You may have heard recently of Hydro One’s application to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for a distribution rate increase.
Not only does the application request a distribution rate increase, but they are also applying to have the service charges on disconnection/reconnections, removal of load limiters, account collections and access to their poles all increased.
The application goes on further to say that these increases would be added to your bill before any rebates from the Fair Hydro Act, 2017 are implemented. You may recall, Premier Wynne promised you electricity rate relief with her government’s Fair Hydro Act. What the Premier didn’t bother to tell anyone was that Hydro One would still be able to apply for rate increases despite this new law and that this government’s energy policies would continue to add burden to our already expensive electricity system.
So much for electricity rate relief!
You have a short window of opportunity to challenge Hydro One’s application at the OEB. The OEB is doing public consultations on the application, but ONLY UNTIL JUNE 14, 2017. You can submit a written objection to Hydro One’s application through the “Submit a Letter of Comment” at the bottom of the page here:
I also urge you to write the Premier
Hon. Kathleen Wynne
Phone: 416-325-1941 Fax: 416-325-9895 Email:
Hon. Kathleen Wynne
Premier of Ontario
Legislative Bldg
Rm 281
Queen's Park, Toronto ON M7A1A1
Thibeault, Hon. Glenn
Phone: 416-327-6758 Fax: 416-327-6754 Email:
Hon. Glenn Thibeault
Minister of Energy
Hearst Block
900 Bay St, 4th Floor
Toronto ON M7A2E1
If there is not a strong objection from Hydro One customers to this application, it is very likely the OEB will grant their request. I hope you will take the time to express your concerns to the OEB.
Randy Hillier
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