Deb Read's Response to request to present to the NRSP Board:
In consultation with the Board Chair and Board Vice-Chair, your request to make a presentation is declined because the Board has no legislative jurisdiction over operational policing matters.
As outlined in my earlier email, delegations must be with respect to a matter
that is within the Board's jurisdiction. The Police Services Act restricts the
Police Services Board from directing the Chief of Police with respect to
specific operational decisions or with respect to the day-to-day operation of
the Police Service. In addition, the Police Services Act - Part V, Complaints
and Disciplinary Proceedings, Public Complaints made to the Independent Police
Review Director outlines a process for the public to lodge a complaint related
to the policies of or service provided by the Police Service, or about the
conduct of a Police Officer. Further information can be found at
Therefore, the Police Services Board cannot receive a delegation if the subject
matter relates to a complaint or specific operational decisions, which would
include those items listed in your talking points, namely "police report
issues", "non response to reported serious criminal activities",
"police involvement in citizen abuse", and in the absence of any
specific details may include the other points listed as well.
The decision to decline the presentation is in keeping with the framework of
the Police Services Act.
If you would like to address a matter related to a police conduct, operations
or criminal activities, please contact the Niagara Regional Police Service for an appropriate response.
Dear Deb
Thank you so
much for pointing out what the NRSP Board doesn’t do.
Would you
please point to the area in the ‘Police services act that permits the NRSP to
turn a blind eye to municipal crimes, or withholding of police reports or even
unlawfully serving municipal abuse of innocent civilians.
explain how the Police Services Acts prevents your feckless Civilian Oversight
Board from raising questions in the face of police corruption and criminal
activities! Does the 'Police Services Act' compel anyone including the NRSP Board members to 'See Something - Do Nothing'?
Perhaps the
population was misinformed when the supposed Civilian oversight Board was
foisted up us under the guise that a Civilian oversight board would magically inhibit
bad behavior of the police!
It would
appear that the reverse is true.
According to
your negative response to News Alert Niagara's request to bring before the Board serious police problems
you have clearly indicated that we have little or no oversight of the NRSP!
It would be
a welcome treat if you gave us the actual valuable oversight of what the so-called
Civilian oversight board actually does in their effort to hold the NRSP
It seems that
the so-called Civilian oversight board is actually shielding the NRSP from
public criticism!
it follows that anyone confronted with conduct such as that of the NRSP would
do everything possible to conceal their activities.
Concealing and deliberately overlooking tips of serious criminal activity conducted by municipalities is contemptuous if not serious corruption in itself!
Police deliberately breaking the law in order to facilitate municipal crime and/or corruption is also contemptuous and a serious crime onto itself! Read, I won’t waste my effort telling you the disappointment I hold for your so-call NRSP Civilian oversight Board because a corrupt and unlawful police force has no place in polite society! Police must always be under civilian oversight and control!
It’s called a police state!
The only thing sadder than a police state is a government that embraces it! Preston Haskell, Editor, News Alert Niagara
The Presentation which you summarily dismissed is posted below:
Number of Presenters (one)
My name is Preston Haskell, editor; News Alert Niagara (NAN)
NAN has over 470K Page views of over
500 articles 905-650-6305
Folks, I have put myself
forward to do what an octogenarian should never have to do. Its with heavy heart
and concern for my chosen neighborhood of Niagara that I am compelled to bring
forth findings of offensive conduct in our police service.
Paramount is the concern that
our Chief of police is being deprived of critical information.
Folks, can you imagine getting
a response to ‘See Something - Say Something’ when reporting very serious
crimes; crimes that carry long prison sentences, to this police service only to
be told to take complaint elsewhere (OIPRD)
Question: How does reporting
a Crime become a complaint?
Should a Citizen have to
hear, ‘Do you have an incident number for your crime report?’ Really?
Denial of Police reports!?
The other claim reads ‘To Serve
and Protect’!
The mounting question is ‘To
Serve and Protect’ WHO or WHOM?
If this police service does not
apply LAW evenly and fairly it is not a legitimate police service! After all,
the law not only must be fair and just but it has to be seen to be fair and
Not only does this police
service not enforce the law fairly and evenly it refuses to even respond to
inquiries of reported serious criminal activities.
This police department actually
contravenes the law in their effort to protect municipal criminal activity of
Citizen abuse! ???
12. Conclusion…
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