Those of us who watched the Niagara Regional Council Meeting May 18, 2023 were treated at the (33: Minute Mark) to the Chairmen Little Jimmie (Do Little) Bradley pontificating as Voltaire's famous Candide regarding his 'best of all possible worlds' while singing Edward & Raleigh's 'Wonderful, Wonderful' for a tedious quarter of an hour only to be outed with a truth bomb by Councilor Morocco at the (2:45 Minute Mark!)
And just what was chair Do Little's best of all possible worlds bragging points?
Why none other than begging other better run municipalities to bail out the over-governed and highest taxed Niagara Region!
What you will hear at this council meeting is a feigned concern for seniors in nursing homes!
What you will not hear at this council meeting, even during the Notice of Motion (3:15 Minute Mark) is any mention of the total destruction of a senior Citizen named Ray Desmarais.
Each and every Regional Councilor was PERSNALLY apprised of the Ray Desmarais tragic situation and not one of our esteemed councilors dared to ask for information from the perpetrators present preferring instead to pretend they were not informed!
News Alert Niagara: Clyde Do Something
Even those councilors we would expect at the very least to enquire into this sordid public story sat in stony silence as if political abuse of one single Niagara Senior Citizen was of no concern of theirs!
Thousands witnessed 'News Alert Niagara' call out our overabundance of Niagara Regional Councilors to do something about Citizen Abuse.
Desmarais ran afoul of the powers that be in the municipality of his town when he made the innocent mistake of standing up for Mr. Dan Favero; a fellow Citizen who was under attack by the municipality; a municipality functioning on behalf of a landlocked housing development; a housing development that needed the Favero property for access to the housing development!
The municipality of Fort Erie tried everything costing the Favero family an excess of $400 Million in legal fees to defend their rightful ownership of their property. The evil bastards of this FE border Town did all this in their effort to destroy Favero in an effort to avoid the expense of expropriation which would force a proper settlement.
Now thousands will witness the shameful infidelity of our 31 Niagara Regional Councilors turning the backs on political abuse of a Niagara Senior Citizen!
Now We Know
How many good men in Niagara do nothing
Exculpatory Links:
News Alert Niagara: Official Public Persecution
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