When it comes to character Bill Hodgson is definitely a gentleman
However it remains to be seen whether or not his new appointment to the 'Provincial Water Source Committee' is a blessing or a curse.
Lets hope that Mr. Hodgson is not jumping from the frying pan into the fire! After all the crap that he had to endure at the hands of 'louts and liars' of the corrupt Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA).
There are thousands of Citizens fighting (for years) to protect their endangered aquifer that supplies their drinking water and they claim 'Niagara Water Protection Alliance' has NOT YET heard from the 'Provincial Water Source Committee' whose mandate is to protect safe and clean drinking water.
Given reports that the Port Colborne water source is contaminated with micro particles of plastic it is imperative that their precious aquifer be protected.
Given reports that the Port Colborne water source is contaminated with micro particles of plastic it is imperative that their precious aquifer be protected.
Perhaps the 'Provincial Water Source Committee' should get down to Port Colborne, Ontario and find out what is happening before it is to late, since they are supposed to be the champion of safe, clean drinking water.
People who know Gentlemen Bill Hodgson know he will not allow his committee; a committee born of a polluted drinking well in Walkerton, Ontario to self-destruct over polluted aquifer drinking water wells in Port Colborne, Ontario.
And perhaps our Ontario Government should stop creating costly pseudo-government entities before financial bankruptcy!
The 'Provincial Water Source Committee' now has the great opportunity to set the record straight in the comment section below.
thank you Preston