Friday, 28 June 2019

NRG Finds Homelessness Solution

Miracle of miracles in the face of the fastest growing tragedy of seniors in poverty our elected instant experts are espousing solutions to homelessness and poverty such as 'Tiny Houses and/or tents with solar panels'!

Statistics Canada, says that 12.5% of Canadian seniors now live in poverty (predicated on ever increasing property Tax) and, between 2014 and 2015, 75,000 more Seniors becoming low income at a much faster rate than the rest of the population according to the Broadbent Institute.
According to 'The STANDARD' article, the Niagara Region director homelessness services Cathy Cousins said there are 107 beds available within shelters in the city, as well as four family apartments available at St. Catharines homeless shelters through agencies including Southridge Shelter, RAFT and YWCA, plus an additional 35 beds available during the winter months through the Out of the Cold program.
But Wait! It just gets better and better!
Just when we are led to believe that the Ontario Liberal CULT of Kathleen Wynne was dead and buried we find that her ghostly influence is alive and well in our Niagara Regional Government (NRG).
The Specter of Creepy Katy's influence is evidenced by the NRG's squalid attempt to switch from the 'Consumer Price Index' to the so-called 'Municipal Price Index' covering the regional regimes ability to gouge the hapless Citizen with pay increases (3.3% or more); pay increases their Constituents can only dream about! 
The question is: Is this machiavellian corruption derived from the influential and costly Municipal Union (OMA) or simply influenced by a failed Ontario Liberal CULT member's downward migration to political leader of our Niagara Regional Regime?
In face of families that are unable to afford repairs to their leaking roof and the fact that so many folks are only $200 dollars from bankruptcy it is totally scandalous for any squalid Regime to even proffer an impoverating tax increase in excess of 20%. 
Goes to the tyrannical character of anyone so jaded as to even suggest that ever increasing taxes in the face of ever increasing homelessness should even be considered!
It's difficult to accept that Regional Regime Chair Bradley talked the talk of returning trust to the Citizens of Niagara when begging for the chairman's job only to so blatantly betray the Citizens with a Machiavellian Scheme to gain unlimited ability to increase taxes at will.  

This Regime should realize that the same constituents that collapsed the last Regime are watching intently the machinations of this Regime! 
Question: If the Chair of  the NRG was a failed Conservative hold-over would the mainstream media be so silent on the regime's theft of homeowners equity?
Employment loses within the mainstream media is at risk predicated on politically slanted coverage. 

PS: Protection for the American homeowner is on its way based on the U.S Supreme court ruling:

In Canada a Constitutional Challenge on Private Property Rights is moving ahead to reinstate your legal 'Patent Rights'.
.                                                   Support

Monday, 24 June 2019

Which Comes First?

The Citizens of Niagara have suffered through the long political degradation and exponentially corrupt Niagara Regional government!
Finally, the Citizens wiped out the preponderance of obviously worthless seat-heaters that were masquerading as conscientious Councilors.

Yet, the new crop of Regional Councilors seems to be tone deaf to the sensitivity of their constituents made extremely more acute by a sordid past performance.
Why should or would the new crop of Regional Councilors expect an increase in their pay before they prove their worth?
A sceptical constituency is watching!
They were well aware of the compensation level when they begged for our vote to get elected!
‘News Alert Niagara’ suggests that the new crop of Regional Councilors either prove their worth or resign!
Can Chair Bradley claim that trust of the Regional Council has been returned to the People of Niagara? Can he now state that trust, integrity, transparency and openness has been returned?
What about the continuing effort to deny Citizens the ability to make a presentation to their council in the Citizen's own Council Chamber based on their deliberate and unconscionable scheduling? 
What about the machiavellian strategy to switch from the Consumer Price Index to the so-called 'Municipal Price Index' allowing the regional regime the ability to gouge the hapless Citizen with pay increases (3.3%) that their Constituents can only dream about!
Predicated on so many fronts, the fact remains that Chair Bradley and his Niagara Regional Government cannot make any claim that trust, integrity, transparency and openness has been returned.
Chair Bradley and his bloated council will have to earn the trust of the constituents by proving integrity; by displaying transparency and openness. Clever rhetoric will no longer suffice!
Service first – remuneration consideration second!

whatcha gunna do when they come for you?

So Many innocent property owners have been rudely awakened to a full blown assault on the equity wrapped up in their property and all predicated on their government's need for money.
Innocent property owners who never suspected that they would become the target of Equity-thieves have found themselves in court proceedings  being stripped of everything they own at the hands of desperate governments and/or unaccountable government agencies.

Consider Jean and Peter Thomas' story because I believe you will find it interesting to learn that simply building a sand ring on your property to exercise horses; will land you in court, fighting for your property rights resulting in huge legal fees, a $600,000 lien on your home and tens of thousands in fines and all because the Thomas' did NO damage to the environment.
Hunkering in place hoping you won't be next is not a good defense because the one thing everybody has learned is that doing nothing hasn't helped!
Fighting for your rights on an individual one-on-one basis plays right into the hands of the equity-thieves!
Property owners banding together has met with some success as is evidenced by the remarkable group effort in cleaning up the political corruption of the Niagara Regional Government and the unaccountable and corrupt Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.
This is a ray-of-hope! Fed up Citizens are following the age old adage that the best defense is a good offense. They have decided to launch a Constitutional Challenge on Property Rights
This is your chance to defend yourself without personal exposure or risk; without facing a questionable court proceeding; without risk to your equity and without gargantuan effort. 
All 'YOU' have to do is support those are doing the job!

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Who brought the HATE?

The problem with aging is that you remember things. You remember what things were like when you were young. You remember when your society was relatively peaceful with people living in relative harmony. You remember when folk lived in their homes not on sidewalks; not in tents or rolled up in snow banks.
Remembering the gentle greatness of your society is surely damaged by the emergence of a tyrannical government that turns on its Citizens; answers to no one and follows subjective and unproven philosophies and in some cases failed philosophies generated by history's most deadly and brutal tyrants.
Recently we are treated with patriotic individuals standing on our streets displaying signs signalling disgust with their government. However, it should be expected predicated on the preponderance of Citizens concerned with the direction our government is taking our country what with terrorism on the rise from the horror faction of newly imported ISIS fighters not to mention the destructive decisions of our tyrannical Prime Minister. 
The Group 'A Better Niagara' bolstered by our Brock Professor David Siegel quite rightly champions the right for a school board trustee to speak her opinion publicly even though that same school board trustee demonstrates in public to silence the free speech of others.
Even our Mayor publicly tries to stymie the free speech of his Councilors as if he has never heard of a minority report! Free speech is our only bulwark against the secrecy that breeds Corruption.
Our tyrant-supporting MP Chris Bittle gets into the mud slinging act with his Facebook comment:
Chris Bittle M.P.
Like This Page · January 2, 2018 ·
 It is shocking to me that in 2018 white supremacists would stand up in public, in St Catharines, to promote their hateful, racist views. It happened, today, in front of our office on Geneva Street.
 A few showed up and if their intent was to intimidate or shame me in some way, it's done the opposite. I will continue to be a voice against hatred in our community. The Prime Minister often says, and I truly believe "we are strong because of our diversity, not in spite of it".
 A big thank you to the Niagara AntiRacism Coalition and Karrie Porter for organizing a counter protest at the last minute. They outnumbered the white supremacists and showed us what Niagara should truly stand for - an inclusive community, free of hate.
Our wanna-be Tyrant PM Justin Trudeau is so far out of step with his Citizens that he considers it normal to castigate anyone who disagrees him by spewing a slew of demeaning names; controlling the media; thwarting the public's right to communicate with each other; penalizing free speech; using Citizens as Tax Fodder and yes importing hate in the form of ISIS Fighters. 
It may be that the memory fails or it may be that we have just not been paying attention but it seems that corruption has overtaken nearly every crook and cranny of officialdom! 
Sadly, it must be pointed out repeatedly that 'Freedom of speech' is ostensibly protected by our 'Charter of Rights'!


Friday, 14 June 2019

Congratulations to the Niagara Landowners Association

It was and is a great pleasure for 'News Alert Niagara' to follow and report on the decades-long grand effort put forth by the good folks of the Niagara Landowners Association (NLA).
'News Alert Niagara' witnessed a desperate effort to protect NLA Members from unwarranted attacks by the NPCA empire builders on private property owners. 
The NLA members took a stand and for a time stood alone against an completely unaccountable, increasingly extortionary and out-of-control Conservation Authority (CA), which was aided and abetted by all levels of Government and their respective agencies.

The valiant effort of the NLA soon started to attract individuals and other groups to join in the successful dissolution and reformation of the corrupt NPCA and the near wipe-out of the Niagara Regional Council.  
Chamber of the 20% Gang of Niagara Regional Councilors
It's painfully obvious that, at the moment, there is no responsible government to rely on leaving only two alternatives.
One is the political pressure the NLA and many others have successfully brought to bare on elected officials. Political pressure must be sustained to let politicians know that their career will be short if they ignore their electorate. All politics is local!
The other is to be successful in the Canadian judicial system. Stay tuned for exciting news in this regard.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Water at Risk

The aquifers of fresh drinking water extends from Fort Erie in the east and west to well past Wainfleet is under threat predicated on landfilling of a local stone quarry. 
At the Port Colborne Council Meeting of June 10, 2019 we were treated to an interesting juxtaposition with an hour long presentation regarding the twenty year (20) long soil pollution spectacle (still unresolved) caused by metal contaminants in the soil followed by concern for a potential water aquifer pollution threat by landfilling of a stone quarry.

Councilor Bodnar's call for a third party expert to assist in determining 'risk' is certainly in keeping with preventing an even more disastrous, expensive and long term contamination of water supply.
The owner of the former stone quarry has the same right as any other property owner and that is to use their private property as they see fit as long as it doesn't adversely harm their neighbour
Not only is there a serious potential risk of harm to the property owner's neighbour but potential long-term and possibly irreversible harm to every Citizen relying on the water aquifer!
Possibly the most significant decision this Council will ever make  

"We need to protect our groundwater/aquifers for not just us but for the future of our children and grandchildren. If contamination occurs because Port Colborne Quarries wants to fill Pit 1 that is 8 meters deep into our water table with unwanted construction site fill ( so called excess soil); there is a very real risk of contamination. Once our water become contaminated there is no fixing it. This highly vulnerable aquifer reaches many communities in south Niagara from at least Wainfleet to Fort Erie and beyond. Please help our effort - we need human help too !!!!!" -Cindy Cosby

Monday, 10 June 2019

Where is our Leadership?

Or should the question be: Where the hell is our Leadership?
800 Complaints of abusive behavior against innocent Citizens and our leadership has to be asked for oversight? Obviously you can lead a twit to knowledge but you can't make it think!
Documents contain more than 800 allegations investigated by the CBSA about border agents and inappropriate behaviour, including the following:
  • "Officer commented, 'People like you who can't afford to travel always traffic drugs.'"
  • "Threw me on the ground, yelling 'Don't resist'... [other] agents loved this and were laughing."
  • "Hauled into the airport jail and treated like trash."
  • "He called me moron more than once ... mocked my ... accent."
  • "I was roughly frisked ... detained/held for questioning for seven hours."
  • "He attacked me in the baggage claim area ... made anti-Semitic remarks."
  • "He was pushing me with his hands ... started using foul language."
  • "They broke my iPad."
  • "Pulled out a knife in a threatening manner ... stared at me and then thrust the knife into the cardboard box."
The CBSA has a code of conduct, which says officers will act with "professionalism, integrity and respect."
Realy! How about actual Torture
News Alert Niagara tried in vain to alert Erica Johnson and the Go Public team about a sordid and unnecessary torture of two young ladies from the village of Pelham, Ontario perpetrated by an unaccountable Government agency lacking in public oversight.

Lack of oversight ALWAYS triggers tyranny as we have discovered the hard way here in Niagara.
In Ontario our problem can be pinpointed to a cabal of corruption with the Municipal, Conservation Authorities and our Ontario Justices.   
Tyranny then was under the worthless husbandry of the Ontario Liberals and low and behold we are suffering Tyranny under the equally worthless husbandry of the Federal Liberals of PM Justin Trudeau. 
Unfortunately there is no guarantee that any of the current political parties will do any better. 
The Citizens of this country are in dire need of responsible Leadership; Leadership free from corruption - NOT busy clutching at plastic straws!