One of News Alert Niagara's very first stories was posted September 3, 2012 regarding homelessness and poverty in Niagara.
Niagara Regional Chair Alan Caslin made banal comments like "this needs to be on our radar", "and he hopes the situation can be addressed" and "we need to look at this a lot more seriously".
However, homelessness and poverty will never be solved with feckless platitudes and photo-op stunts.
Five years have passed we and have homelessness and poverty growing in the wrong direction and at record levels with over 1,700 families forced to rely on shelters.
It is estimated that there are between six to eight thousand more Niagara families trapped in the grip of poverty.
Perhaps there is no tangible solution to homelessness and poverty but a tangible effort is certainly warranted.
What is not warranted is the contempt displayed toward Citizens who challenge over-spending and the resulting over-taxation.
A perfect example of contempt for the taxpaying Citizen can be viewed from the 1:25 minute mark of Niagara Regional Council.
You will witness for yourself the embarrassing specter displayed by Pelham Mayor and Regional Councilor Dave Augustyn in his effort to divert and nullify the presenter's pointed position regarding over-spending!
At one point it was even stated that they could increase debt enough to build two Burgoyne Bridges!
You will notice that in the absence of Regional Councilor Petrowski the Region attempts to bring in an 'Industrial Development Charge' to garner 'Pennies' with no regard to our negative employment situation.
The obscene part of over-spending is the scrounging for more and more job killing fees and taxation to cover the cost of not living within budget!
Note: Since those we have hired and elected cannot or will not live within there means and they are unable to create jobs and prosperity they naturally turn to the one thing they they're good at; spend more money on more poorhouse facilities!
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