Friday, 19 May 2023

Councilor Fidelity

Those of us who watched the Niagara Regional Council Meeting May 18, 2023 were treated at the (33: Minute Mark) to the Chairmen Little Jimmie (Do Little) Bradley pontificating as Voltaire's famous Candide regarding his 'best of all possible worlds' while singing Edward & Raleigh's 'Wonderful, Wonderful' for a tedious quarter of an hour only to be outed with a truth bomb by Councilor Morocco at the (2:45 Minute Mark!)

And just what was chair Do Little's best of all possible worlds bragging points? 

Why none other than begging other better run municipalities to bail out the over-governed and  highest taxed Niagara Region!

What you will hear at this council meeting is a feigned concern for seniors in nursing homes!

What you will not hear at this council meeting, even during the Notice of Motion (3:15 Minute Mark) is any mention of the total destruction of a senior Citizen named Ray Desmarais.

Each and every Regional Councilor was PERSNALLY apprised of the Ray Desmarais tragic situation and not one of our esteemed councilors dared to ask for information from the perpetrators present preferring instead to pretend they were not informed! 

News Alert Niagara: Clyde Do Something

Even those councilors we would expect at the very least to enquire into this sordid public story sat in stony silence as if political abuse of one single Niagara Senior Citizen was of no concern of theirs!

Thousands witnessed 'News Alert Niagara' call out our overabundance of Niagara Regional Councilors to do something about Citizen Abuse.

Desmarais ran afoul of the powers that be in the municipality of his town when he made the innocent mistake of standing up for Mr. Dan Favero; a fellow Citizen who was under attack by the municipality; a municipality functioning on behalf of a landlocked housing development; a housing development that needed the Favero property for access to the housing development! 

The municipality of Fort Erie tried everything costing the Favero family an excess of $400 Million in legal fees to defend their rightful ownership of their property. The evil bastards of this FE border Town did all this in their effort to destroy Favero in an effort to avoid the expense of expropriation which would force a proper settlement. 

Now thousands will witness the shameful infidelity of our 31 Niagara Regional Councilors turning the backs on political abuse of a Niagara Senior Citizen!

Now We Know

How many good men in Niagara do nothing

Exculpatory Links:

News Alert Niagara: Official Public Persecution

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Clyde Do Something

Because doing nothing helps no one
Highway to Hell 

That is the 'Highway' that Mr. Ray Desmarais has now found himself railroaded on!

Desmarais is a Senior Citizen, Grandfather and unfortunately a resident of Fort Erie, Ontario.

Desmarais ran afoul of the powers that be in the municipality of his town when he made the innocent mistake of standing up for Mr. Dan Favero; a fellow Citizen who was under attack by the municipality; a municipality functioning on behalf of a landlocked housing development; a housing development that needed the Favero property for access to the housing development! 

The municipality of Fort Erie tried everything costing the Favero family an excess of $400 Million in legal fees to defend their rightful ownership of their property. The evil bastards of this FE border Town did all this in their effort to destroy Favero in an effort to avoid the expense of expropriation which would force a proper settlement.  

Does this sound like proper society? 

Or does this sound like a 'B' movie scenario?

They blamed Desmarais for their failure to hijack the Favero property!

There appears to be no other explanation for the municipality to so viciously go after Desmarais on the factitious excuse of cleaning up the town. Hell, they had to pass, climb and even crawl through openly visible eyesores to get to the Desmarais thoroughly concealed fenced in work yard! News Alert Niagara exposed the municipality's conduct in a February 2021 article titled 'Who Authorized Destruction?' 

We never did find out who authorized the demolition and theft of the Desmarais property and the total destruction of his life, but we know who was in charge of the sordid operation. We didn't find out because not one of the regime's feckless gang would even respond! In fact not one of the MPs or MPPs or even the NRSP would respond or even comment on why the destructive treatment of Mr. Desmarais! Please compare Mr. Desmarais' transgressions to the violent criminals walking our streets! Border Regime Mentality?

To this day there has been no explanation from anyone as to why Mr. Desmarais was sent on such a 'highway to hell'! What else can be expected from a corrupted police force that carries out a municipality's dirty work while ignoring municipal criminal activity! A police force becomes corrupted by lack of a strong civilian police oversight board!

Mr. Desmarais has paid one hell of price for having a discreet messy work yard unlike the hellish pile of trash so prominently and publicly displayed in the Fort Erie work yard! 
Mr. Desmarais is still going though hell with the town trying to get his Facebook page shut down within 24 hours in an effort to silence him! He is still being harassed by the notorious bylaw officer John Bridgeman deliberately hounding Desmarais by placing a $300 ticket (April 12, 2023) on his handicap permitted car for parking in a handicap zone.
Even the court system is assisting in Desmarais demise by evading his day in court; running him around faulty court dates; demanding expensive requests that a destroyed person can not afford and even trying to dismiss him altogether!

This brings us back to the Niagara Regional Police doing the municipal's bidding of trying to silence Desmarais by attempting to throw him in jail! 

How many good men in Niagara do nothing

Exculpatory Links:

News Alert Niagara: Official Public Persecution

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story

A St. Catharines treat in Old Port Dalhousie

The Haiserhaus European Bistro
289 213 1292

Friday, 12 May 2023

Accolades to a New Mayor

 Headline in the Niagara Independent Newspaper says we finally have a Niagara politician with the courage to see something - say something!

In a welcome departure from the usual 'Rope-a-Dope' silent coverup and denial, our new mayor laments ‘Human feces seems to be a regular occurrence’: St. Catharines mayor paints bleak picture of a downtown dominated by drug abuse, homelessness.

Mayor Mat Siscoe says "Downtown St. Catharines has become a hellscape of hard drug use, public defecation, and intercourse in open
view, according to the city’s mayor." 

“As the Mayor of St. Catharines, I have no answers for anybody.”
News Alert Niagara Disagrees with Mayor Siscoe! Mayor Mat Siscoe is the first politician to do something by condemning the decades long decay of our once magnificent downtown St. Catharines! 
Thankfully our new mayor has properly used his bully pulpit to courageously state the obvious because do nothing never helps! 
'Tumble weed' lane has been abused and neglected at great cost for decades with scorn heaped on anyone who would point out the obvious!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story

Sunday, 7 May 2023

Highway to Hell

That is the 'Highway' that Mr. Ray Desmarais has now found himself railroaded on!

Desmarais is a Senior Citizen, Grandfather and unfortunately a resident of Fort Erie, Ontario.

Desmarais ran afoul of the powers that be in the municipality of his town when he made the innocent mistake of standing up for Mr. Dan Favero; a fellow Citizen who was under attack by the municipality; a municipality functioning on behalf of a landlocked housing development; a housing development that needed the Favero property for access to the housing development! 

The municipality of Fort Erie tried everything costing the Favero family an excess of $400 Million in legal fees to defend their rightful ownership of their property. The evil bastards of this FE border Town did all this in their effort to destroy Favero in an effort to avoid the expense of expropriation which would force a proper settlement.  

Does this sound like proper society? 

Or does this sound like a 'B' movie scenario?

They blamed Desmarais for their failure to hijack the Favero property!

There appears to be no other explanation for the municipality to so viciously go after Desmarais on the factitious excuse of cleaning up the town. Hell, they had to pass, climb and even crawl through openly visible eyesores to get to the Desmarais thoroughly concealed fenced in work yard! News Alert Niagara exposed the municipality's conduct in a February 2021 article titled 'Who Authorized Destruction?' 

We never did find out who authorized the demolition and theft of the Desmarais property and the total destruction of his life, but we know who was in charge of the sordid operation. We didn't find out because not one of the regime's feckless gang would even respond! In fact not one of the MPs or MPPs or even the NRSP would respond or even comment on why the destructive treatment of Mr. Desmarais! Please compare Mr. Desmarais' transgressions to the violent criminals walking our streets! Border Regime Mentality?

To this day there has been no explanation from anyone as to why Mr. Desmarais was sent on such a 'highway to hell'! What else can be expected from a corrupted police force that carries out a municipality's dirty work while ignoring municipal criminal activity! A police force becomes corrupted by lack of a strong civilian police oversight board!

Mr. Desmarais has paid one hell of price for having a discreet messy work yard unlike the hellish pile of trash so prominently and publicly displayed in the Fort Erie work yard! 
Mr. Desmarais is still going though hell with the town trying to get his Facebook page shut down within 24 hours in an effort to silence him! He is still being harassed by the notorious bylaw officer John Bridgeman deliberately hounding Desmarais by placing a $300 ticket (April 12, 2023) on his handicap permitted car for parking in a handicap zone.
Even the court system is assisting in Desmarais demise by evading his day in court; running him around faulty court dates; demanding expensive requests that a destroyed person can not afford and even trying to dismiss him altogether!

This brings us back to the Niagara Regional Police doing the municipal's bidding of trying to silence Desmarais by attempting to throw him in jail! 

How many good men in Niagara do nothing

Exculpatory Links:

News Alert Niagara: Official Public Persecution

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story