Well, at least two of them did. Councilor Heit and Councilor Huson.
Councilor Heit gave a lengthy expose` of the crime and corruption systemic to the Niagara Regime's operations. Councilor Heit elucidated the cabal involved in the sordid Machiavellian attempt to deceive the Niagara Constituency by their comrade Marvin Hubermen in his hoax report.
Councilor Heit also exposed the inadequacy of the Ontario Ombudsman.
Councilor Huson gave a 'Brilliant' rendition of not being previously aware of the past Regime's sins in the face of continual informative bombardments from several media including 'News alert Niagara'.
Did any of the silent councilors mention how many constituents are demanding financial restitution or how many are demanding jail time for the miscreant perpetrators?
The collective silence displayed by Regional Councilors clearly suggests that the corruption at the Niagara Regime is not over.
The best Quote of the Special Meeting was from Chair Bradley (207 min. mark) when he inadvertently tipped us off re: "the issue would go to the Niagara Regional Police and should they see fit...".
Is that the way the unaccountable cost of the Burgoyne Bridge was handled? Have we ever been apprised of the missing $Millions.
Can't wait until we hear the same old refrain that "we'll just have to make sure it will never happen again".
But, we know it will happen again because there is NO consequence for corruption.
Depite changes on Niagara Regional Council, majority of councillors refused to allow me to speak on issue of protecting Thundering Waters Forest. The vote was 21-9. Thanks however, to the nine who voted to allow me to address the issue. Dr. John Bacher (Phd)