Friday, 28 February 2020

Graffiti Scribble

The War on Scribble Continues

In 2005 we proffered a solution instead of penalizing the victim

Decades in Authority and still don't know what to do!

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

The Reason for the Velvet Revolution

Remembering the reason for Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution.

The reason for the revolution is because once you vote in a socialist style government you can never vote them out! 
On Nov. 17, 1989, during their annual International Students Day observance, 15,000 students in Prague began demonstrating against the Communist Party's authoritarian rule over the country. After the official end of the demonstration, the students continued marching to the centre of the city. When they reached Národní Street, they were met by security forces who, after blocking all escape routes, began attacking. (as with the Toronto Kettling Disgrace).
Afterwards, unfounded rumors of an injured or possibly dead student triggered strikes among students, actors, and other theater workers. 
These groups began calling for a general strike later in the month. Within days, mass demonstrations were happening in Prague's Wenceslas Square and spreading to other cities. 
By Nov. 27, the movement had grown so large that 75 per cent of the population participated in general strike across the country. Demonstrators and dissidents would successfully achieve the nonviolent end to communist rule over Czechoslovakia on Dec. 10 and within months Soviet troops would leave the country.
Other counties entered the slavery of
socialism predicated on criminal corruption,debilitating inequity, political abuse of free speech & free press! All too many had to overthrow Liberalista socialism by violent deadly force! Some are still suffering! Some are still entering!
Click HERE to follow Nancy & Preston on a fabulous tour of beautiful Prague, Czechoslovakia. 

Monday, 17 February 2020

Quick, The Kid Still has a Crust of Bread

What has 'News Alert Niagara' done? 

No sooner had 'News Alert Niagara' published our article titled: Taxing Children into Poverty than the headlines scream out the news that water bills in the City of St. Catharines are to increase by $51 for the average St. Catharines Child's home - ONLY 6.2 per cent (again multiples of inflation) of a child's home! 
City engineer Anthony Martuccio said the cost of underground work between 2014 and 2018 ranged from $400 to $800 per metre.
Today, those costs have jumped to $1,000 to $1,600 per metre.
Wow! The Cost per meter doubled in one year with no explanation as to what caused this astonishing escalation in price! This on top of last year's increase and not a single question from our city councilors as to why the the staggering cost hike.
In 1989 all of our feckless Canadian leaders swore to wipe out 'Child Poverty' by the turn of the century. Their extraordinary failure is on squalid visual display.
Watching our civic leaders huddled around the council table does not fill the imagination with hope that there is even one amongst them that gives a rat-sass to the plight of our children. The only time you hear "its for the children" is from people with their hand out!
Perhaps we missed our councilor's vociferous concern regarding 'Taxing our Children into Poverty'. Perhaps they raised their voice while hiding  from the public in Camera.
Dear Officials of failure; Silent 'Spend & Taxers', Heroes of the absurd; here is a statistic for you to chew on: 
22% or a little more than one-in-five of our precious children living in poverty while so many are using 'its for the children' as a means to their own selfish ends!

It has been said that some people; people who should know better will tax you out of everything and then expect thanks for the food stamps!
It is well past time to seriously consider cutting one dollar for every dollar added. As a matter of fact, the 'paring of the pile of bovine Waste' that has been piled onto the backs of citizens over the years is in desperate need of correction.
.The official baffle-gab will not excuse spend & tax in the face of Government creation of poverty and homelessness including the pure theft of a defenseless and vulnerable child's rights.

Please tell us Dear Leader, how you envision our future in the face of inflationary tax increases at multiple the rate of inflation? 
Click HERE to get a taste of historic bureaucratic concern

Who will be the first to declare 'enough is enough' on taxing our kids into poverty?

Happy Family Day Councilors

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Taxing Children into Poverty

One out of five children in St. Catharines live in poverty: reported in Niagara this Week 

It’s a number that may surprise the average person, but doesn’t really come as a shock to those in the know. According to Campaign 2000, a network of organizations that work on child and family issues, there are 4,280 children living below-the-poverty line in the St. Catharines electoral district. That works out to 22 per cent of children, or a little more than one out of every five. -Niagara this Week

News Alert Niagara has been sounding the alarm that poverty and homelessness will only increase as the cost of living increases exponentially driven by property tax increases at multiples the rate of inflation.
The answer does not lie in more charity, which only masks the problem! The answer lies in the proper husbanding of our economy!

On our current trajectory failure of our economy is a mathematical certainty! 

Obviously those we have elected and hired follow the course of least resistance when it comes to husbanding our economy. Authorities who increase taxes at multiples the rate of inflation must never be reelected!
Could it be time for a volunteer committee to be tasked with finding ways of cutting out waste and unnecessary expenditures including tax-funding support of questionable entities.

Try to remember this at the next election!

Friday, 7 February 2020

The Failure of Facebook

Is Facebook is a business that serves the public?

If Facebook is a business that serves the public then what right does Facebook have to deny service to anyone without articulating a reason for the denial? Facebook has censored countless Citizens over specious 'Community Standards!  
Certainly making a spurious claim of contravention of Facebook's 'Community Standards' flies in the face of community standards. 

Worse, how does any entity, business or otherwise,  have the unmitigated Gaul to tout their version of 'Community Standards' while they collude with 'crooks and scammers' to victimize their patrons by continuing to 'SELL' advertising to criminals!
When a Baker can be penalized for refusing service even though he gave his reason it is incomprehensible that Facebook can deny service without articulating any reason.
Without articulating how I may have contravened their so-called 'Community Standards', Facebook has repeatedly taken away my ability make correction in order to come into compliance with their so-called 'Community Standards'
Without articulating how I may have contravened their so-called 'Community Standards', Facebook has repeatedly taken away my ability to Post, share, comment or even like or dislike someone's post!
It is even worse that our feckless authorities do not hold Facebook to 'Community Standards'.
If needs be I will be looking for a law firm willing to take on this behemoth using some fanciful 'Community Standards' list to withhold service.

PS. This legitimate complaint is posted in an attempt to get through to Facebook.

Gentleman Bill Hodgson Rides Again

When it comes to character Bill Hodgson is definitely a gentleman

However it remains to be seen whether or not his new appointment to the 'Provincial Water Source Committee' is a blessing or a curse.
 Lets hope that Mr. Hodgson is not jumping from the frying pan into the fire! After all the crap that he had to endure at the hands of  'louts and liars' of the corrupt Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA)
Now Mr. Hodgson is attaching his good name to another unaccountable, feckless and wasteful level of government that is not living up to their mandate or at least the reason they were formed in the first place (Walkerton). Mr. Hodgson will not tolerate more of the same corruption manifest in the NPCA.
There are thousands of Citizens fighting (for years) to protect their endangered aquifer that supplies their drinking water and they claim 'Niagara Water Protection Alliance' has NOT YET heard from the 'Provincial Water Source Committee' whose mandate is to protect safe and clean drinking water.
Given reports that the Port Colborne water source is contaminated with micro particles of plastic it is imperative that their precious aquifer be protected.

Perhaps the 'Provincial Water Source Committee' should get down to Port Colborne, Ontario and find out what is happening before it is to late, since they are supposed to be the champion of safe, clean drinking water.
People who know Gentlemen Bill Hodgson know he will not allow his committee; a committee born of a polluted drinking well in Walkerton, Ontario to self-destruct over polluted aquifer drinking water wells in Port Colborne, Ontario.
And perhaps our Ontario Government should stop creating costly pseudo-government entities before  financial bankruptcy!

The 'Provincial Water Source Committee' now has the great opportunity to set the record straight in the comment section below.

This article has been emailed to our politicians!

Saturday, 1 February 2020

Government Plunder

On Monday November 11, 2019 'News Alert Niagara' Published an article regarding the legality of a municipality to unilaterally tear down a Canadian Citizen's home because the municipality does not like the way a Citizen keeps his back yard.
As you can see in the article the Town of Fort Erie refused to answer. 
If a municipality has the unilateral right to tear down a Canadian Citizen's home based on that municipality's opinion that the Citizen's back yard doesn't suit then they have the right to unilaterally tear down your home because they don't like the color of your lawn chairs!
If like the hapless Town of Fort Erie Resident you do not have the financial ability to fight for your home in a court of law then just like the hapless victim you will sell the now vacant lot and walk away. 
Finally on January 27, 2020 under pressure from the Ontario Ombudsmen's office we received a disconcerting statement basically stating that unilaterally tearing down a Canadian Citizens home is none of anyone's business! The Town of Fort Erie can argue that the tearing down of a Citizen's home is a confidential matter between the Town and the property owner, however 'News Alert Niagara' contends that the ability to unilaterally tear down a Citizen's home is of everyone's concern.
I would like to apologize for the late response.
Your enquiry regarding the tearing down of a home by the Town is a confidential matter between the Town and the property owner.
Tom Kuchyt, C.E.T.
Chief Administrative Officer
1 Municipal Centre
Fort Erie ON
L2A 2S6

The Ontario Ombudsman's office has been alerted. The Town of Fort Erie's 'Integrity Commissioner' has been alerted! The 'Article' in question has been forwarded to those in authority, to no avail.
It is not up to and not possible for 'News Alert Niagara' to enforce legalities on rogue Governments.
Government plunder diminishes our democracy to no more value than the right to vote?

All we can do is report!

The politicians that tout their Trust, Integrity, Civility, Transparency and Openness now have the opportunity to explain themselves in the comment section below!