Thursday, 26 December 2019

Corruption at the TOP

Mike Gallagher, the 8th most recognized talk radio personality, in the U.S.A.; he is heard by over 2.25 million listeners weekly. He compiled and wrote the following essay entitled,
“Obama: It was You.”

It was you who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner -“I am one of you.”
It was you who on ABC News referenced -“My Muslim faith.”
It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict-“I will stand with the Muslims.”

It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that, “I am a Muslim.”
It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.
It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
It was you who purposefully omitted – “endowed by our Creator ” – from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the ‘HOLY’ Qur’an.
It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.
It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the White House.
It was you who ordered Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested the mosques you have visited to adjust their decor.
It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.
It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security.
It was you who said that NASA’s “foremost mission” was an outreach to Muslim communities.
It was you who as an Illinois Senator was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.
It was you who was the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the White House, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the White House tree.
It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.
It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.
It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.
It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.
It was you who ordered the United States Postal Service to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community.
It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.
It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal White House religious events.
It was you who was uncharacteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, formerly America’s strongest ally in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of Egyptian Christians.
It was you who appointed your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.
It was you who said this country is not a Christian nation.
PLEASE! Distribute this far and wide
Yep, he’s a Duck, alright.

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Tax to Prosperity - Sequel

Sir Winston Churchill once said that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
Blindly heaving on the handle of a bucket flies in the face of overwhelming and historic evidence as written in 'The Wealth of Nations' by Adam Smith or as chronicled in 'Decline of the West' by Oswald Spengler and by the failure of every society that has tried to tax itself into prosperity
Who will be the first to say that Churchill was talking about 'National Debt' not 'Municipal Debt'.
It won't be the 'Totally Free' The Niagara Independent online news!
The first paragraph of the 'Niagara Independent's most enlightening article' says it all: 'Residents in Niagara will see a sharp increase in the amount of taxes they will be paying next year as the Regional government passed its 2020 budget last Thursday night. The increases include a 5.92 per cent overall property tax increase, a 5.15 per cent hike on the water and waste water tax bill as well as a 9.9 per cent increase for waste management services despite a reduction in waste management services. It’s the largest tax increase in at least a decade.' 
Add City Tax increase - example St. Catharines 3.92 %
Not to mention Provincial and Federal Tax increases, Fines, Fees and Property Theft.
In true Kathleen Wynne double speak Chair Bradley said  "Regional Council was faced with some challenging decisions on the 2020 budget, however we continued to invest in Niagara’s future through support for high quality service delivery." 
Chair Bradley is correct in that 'high quality' means the most politicians anywhere in Canada; the greatest number of the greatest new cop shops; the greatest new anything other than the greatest husbanding of the public purse!
Government is the greatest cause of poverty and homelessness and the Niagara Regime is no exception! The government's cost to the taxpayers at multiples of inflation leads nowhere but to the eventual devastation of society

Only Councilors Redekop, Bylsma, Heit, and Insanna voted not to accept the brazen NEW tax increases!
It is very unfortunate that the rest of our Regime's Councilors acquiesce in the direction of so many historic and failed societies not least of which was the recent devastation of Jim Bradley's Ontario Liberal Regime.
Sadly this brazen scheme to cover their pay increases was deliberately spawned mid-term in an effort to ward off public backlash at election time!
Always an excuse - Always someone else's fault!
Please Click Blue Links 

Click HERE to watch your Regional Regime in action

Monday, 23 December 2019

Debt of Destruction

Sir Winston Churchill once said that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.

Who will be the first to say that Churchill was talking about 'National Debt' not 'Municipal Debt'.
It won't be the 'Totally Free' The Niagara Independent online news!
The first paragraph of the 'Niagara Independent's most enlightening article' says it all: 'Residents in Niagara will see a sharp increase in the amount of taxes they will be paying next year as the Regional government passed its 2020 budget last Thursday night. The increases include a 5.92 per cent overall property tax increase, a 5.15 per cent hike on the water and waste water tax bill as well as a 9.9 per cent increase for waste management services despite a reduction in waste management services. It’s the largest tax increase in at least a decade.' 
Add City Tax increase - example St. Catharines 3.92 %
Not to mention Provincial and Federal Tax increases, Fines, Fees and Property Theft.
In true Kathleen Wynne double speak Chair Bradley said  "Regional Council was faced with some challenging decisions on the 2020 budget, however we continued to invest in Niagara’s future through support for high quality service delivery." 
Chair Bradley is correct in that 'high quality' means the most politicians anywhere in Canada; the greatest number of the greatest new cop shops; the greatest new anything other than the greatest husbanding of the public purse!
Government is the greatest cause of poverty and homelessness and the Niagara Regime is no exception! The government's cost to the taxpayers at multiples of inflation leads nowhere but to the eventual devastation of society
Only Councilors Redekop, Bylsma, Heit, and Insanna voted not to accept the brazen NEW tax increases!
It is very unfortunate that the rest of our Regime's Councilors acquiesce in the direction of so many historic and failed societies not least of which was the recent devastation of Jim Bradley's Ontario Liberal Regime.
Sadly this brazen scheme was deliberately spawned mid-term in an effort to ward off public backlash at election time!
Always an excuse - Always someone else's fault!

Click HERE to watch your Regional Regime in action

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Tampering with Mail

When News Alert Niagara posted a new article under the title:   'What is ‘auditing,’ and why did a YouTuber get shot for doing it?'  we were surprised to learn that the last article that 'we went out of our way' to separately send to the Mayor and Councilors of the City of Welland, Ontario, was met with a notice from each and every Welland Politician had unanimously and in unison blocked our email transmission.
Seated left to right are Councillors: Mary Ann Grimaldi, Leo Van Vliet, Tony DiMarco, Bonnie Fokkens, John Chiocchio. Standing left to right are Councillors: Adam Moote, David McLeod, Graham Speck, Claudette Richard, Bryan Green, Mayor Frank Campion, Jim Larouche, Lucas Spinosa.
News Alert Niagara understands if an individual politician wishes to be removed from our mailing list predicated on their wishing not to know or be kept informed. That is their decision and must be respected.
However, based on positive feedback to over 400 articles we have produced there is growing suspicion that it is unlikely that the Mayor and Councilors of Welland colluded to unanimously and in unison block our email transmission.
For what it's worth News Alert Niagara only publishes actual articles of public interest in its effort to expose corruption. News Alert Niagara never sends advertising or time consuming items that are readily available elsewhere.
Still, after several fruitless phone calls to apprise the City of Welland that their emails could be under attack, we are at a loss.
This brings up the distasteful specter of unlawful censorship of a Councilor's mail by an unknown person. This could come under under Canada's Criminal Code 193 (1) and 194 (1) 
. Welland's integrity Commissioner is Harold Elston 705-443-8183 

Friday, 13 December 2019

What is ‘auditing,’ and why did a YouTuber get shot for doing it?

Very Good Questions
First, 'auditing' is a whole new phenomenon created in response to folks reacting to being deprived of their rights.

Rights auditors are individuals who are laying everything on the line (including their lives) in a struggle to educate bullies that it is totally legal (and your right) to walk on a sidewalk or any public place with a camera. 
Furthermore, it is your right to aim your camera in any direction and at anything the eye can see. 
The eyes cannot be trespassed!
As long as you are conducting yourself legally, no one has the right to even try to ID you (or to interfere with you) and furthermore it is improper for anyone to even ask you to identify yourself. 
Now you know what 'auditing' is and what 'auditors' are about. Predicated on an everlasting onslaught of oath breakers and bullying rights-thieves these specializing and dedicated 'auditing' auditors are numbering in the thousands and their numbers are growing.
OUTCOME: A whole new attitude in court with fines against municipalities now ranging into an accumulating $Billions. When individual penalties against municipalities ranging up to and beyond $20 million there is a much sharper response to police brutality 
WORSE: The sad loss of respect for police has put police lives in danger!
Society needs good police officers, and we do have good police officers, who follow their oath to serve and protect. Unfortunately there are a few bad apples rotting the barrel!

Open Season on Civil Rights

A still from a video by YouTube personality Zhoie Perez, also known as "Furry Potato," which showedher being shot by a security guard outside a Los Angeles synagogue. (Furry Potato/YouTube/PHOTOGRAPHER)
By Kayla Epstein and Avi Selk 
Feb. 15, 2019 at 5:32 p.m. EST
An armed security guard shot a YouTube personality in the leg outside a Los Angeles synagogue on Thursday as the confrontation was live-streamed to thousands of followers.
Zhoie Perez, who goes by the name “Furry Potato” on YouTube, had been filming the guard as part of what she calls a “First Amendment audit.” The second of two videos streamed by Perez shows the guard standing behind a gate with his weapon drawn for about four minutes, before he tells Perez to “get away” and fires his gun. Perez was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. She told The Washington Post on Friday that she was “shaken up, in pain” but okay.
“First Amendment auditing” and its close cousin, “copwatching,” dates from at least the mid-2000s and possibly much earlier (some filmers say they draw inspiration from the civil rights era and early audits carried out with camcorders and VHS tapes). Recently, the practice has morphed into a YouTube subculture, with self-styled “auditors” in many major U.S. cities roaming into suburbs and small towns to see how police react to a camera lens. The photographers consider themselves to be testing their constitutional rights.
In the practice’s purest form, an auditor simply stands in a public space and films and refuses to put the camera down, explain or identify herself or himself when an officer approaches. Perez said she first came across the Los Angeles area community a couple of years ago and felt compelled to create her own videos. “It’s not only about shining a light on the crooked bad cops but shining an even brighter light on the good cops,” she said. “You put yourself in places where you know chances are the cops are going to be called. Are they going to uphold the constitution, uphold the law … or break the law?”
On Thursday, Perez filmed outside the Etz Jacob Congregation and Ohel Chana High School in the historically Jewish Fairfax neighborhood of Los Angeles. Two videos were broadcast live on the Furry Potato YouTube channel, though one appears to have since been deleted. There are brief graphic moments in the second live stream around the four-minute and 37-minute marks, as Perez appears to have been shot and later films her injury from an ambulance.
Perez, who is 45 and a transgender woman, told The Washington Post she initially began filming the synagogue because she was intrigued by the architecture as she walked back from a doctor’s appointment at nearby Cedars-Sinai hospital. “I saw the synagogue, and I said I’m going to go check it out. It’s got a lot of neat stuff on it, like the stained glass windows,” she said. It did not turn into an audit-like situation until the security guard confronted her, she said.
“It turned into an impromptu First Amendment audit because the security guard almost immediately was getting really aggressive with the filming and putting the hand on the gun,” Perez said. At the time, she said, she did not realize the building also housed a school.
Perez also said she was not aware of last year’s Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, in which 11 worshipers were killed by a gunman with anti-Semitic views during Saturday morning services. The massacre put the country’s Jewish community on edge. Many Jewish institutions such as schools and synagogues have some form of security in the event of a threat, and some increased security after the Pittsburgh violence.
The Los Angeles Police Department said in a brief release that officers responded to a call on Thursday to a disturbance that was later upgraded to a “shooting just occurred.” At the scene, officers found a person with a gunshot wound to the leg and transported the person to the hospital. The statement said the security guard was armed and later detained.
Norma Eisenman, a Los Angeles police officer, confirmed to The Post that the guard, Edduin Zelayagrunfeld, 44, had been arrested. She said Perez had not been charged.
The second live-streamed video shows the shooting and some of the events that led to it.
It begins with the synagogue’s security guard standing behind a gate, holding his gun. Perez repeatedly zooms in on the gun as commenters react in real time to the confrontation with messages ranging from “Be careful, girl!” to “Those Jews are crazy!”
“He told me he’s going to shoot me dead,” Perez narrates about two minutes into the stream. “He said if I move he’s going to shoot me dead."
“Why are you recording us?” Zelayagrunfeld asks, still holding the gun. “Why are you recording me? Why are you recording this institution?” Perez does not answer the guard but tells her live-stream viewers once again, “He’s said he’s going to shoot me if I move.”
Four minutes in, he does.
The video appears to show Zelayagrunfeld pointing his gun low, possibly at the ground. There’s a bang, and a second later Perez shouts as the camera swings to the sidewalk. As Perez shouts in agony, “The [expletive] shot me!” Zelayagrunfeld can be heard yelling “get away” before coming out of the gate to berate Perez, saying he had fired a “warning shot."
Bystanders appear to help Perez, while Zelayagrunfeld momentarily follows and insists that he “shot at the floor.” About 12 minutes in, police officers arrive to assist Perez but, according to Perez’s narration, also appear to detain her. “I get shot and I’m going in handcuffs?” Perez asks. “Everything’s live-streamed; 100 percent of it’s live-streamed,” she tells the officers, and declines to provide her name. The camera’s lens is obscured or pointed low to the ground for most of the encounter with police.
In the final moments of the nearly 40-minute stream, Perez, in an ambulance, turns the camera on her wounded leg. She tells her viewers she’s heading to the hospital. She later told KCAL 9 News that “the doctor said it was a graze.”
“This is not only an example of the paranoia in this country among cops and security guards when it comes to citizens with cameras but an example of the dangers of placing armed security guards and cops in schools,” said Carlos Miller, whose website Photography Is Not a Crime employs and writes about auditors. “[Like] many other cops and security guards, this guard lacked basic de-escalation skills, choosing to escalate a nonviolent and lawful interaction with a citizen by firing a deadly weapon. "
In 2018, Perez created a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for her auditing and her transition. It raised $3,575. Later that year, she was arrested for filming outside a Marine Corps recruitment facility, later pleading no contest to one infraction count of disturbing the peace and paid a $100 fine. On Tuesday, Perez streamed a “cop watch” video on YouTube in which she and a friend film and speak to officers in Los Angeles. In the video, Perez narrates that she and the friend were on their way to conduct a separate “audit” when they saw several police cars parked on the street. Perez tells viewers that she and the friend were “making sure that they’re not hurting anybody; that’s it.” At one point, Perez’s friend chats with an officer about the make and model of the cars.
“We’re not auditing this place,” she clarifies in the video.
It’s the so-called failed audits that tend to get the most clicks, which has led to accusations from police that aggressive auditors are intentionally provoking them.
In May, an auditor known as “Mexican Padilla” was arrested while filming (and shouting and cursing) inside a police station in Leon Valley, Tex. This inspired a days-long protest in the town by auditors from across the country — during which police detained, arrested and confiscated cameras from several other YouTube personalities, leading to yet more viral videos and yet more outrage.
Nearly a dozen protesters and auditors are now suing Leon Valley in federal court, alleging that police assaulted, harassed, intimidated and illegally detained them.
In 2017, a federal appeals court ruled in favor of Phillip Turner, an auditor who sued three Fort Worth police officers after he was detained while filming on a sidewalk near a police station. “Filming the police contributes to the public’s ability to hold the police accountable, ensure that police officers are not abusing their power, and make informed decisions about police policy,” wrote Justice Jacques Wiener of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

Monday, 9 December 2019

Repeated Investigations - NPCA Still Corrupt

Superior Court Judge Rules against the NPCA - Still corrupt!
Auditor General Comes in - Corruption continues!
Ontario Ombudsman exposes more corruption - so what?
After years of 'News Alert Niagara' doing our best to alert political Authorities of the misbehavior of the Niagara Peninsula Corruption Authority and being physically abused and having our computers hacked and destroyed, we must now face the fact that the corruption is still systemic.
We put our faith in our gracious new NPCA, CAO Gayle Wood until we learn that she took part in unlawfully withheld public information from the public
The NPCA Web site couldn't even tell the truth regarding the fact that they only complied after they were ordered to do so!
The hope and respect we placed in the NPCA Chairman of the Board, Dave Bylsma has just been crushed by a new Ontario Ombudsman report regarding Code of Conduct violations!
Sadly, we spend $Hundreds of Millions on 3 dozen Conservation Authorities (CA) hell bent on financing their growing empire on the backs on innocent individual Citizens while our precious natural resources are flooded with sewage and our ground water aquifers are polluted far and wide by none other than municipalities and corporations. 
It is obscene for the Ontario Provincial Government to waste precious financial resources on expensive sham organizations operating on a pretense of conservation! 
Many are calling for the conservation authorities to be disbanded and their assets returned to the respective municipalities and under a modicum of accountability by the electorate.
Question: Do we continue waste our financial resources on extra levels of ineffectual government agencies? 

 Following are only a few of the disturbing stories!
Here is a story of a couple who did everything right to start their little business in Welland, Ontario only to be destroyed by the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. (NPCA)
On top of going back to college, getting all required permits and even paying $thousands for an environment assessment the NPCA crushed them after their first few sales and on what basis? 
On the basis of connected underground aquifers, a non-existent Black Gum Tree and a dead turtle skeleton in the roadside ditch. 
The Laws permitting this lunacy run closely akin to the old witch-craft trials.

Then there is the story of a couple who made the big mistake of purchasing a so-called ‘Provincially Significant Wetland’ predicated on their love of all things in nature.
Mistake, because taking on the obligation as official PSW managers, they have suffered harassment, extortion and even malicious prosecution, which the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority has been known for in the past. 
The Niagara Regional Government not only condones this specious conduct, but they even participate by lending regional staff time and facilities including their legal department.

This crime story began when Conservation authority drained ‘CONSERVATION Land’ onto the White Family farm. Mr. White senior died under the strain of illicit litigation leaving Son Dave and his Mother to carry on defending their innocence against NPCA employee perjurers, who were themselves terminated for not lying good enough!  
Dave complained because the CA was flooding his land. So the Conservation Authority simply changed the designation of Dave’s land to wetland and charged him and his mother with farming a wetland. After four years in court, their entire life savings was sucked out of them. 
The Region’s lawyer, representing the Conservation Authority asked the judge to have Dave White and his 82-year-old mother thrown into prison for 2 years and he also requested a $50,000 fine plus costs and all this in the NPCA’s failed attempt to pad their bank account. 
However, Dave had proven that the Conservation Authority had changed the mapping and the water course flow in the creeks — amongst other things — to suit their own case. 
In the end, the judge saw through the malicious scheme and chastised Niagara Region's Lawyer for using the court system as a weapon against common people. 

Another failed and costly attempt involved the NPCA in a decades long vendetta against an innocent City of St. Catharines, Ontario resident.
A cabal of so called environment protectors unleashed a tyrannical assault, not only against an innocent citizen, but also against the environment that they are supposed to protect!

Perhaps no other story epitomizes the tyrannical predilection of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority as that of Mr. Len Greenaway’s story recently written in Niagara this week Newspaper.
The NPCA cannot claim any description other than tyrannical when it accepts donated property and then cuts off common and traditional emergency water supply simply because it has acquired that power!
The NPCA has be getting away with tyranny based on framing their tyranny as conservation!

Other NPCA tyrannical activities include their attempt to destroy the last remaining 'Wetland Forest' in Niagara Falls, Ontario in favor of Rich Chinese Developers!

NPCA Tyrants take custody of popular hiking forest and immediately sell off healthy old growth trees leaving the tree tops cluttering the hiking trails!

NPCA Tyrants allow millions of tons of Carcinogen toxic waste to be piled hundreds of feet high with-in the urban boundaries of Welland , Ontario for a gift of $5million!

NPCA Tyrants expands authority over private property and people’s homes!

The same NPCA tyrants that lord their authority over private citizens and their private property are the same Tyrants that build commercial banquette halls on our much vaunted UNESCO World Biosphere conservation park paid for by the company that created Mount carcinogen! 

After losing their years-long persecution against an innocent St. Catharines city resident, the NPCA and City convinced a court that by finishing his legal Solar array project he further violated the law under the spurious argument that he created a new development. This corrupted equity theft cost the Citizen additional $thousands!

Consider Jean and Peter Thomas' story because I believe you will find it interesting to learn building a sand ring on your property to exercise horses; will land you in court, fighting for your property rights resulting in huge legal fees, a $600,000 lien on your home and tens of thousands in fines and all because they did NO damage to the environment.

Fifty-six -year-old Jason Geil was sentenced to a 30-day jail sentence and $30,000 in fines on Sept. 26, 2019 NOT for using a dump truck and bulldozer to fill his man-made pond on his own land, but FOR not getting a permit from the CA.

Please Note: Some of these cases are current to the point that they are still ongoing...
Transcripts are Available