Miracle of miracles in the face of the fastest growing tragedy of seniors in poverty our elected instant experts are espousing solutions to homelessness and poverty such as 'Tiny Houses and/or tents with solar panels'!
Statistics Canada, says that 12.5% of Canadian seniors now live in poverty (predicated on ever increasing property Tax) and, between 2014 and 2015, 75,000 more Seniors becoming low income at a much faster rate than the rest of the population according to the Broadbent Institute.
According to 'The STANDARD' article, the Niagara Region director homelessness services Cathy Cousins said there are 107 beds available within shelters in the city, as well as four family apartments available at St. Catharines homeless shelters through agencies including Southridge Shelter, RAFT and YWCA, plus an additional 35 beds available during the winter months through the Out of the Cold program.
But Wait! It just gets better and better!
Just when we are led to believe that the Ontario Liberal CULT of Kathleen Wynne was dead and buried we find that her ghostly influence is alive and well in our Niagara Regional Government (NRG).
The Specter of Creepy Katy's influence is evidenced by the NRG's squalid attempt to switch from the 'Consumer Price Index' to the so-called 'Municipal Price Index' covering the regional regimes ability to gouge the hapless Citizen with pay increases (3.3% or more); pay increases their Constituents can only dream about!
The question is: Is this machiavellian corruption derived from the influential and costly Municipal Union (OMA) or simply influenced by a failed Ontario Liberal CULT member's downward migration to political leader of our Niagara Regional Regime?
In face of families that are unable to afford repairs to their leaking roof and the fact that so many folks are only $200 dollars from bankruptcy it is totally scandalous for any squalid Regime to even proffer an impoverating tax increase in excess of 20%.
Goes to the tyrannical character of anyone so jaded as to even suggest that ever increasing taxes in the face of ever increasing homelessness should even be considered!
It's difficult to accept that Regional Regime Chair Bradley talked the talk of returning trust to the Citizens of Niagara when begging for the chairman's job only to so blatantly betray the Citizens with a Machiavellian Scheme to gain unlimited ability to increase taxes at will.
This Regime should realize that the same constituents that collapsed the last Regime are watching intently the machinations of this Regime!
Question: If the Chair of the NRG was a failed Conservative hold-over would the mainstream media be so silent on the regime's theft of homeowners equity?
Employment loses within the mainstream media is at risk predicated on politically slanted coverage.
PS: Protection for the American homeowner is on its way based on the U.S Supreme court ruling: https://www.cfact.org/2019/06/25/supreme-court-dishes-property-owners-a-fifth-amendment-victory/
In Canada a Constitutional Challenge on Private Property Rights is moving ahead to reinstate your legal 'Patent Rights'.
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