by an unaccountable gang of corrupt miscreants still attempting to force their will on the Citizens of Niagara!

Now everybody is aware of the frustration that so many Citizens of Niagara have been going through (for years) with this government protected rogue agency.

Sunday, 9 December 2018

You Owe $20,000

and so does each and every member of your Family!

Courtesy of every failing government of Canada!

Letters to the editor by John Currey

I saw George Darte at Mass last night and he avoided me.  A few weeks ago I was talking to him and asked if he did only one thing, to NOT bring the Peterson/McGuinty/Wynne enabler,Bradley, on us.  He gave some answer like he thought Ford would install a Chairman of his liking.

Now the LIBERAL CABAL has been enabled by the votes of our supposedly Conservative Rigby, Darte and our swarms little mayor.

What is next?  Oh yes, the installation of Edgar to replace Bradley.  That makes Edgar a two time loser at the ballot box that will now be working on his second unelected term toward a pension.  But that is better than Trough Bradley now on his fourth.

God help us!

By the way, the Standard and their cub reporter LaFish failed to let us know how the three candidates responded to the question of the City of NIAGARA.  Do you know their stand?

Any of them show a willingness to put 31 regional councillors and a truck load of city politicians out of business?

162 Martindale Road, Suite 908
St. Catharines, ON L2S 3S4
905-938-5000 - Cell 905-931-9519

Friday, 7 December 2018

Epiphany at the Region!

Considering Former MPP Bradley's conduct as cabinet minister under the corrupt McGuinty/Wynne government as evidenced by the the total rejection of that opaque government, it is somewhat comforting to have our newly elected Regional Chair Bradley express his intent to bring Transparency and Openness to Niagara Regional Governance.
All three contestants for Regional Chair sang from the same song-sheet regarding their promise for Transparency and Openness.
Throughout the Inaugural Meeting of our new Regional Counsel we witnessed a gregarious level of self-congratulations, braggadocio and self-praise regarding their faith in their new Regional Council's commitment to better governance. 
Throughout all the decades of inaugural pomp and ceremony, hope and promise and faith in future, we must never let our guard down considering and remembering the disappointments of past administrations.
Now that we have Transparency and Openness and for A Better Niagara we must support our Regional Chair and our Regional Council.

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Fight for your Rights

Why do some courts violate the rights of Ontario Citizens? 

In recent years, however, citizens have indicated that their rights to record their own court hearing are being obstructed by many judges and lawyers. 

Misleading signs are being posted at many courthouses which attempt to fool the people into believing that they have no rights. 

Some citizens tell of being threatened with arrest for attempting to exercise their lawful rights. A number of judges and lawyers are afraid to allow citizens having a separate record of what may have been said in court as this makes it more difficult to alter transcripts and hide the truth. 

Those who tell the truth and conduct themselves in an honourable manner should have no fear of audio recordings made in the court. Only those judges and lawyers who are afraid and want to hide the truth will object to audio recording in the court. 

If anything, audio recording helps promote the administration of justice in a number of ways. It allows citizens maintain their own accurate record of events in court and allows them to review the day’s events without having to wait weeks and sometimes months for transcripts. 

Audio recording will also serve as a deterrent to those who may think of lying to the court, including lawyers who often introduce evidence which is not on the official court records. 

Most citizens who go to court agree that they would feel safer and be more trustful of the justice system if they were allowed to independently record their own court hearing. 

What do I do if my rights are being violated? If you are refused your rights under law to enter a court building, should a judge refuse to acknowledge your rights under the Courts of Justice Act (136.1) in his/her court or should any lawyer argue against your rights in the courtroom, then it is important for you to take appropriate steps to protect your rights and freedoms by filing complaints against those responsible for violating your rights as well as the principles of fundamental justice. If you don’t exercise your rights you will lose them! 

If you are refused access to your court by court security officers then ask for their badge numbers and make a note of the date and time of the incident. 

If a judge refuses to recognize your rights then request that the judge issue an order to this effect. 

It is a good idea to have another person with you to witness any violation of your rights. More detailed information about how to exercise your rights to record your hearing can be obtained on the website

Monday, 26 November 2018

Lunacy Continues!

 Welcome again to the 'Land of Lunacy'!
The Niagara Landowners of Niagara has been struggling against NPCA corruption for years and for years it stood alone battling a corrupt government agency.
Even with the added new found voices of other citizen groups we have not yet defeated the corrupt lunatics that have taken control of our government agencies.
Worse these corrupt lunatics are aided and abetted by two types of elected officials; the corrupt lunatices abusing Citizens and the useless lunatics allowing abuse to happen. 
In Niagara, 24 new Councilors were elected; six considered abusers with the rest considered useless enablers.
Throughout all the efforts of all the volunteer Citizen Groups there has only been 3 members of higher government politicians who have supported the cause of protecting Citizens from bureaucratic abuse; 1 Democrat MPP and 2 Conservative MPs.
Witnessing the shenanigans of our Ontario court systems gives us a clear indication that the only way to defeat the lunacy of funding government by stealing equity from innocent property owners is through political activity! Certainly doing nothing hasn't helped!
It's imperative that politicians and their political parties fully understand that their window of authority will be only one term of office if they follow in the footsteps of silent lunacy!

Sunday, 25 November 2018

The William Crapper Award

News Alert Niagara is inaugurating the first ever annual 'William Crapper Award'
The 'William Crapper Award' goes to the most publicly nominated authoritarian government agency for crappy conduct!
Eligibility for this crappy award is any taxpayer funded entity that immorally, illegally  or disrespectfully abuses the Taxpaying Citizen.   
Please send your nominations along with a short example of your nominees crappy conduct to Editor; 

24 new Regional Councilors and...

none of them considered to be good enough to replace former Chair Caslin.

What a crock of CA-CA! 

     Niagara voters elected the best they were offered in the belief and hope that every single one of them had the ability to fulfill all duties assigned to them!
Did the Voters make a collective mistake?
     The back room political power brokers are once again trying to impose their will on the Citizens of Niagara by attempting to seat as Chairman of our Region one of Creepy Kate Wynne's stealthy machiavellian architects of the failed Ontario Liberal Government.
     In fact, Bradley was so successful that he helped to drive the liberal government into the ground and without party status!
The electorate voted for change!
Bradley is not the change Niagara needs!
Bradley is the antithesis of change!
Keep him in a councilor's chair where we can observe his brilliant contributions! 

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

A Study in elected Corruption (Update #8)

Finally the Niagara Peninsula Corruption Authority has definitely outed themselves as a 'Shill for Developers!'

This study is the culmination of years of observation and through the effort of many organizations and a small army of dedicated Citizens in the face of absolute secrecy.
.If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely then surely the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) epitomizes  corruption of power predicated on the NPCA's opinion that they answer to no one, are accountable to no one according to their stated belief in the Ontario Government act that created their absolute authority. 

Study of the Niagara Peninsula Corruption Authority 
Following Mr. Ed Smith’s pointed presentation at the (45:00 Minute Mark) to the NPCA Board of Directors meeting September 20, 2017 the board members sat in sullen silence without so much as asking Smith a single question.

As an example Smith picked his ‘smallest case’ concerning the overcharge of ($800.00) for a so-called ‘Freedom of Information’ (FOI) request.

Expanding on Mr. Smith’s example we offer some of the outrageous behavior foisted on innocent Niagara Citizens at the hands of the Niagara Peninsula Corruption Authority all with the approval of the NPCA Board of Directors.

'News Alert Niagara' points out the true character of the Niagara Peninsula Corruption Authority! (NPCA)

Starting with some of the Niagara Land Owner Association (NLA) many disturbing stories Synopsis of NPCA Tyranny’.

The above members of the NPCA Board of Directors has authorized some of the most unbelievable attacks on private property and home owners including ‘A Travesty of Justice’, ‘Smoking Gun’ and many more.

Most egregious is the NPCA’s corrupt practice of charging private property owners and even ‘judge shopping’ over so-called environmental transgressions, while ignoring the same transgressions perpetrated by developers and friends. Thundering waters being a most significant example! 

The same NPCA Board Members allowed their staff to promote their ‘Bovine Waste’ of ‘Bio-diversity off-setting’ scheme in a specious effort to destroy The ‘Thundering Waters’ Provincially Significant Wetlands slough forest in favor of development.

1. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS we have ‘wetland designation’ placed on valuable properties for insiders to pick up cheap! 

2. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA claims authority over all home owners yet has no home owner representation on the Citizen Liaison Advisory  committee! 

3. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS we have lost an astonishing amount of our natural environment!

Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA has extortionists on payroll!

4. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS, NPCA employees trespass without notice!

5.  Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS staff demands a $1400/$1800 work permit to have expensive professional soil testing (geotechnical assessment) at a further cost of many $thousands only to have the professional soil test refused!

6. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the required Citizens Liaison Advisory Committee (CLAC) is avoided like the plague because the CLAC Members object to some of the boards directives and because the CLAC members refuse to sign a ‘code of secrecy’ clause as directed by Bruce Timms.

7. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA started holding their monthly board meetings in locations other than their own venue in an attempt to avoid public scrutiny. They even gave false directions to venues in remote locations such as the Port Colborne & District Conservation Gun Club!

8. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA CAO, Carmen D`Angelo physically assaulted a photo journalist and used police to enforce trespass for taking a picture at their public board meeting!

9. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA 2018 budget slashes 29% of workforce watershed and corporate services salaries by $863,889.00.

10. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS there is a $half-million dollar increase in salaries proposed for the CAO/Administration department!

11. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA conduct is the reason they are now battling a worker protective union!

12. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA changed their regular 6:30 pm meeting times to 9:30 am to further eliminate Working Citizens from scrutinizing their activities!

13. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA reduces the Speaker Volume for the public gallery necessitating continued calls to ‘turn up the gallery speakers’!

14. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS we witnessed a near meltdown at the sight of an audio recorder!

15. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS we have captured a recorded NPCA admission of Land Confiscation without Compensation!

16. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS a call from citizens and several MPPs for a forensic audit have been continually stalled!

17. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS we citizens find ourselves under the authority of people who, like their ilk in Pelham, believe they are omnipotent! Now they face the wrath of Citizens and Ontario Members of Parliament Bradley and Forster who are fed up with NPCA Corruption!

18. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA arrogantly called concerned Citizens a 'Special interest group' and "Fringe group of complaining people!

19. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA totally destroyed Mark Barnfield over trumped-up charges even though Barnfield already had permits for non-permanent paint ball facilities, while the cunning NPCA board built a commercial banquet hall in competition with private enterprise. 
Worse they built this competitive commercial banquet hall on a UNESCO World Biosphere Park-Balls Falls!

20. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA want us to believe that their sins of the past are in their past and that they have changed! However they still have innocent Citizens trapped in our judiciary and they have yet to make amends for past conduct!

21. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA has been funding their NPCA Foundation with the money they 
Legally Stole in court action from Niagara's private Citizens!

22. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA executive was allowed to bring an expensive, improper and losing lawsuit against private Citizen whistle blower, Major Ed Smith. Message from Judge Ramsay to NPCA Board: NPCA board needs to accept its missteps — or resign and allow others to frame the future!

23. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS foul mouthed lying bully member of the board is allowed to disparage our judiciary simply because the NPCA lost their illegitimate lawsuit against a private citizen!

24. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA has wasted $Half a Million Dollars on persecution of Niagara Citizens, its own employees and innocent property owners!

25. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA wasted another 
$50,000 tax dollars on the best flattering report money could buy! 

26. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS 'News Alert Niagara' has been accused of having a number of untrue statements in this article 'A Study in Corruption'! 

27. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA refuses to address the alleged 'untrue statements(with the exception of The CAO diatribe) even when asked several times to do so!

28. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the executive is allowed to decide who addresses the Board! 

29. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA is allowed to lie to our municipalities!

30. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the NPCA has blamed their conduct on the Ontario Liberal Government! 

31. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the executive of the NPCA has caused a negative December 8, 2017 Brief to Premier and Minsters on the NPCA!

32. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the executive of the NPCA is allowed to lie and mislead our municipal governments and to Niagara Citizens!

33. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the executive of the NPCA is allowed to bully Media at Niagara Regional Council!

34. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the executive of the NPCA was allowed to make Mr. Smith and Family wait until the last minute of December 27, 2017 to NOT inform Smith and Family that the appeal was moot! 
Merry Christmas!

35. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS Former CAO D'Angelo and former Chair Bruce Timms have succeeded in ripping-off the City of Hamilton in their provincially supported empire building!

36. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS property rights of Citizens have and are being severely trampled on with the approval of elected government!

37. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS Citizens are forced to pay for a non-refundable building permit BEFORE the Citizen is allowed to present their case to the NPCA Board of Directors! 

38. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS The NPCA looked the other way when Mount Carcinogen was Born!

 39. Under the direction of the NPCA board of DIRECTORS the slap suit cost created by former NPCA CAO Carmen D 'Angelo will be born by the hapless taxpayer!

40. Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS the NPCA is allowed to dishonor contracts!
41. Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS the NPCA allowed their newly formed propaganda team to mislead the Taxpayer with half-truths and lies!

42. Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS the NPCA allowed their Chair to lie to our Municipalities on their behalf!

 Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS the NPCA attack innocent home owners as in 'An Extraordinarily Disgusting Story'

44. Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS their sordid CAO Carman D`Angelo was boosted beyond his ability to contaminate the CAO position of our Niagara Regional Government!

45. Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS the NPCAhas received rebuke from none other than Ontario's Auditor General!

46. Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS the NPCA was caught using corrupt hiring practices!

47. Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS the NPCA lost public Trust!

48. Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS the corruption of the NPCA was allowed to metastasize to every level of government and judiciary they come in contact with!

49. Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS the NPCA corruption transformed the NPCA from a conservation entity into to a vile and abusive empire building machine!

50. Under the direction of the NPCA the board of DIRECTORS can possibly be excused for their silence given that their inappropriate oath and their non-disclosure contact to this dodgy secret society is overly onerous as can be witnessed at the 5:00 Minute Mark of their swearing in ceremonyPlease note the absence of mention regarding conservation of our environment or to the society that pays their freight!  
Never in the history of Canada have so many been deceived by so few!

Objections and/or Corrections can always be made in the 'Comments Section' below

Don't forget to click on the Blue Links to Complete the Study

1 comment:

Our present system breeds corruption. We need to be able to hold all politicians accountable for their actions, by way of suing them personally, of their own money. It would not stop all corruption, but at least it would drop the level of corruption we are witnessing in today's society. The democracy we have right now has no deterrent built into the system to stop corruption. If we sue a politician, it costs us tens of thousands of dollars to hire a lawyer. It costs the politician nothing, he gets to use our tax dollars to pay for his lawyer. If we win, the monies we receive comes from the taxpayers too. If we lose, we must pay the politicians legal fees too. No wonder few people sue these days, it's unaffordable for most people and the risk is too high. Our inaction gives our politicians a sense of increased power and entitlement to continue with 'their ways'. I believe this is why corruption has reached an all time high. Your thoughts?

1 comment:

In the mid 1800's, Sir John Dalberg-Acton, 8th Baronet likely said it best "Power Corrupts and absolute Power Corrupts absolutely....." and to this day, nothing has changed. I find that all Conservation Authorities have too much power not just the NPCA - just some are a little more dishonest than others...Dick Brady

1 comment:

  1. It's the same story the NPCA response is we will improve and do what the AG recommend. To bad they don't admit they ruined many life's of citizens and then look away at the people they want to let develop. Look at Coyle Creek in Welland and there is more than this. Look at News Alert Niagara's other stories. The whole board of directors should not be re-elected. I hope people think long and hard on this issue. Vote corruption out.