Monday 28 October 2019

Corruption Fort Erie

Leading up to the last municipal election the Citizens of Niagara came together to oust some of the most obviously corrupt and disgusting regimes.

Irate Citizens cleaned out the entire governing body of Pelham, Ontario; Demolished the sordid political corruption of Grimsby, Ontario; Eliminated the entire Board of Directors, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority; Hammered the Machiavellian know-it-alls of the Niagara Regional Regime and helped devastate the fortunes of the hated Kathleen Wynne Provincial Government.
Unfortunately it appears that the corrupt regime of Fort Erie was somehow overlooked. It remains to be seen whether or not those that have been elected to serve the Town of Fort Erie are complicit in deceptive corruption. They certainly failed to respond to enquiries! 
Just what can be expected from a municipality that spawned a lying perjurer CAO and his sordid miscreant posse' to the Niagara Regional Regime, not to mention their infamous regional representative Criminal Code Violator.
Kudos to Niagara this week's reporter, Richard Hutton for exposing the corruption of the Fort Erie Regime.
Richard Hutton's expose' of Fort Erie's rope-a-dope ethics clearly displayed the regime's propensity to hide, evade and corruptly abuse its Citizens. 
As a courtesy 'News Alert Niagara' wasted its time by contacting each and every Fort Erie Politician before publishing.;;;;;;;

While the whole world is actively and cleverly reusing 'steel shipping containers', the Town of Fort Erie Authorities foster a 'shipping container scheme' as a blatant attempt to mask their sordid effort to misuse our court system to  deprive an innocent Fort Erie Family of their right to their private property. 

Click the LINK to learn how and why the Town of Fort Erie is trying to destroy the Favero Family (five times facing court on the same charge)
In the face of authoritarian scheming, obstructive silence and government abuse, 'News Alert Niagara' does its best to sniff out the single greatest precursor to societal destruction... 

Everyone, including the authorities of Fort Erie, are welcome to comment below...

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