Tuesday, 28 July 2020


For those so blind they refuse to see  and those to deaf to hear!

For those who would deny the free flow of communications between the Elected officials and their constituents or worse to deny email information to the elected officials from Citizens.
Here is how Outlook Email Works.
An email message sent via outlook usually shows up on the recipients inbox.
However, when the sender wants to know when and if the message has been delivered the sender can click on the options and highlight the 'Request a Delivery Receipt' which indicates the email has shown on the recipients computer.
The only way the 'Request a Delivery Receipt' does not show on the senders computer is when the message has been interfered with or blocked as in censored!
If a sender of an email wants to know if the recipient reads the message the sender can click on the 'Request a Read Receipt'. In this case the Recipient can either open to read the message or delete without reading the message. Either way the sender knows if his message is read or deleted without being read.
If nothing happens there is every possibility the the recipient has never received the message arguably because the message was deviously withheld from the recipient.
The Citizens elected their officials in full belief that their choices could handle a simple email!
Why would a legitimate government want to deprive their elected members of email information? Are they afraid information might cause harm? What kind of harm? Harm to whom?
Interfering with email between Citizens and their elected officials is the most egregious form of contemptible censorship and has no place in a civilized society.
A respectable Government has no place for those who would deprive elected officials of information from Citizens! https://newsalertniagara.blogspot.com/2020/01/integrity-niagara.html
Our officials where elected to serve, not to allow bureaucrats to subvert democracy!
Please Note: Unlike unwanted Flyers and hard copy junk mail, emails are easy to delete.

All those with a different perspective are welcome to express their thoughts in the comment section provided at the bottom of every article of News Alert Niagara.

This message was sent to all elected Regional Councilors on the morning of July 30, 2020 and again the following morning with the same zero results.
It was intercepted and not delivered to the intended recipients including back to the sender's email.
.Since liberal chair Jim Bradley is in charge of the Niagara Regional Regime perhaps he or his CAO could explain how this is being done and who is in charge of this interference and the tampering with mail to our elected officials? 
So much for Bradley's Promise of Trust, Openness, Civility, Integrity and Transparency!

Monday, 27 July 2020

The Trudeau Criminal Gang

The whole sordid cycle of crime and corruption of the McGuinty/Wynne Ontario Liberals has been taken up by the Federal Liberal Regime under the Trudeau Liberal Criminal Gang. 

According to the 'Niagara Independent' and their Editor in Chief Kevin Vallier our St. Catharines Member of Parliament Chris Bittle berated a journalist at the committee investigating the Trudeau 'WE' scandal. Apparently if the Trudeau Liberals can't  control the media with a hundreds of million taxpayer dollars they try to control the media with intimidation, harassment, investigation of non-conforming journalists including their spouse right down to the schools their children attend. 
Thank God for Independent and Social Media!
The report indicates that PM Trudeau's gang member not only tried to be the arbiter of who is or who is not a journalist but Liberal MP Chris Bittle took it a step further by attempting to be the arbiter of who can or can not testify before a finance committee investigating the Trudeau gang's crime and corruption (Criminal Code 121)
Are we surprised, really?
St. Catharines MP Chris Bittle may not be corrupt as his fellow Liberals but he is placing himself into the slick Liberal 'crime slime' involving the 'Decline of our Nation' everywhere a Liberal crawls.
No one knows when or where the Liberal Party lost its integrity but certainly the McGuinty/Wynne Liberal Regime abused the Citizens of Ontario to the point where those same Citizens punished the Liberals with the stunning loss of even their official party  status.

Again, we find it disturbing that our very own St. Catharines MP Chris Bittle is attacking anyone opposed to the Liberal crime gang of Prime Minister Justine Trudeau. 
Instead of St. Catharines MP Chris Bittle inserting himself into the defense of the Trudeau Crime gang he should be doing what he was expected to do and that is to defend his constituents. MP Bittle should be defending free speech in St. Catharines City Hall. He should be defending the local media against unlawful seizure of media equipment by the Niagara Regional regime who has then held said equipment for years. (since Dec. 7 2017)
Sadly MP Bittle had nothing to say with regard to the horror being perpetrated on his innocent constituents at the hands his fellow authorities.

While this St. Catharines Liberal gang member enthusiastically denigrates his constituents he has nothing to say about his fellow Liberalistas' reluctance to take action against the criminal element in the Niagara Regional Regime. 
If MP Bittle wants to message the Regions Councilors he will have to do it without email because his fellow Liberalista blocks emails to his Regime's Councilors.
Because of the Liberal crime gang's Machiavellian prowess in avoiding the ethics and laws of Canada his Liberalista Family has become the poster criminals for recall legislation predicated on their ability to wreak so much havoc in less than a single term in power. A recall mechanism would change the psychological trajectory of would be political criminals. 
Canadian Citizens deserve the protection of a recall mechanism!

Comments pro or con can be can be posted below

Monday, 20 July 2020

What's the Plan?

Why are so many people starting to question their future? Why are so many starting to question the veracity of those they have elected and hired? 
Could their concern be predicated on the very conduct of those that they have mistakenly hired and elected? 
At every level of our government there is the sickening view of society's resources being wasted or worse stolen? People are becoming aware of their diminishing rights and freedoms. They are chafing at the avalanche of lopsided laws and regulations administered by an unaccountable court system. Citizens are witnessing criminal elements from the highest levels of their Federal government all the way down to their municipal governments and sub-governments. Perhaps its as simple as the recent corruption in hiring practices or the willingness to drop the ball on holding corrupt politicians accountable.

Citizens are no longer accepting the bovine-waste of 'We'll just have to make sure that it doesn't happen again' as a sorry excuse for a regime's crime and lawlessness.
Evidence can be viewed in 'News Alert Niagara' that we have been chronicling the 'Decline of our Nation' for years and doing so in the face of despicable 'Useful Idiots' and their  tone-deaf sycophants. 
It certainly doesn't help when presented with Saul Alinsky's book titled 'Rules for Radicals' with his 8 point plan on how to create a fascist tyrannical state, a squalid state that has destroyed every country where it has been tried.

It may be that our leaders are not following Alinsky's 8 point plan but the consequences of our leader's actions are becoming more and more suspect right down to 'papers please' for Citizens to simply enjoy a visit to a public beach.
As it turns out we must be suffering from some amount of 'useful idiots' in order for our society to be so perfectly engulfed in fascist Saul Alinsky's mush-headed, dangerous and evil 8 point plan.
Sadly, 'useful idiots' have no concept of what awaits them, their families and their society when 'useful idiots' are no longer useful!

PS. What ghosted specter went though the mind of the French leaders when they asked their military to clear the freeways of trucks during a national strike only to be told that there was no guarantee which way the troops would face? 

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

A Blog by Any Other Name

Is just nomenclature jargon pointing to the absolute fact that it is part and parcel of social media.
And what is social media? Social media is the extension and continuation of the historic dissemination of news, opinion and information to society, for society and among society for the benefit of society! 
How important is social media? Maybe we should ask the failing newspapers! Newspapers that are closing down their paper editions in favor of social media blogging. Newspapers that have become little more than advertising flyers with a smattering of relevant information owned and operated by a handful of corporations often under the financial influence of government. 
Now we come to the crucial bit. Now is the time to make the plausible claim that social media belongs to society and NOT the private domain of any corporation or individual and certainly NOT to be under the control of ideologues skewing the very concept of free speech. 
Try to imagine for a moment having your telephone or internet service interrupted or terminated predicated on someone or some entity deciding they considered your conversation went against their version of 'community standards' or that you were conversing too fast or that you were spreading your opinion among too many others!

.When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone he gave it to the Citizens of the world. He didn't stick around to censor the Citizen's use of his invention or to use his invention to abuse the Citizen by interfering with the Citizen's right to free speech! Inventing, discovering or even the ownership of such does not mean the inventor, discoverer or even the owner is the arbiter of 'community standards' nor does it put same in control of 'free speech'! 
The most pronounced example of Facebook censoring and controlling free speech is their removing the 'share button' whenever Facebook doesn't want the Citizen to have their opinion transmitted to others on matters not approved by Facebook or their political mastersSocial media is far to important to society to allow it's inherit free speech to be abused by anyone on the bases of ownership. Facebook censors are so petty that they even truncate 'See more memories' while overlooking full blown pornography!
Facebook claims to protect social media under their charade of 'community standards' by denying access WITHOUT explanation or recourse. This, from an entity that sells advertising to scam artists who cheat Citizens under the Facebook claim of 'community standards'. 
Buy a product - get a key chain!

OMG! Don't let the Citizens 'SHARE' this!
OMG! Don't let the Citizens 'SHARE' this!
 OMG! Don't let the Citizens 'SHARE' this!
OMG! Don't let the Citizens 'SHARE' this!
The reason this conspiracy against the Citizen is allowed is because the powers that be want it that way! The powers that be are afraid of the Citizen coming to their own conclusions through free speech!
What is the message when not a single political party of our government is willing to defend our Rights and Freedoms?

Saturday, 11 July 2020

The Great Charter of Greed

Long before Covid 19 and long before our government 'went south' on us Preston Haskell, Photographer took exception to the conduct of our largely unaccountable Canadian 'Charter' Banks.
In a little 115 page book aptly titled 'Charter of Greed' Haskell utilized his considerable dearth of writing skills to expose layers of abuse perpetrated by banks, banks under a very protective 'charter' and their respective low level operatives and bank managers. 
Some of his friends said that Haskell would never get another loan. His friends didn't realize that a kick in the bank's pants gets you more respect in the sense that they are more willing, within reason, to give you what you need just to get your butt out the door.
Without realizing it Haskell's little contretemps with his bank taught him how to operate his little photography business WITHOUT the mythical business bank loans. 
Radio CKTB, St. Catharines had Haskell on air for 30 minutes espousing how the 'Charter of Greed' lets everyone know what to do if you are at an impasse with your bank manager! 
'Charter of Greed' illustrates Haskell's unique method of finding the right people to intercede with your banking problems and his discovery on how to deliver your message to the very top of the bank's hierarchy! 
Haskell's biggest surprise was the size of the book order from the Canadian Banking association (CBA). Haskell's cronies laughingly suggested that the CBA needed a book for each of their lawyers.
So much for the history lesson.
What is infinitely more important is the apparent need for an update!
Iceland and Ireland arrested their bankers in desperation. In Canada The 'Charter of Greed' Banks rake in $Billions with not so much as a whimper from the feckless and corrupt leaders we have elected and hired.

PS: We are looking for a proof reader...

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Where is the Mighty Media?

Thousands of concerned Citizens mobilized on Canada's Parliament Hill to express their legitimate grievances to those they have elected and hired.
OOPS! They are not there! Of course they'er not there because they don't want to hear from their constituents! 
They are good at pontificating but when it comes to listening - not so much!
Once a CORRUPT Regime controls the Media they are then free to expand their tyranny.
Of course those hired and elected Mandarins wouldn't have to be there if the Mighty Media that the 'Liberalista control' would have been there to broadcast the event and the people's concerns to all and sundry! 
So why was our much vaunted and self-aggrandizing Mighty Media not there? Did they assume they would have no opportunity for race baiting, to stoke the seeds of hatred, to stir the pot, to promote racism on behalf of those with a vested interest ? Where they concerned that there would be no fireworks, friction or violence that they could exploit?
It was noticeable that the Mighty Media missed the Citizen's effort to inform the U.S. Ambassador about the CORRUPTION of the Canadian Liberal Government.
Are you loath to inform Canadian Citizens that the USMCA Trade Agreement can be in jeopardy on the basis of CORRUPTION!
In case you have forgotten the concept of 'Freedom of the Press' is to hold authorities  accountable - NOT to collaborate or to assist a criminal regime in driving Canada in the wrong direction
Media becomes collaborators exponentially with acceptance and reliance of undeserved tax funds handed out by squalid regimes hell bent on controlling information. 
Perhaps that's just the kind of media you get when you accept a payoff from tyrants! Perhaps we've discovered the reason that social media is under threat! Perhaps unfunded social media is the only source of 'pure reason'!
The point is that the jaded Mighty Media is no longer the 'be all & end all'!
Do NOT overlook the Blue Links