Thursday, 30 December 2021

What Happened to Do No Harm?

Our Medical Leaders are calling for 'Really Big Measures', to SLOW the SPREAD of Omicron!

The first question has to be, who are the medical leaders advocating ever increasing 'Really Big Measures', to slow  the Spread of Omicron?

The second question should be, Doctor, can you please explain the term 'Really Big Measures' to slow the spread of Omicron?

After Crushing of our 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms', Breaking the Nuremberg Code, incoherent lock downs, extorted financial torture, irrationally jailing Pastors while freeing criminals, exuberant police brutality, tyrannical denial of services, travel bans, suppression of free speech, lying to the public, physical & psychological harassment, illegal constructive firing & denial of employment, mortally withholding of life saving medicines, denial of medical services, medical blackmail, social distancing, restricting food shopping, worthless face masks, mandating risky inoculations, Covic-19 passports, halts visits & deny social trips for long-term care residents, destroy much of small business, create inflation, manipulated supply shortages, interruption of education, not to mention the long term damage to our children and future generations all in the stated goal of slowing the spread of CV! 
After all the insufferable and unmitigated trauma these financially maniacal fear mongering extremists have put our society through, they still have the temerity to stupidly utter the threat of 'Really Big Measures' to slow the spread of Omicron!
Maniacal extremists are not following Science!
They are following money!
Obviously, these same maniacal extremists are willing to slow walk our society into a war of insurgency (now manifest) against their own people; sadly and primarily predicated on big pharma's profit motive
Maniacal leaders going to war with their own society is messy, expensive and useless and has never worked out so well in the past and it probably won't work out so well now either! 

Maniacal extremists are so hell-bent on selling vaccines that they actually divide the population by idiotically convincing the vaccinated that their jab would not protect them from the unvaccinated; proving that the jab won't work as specified; that with the jab you are still vulnerable to the disease; when the fact is you are still vulnerable to the vaccine salesman's efforts

Where people ever called 'antivaxxers' for refusing the 'Flu Shot'? 

So just what are the 'Really Big Measure' being contemplated?
Incarceration, maybe?
Concentration Camps as a lesson for others?
Public execution so you won't die of CV?
Perhaps we should consider ourselves fortunate that these disciples of Dr. Mengele were not in charge at the onset of the common cold

So, the most important question has to be; what do we have to do to get out from under the draconian tyranny of Omicron Comicon. 
Where is the escape hatch?
Do we have to vote our feckless leadership out of office or failing leadership removal must we migrate to places such as Florida to find freedom; to find proper leadership to provide protection from carpet bagger Corpocracy!  
Hopefully, Asset Forfeiture will serve up Justice  
 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Sunday, 19 December 2021

The Smell of Petty Politics

The latest whiff of political stink is emanating from the municipality of Thorold located in the politically smelly Region of Niagara.

The odious odor stinking up the place is far more odious than Taleggio and far more specious in nature as to the welfare of Thorold Citizens.

News Alert Niagara first noticed that something was amiss when the Mayor of Thorold allowed his bureaucrats to intercept and remove mail sent to Thorold Councilors! 

Now we learn that after the roaring upheaval over the placing a proposed incinerator spewing poisonous Nano-particles over Thorold's residents as well as the greater preponderance of the Niagara Region, this same concerned group is planning a another incinerator to be placed just above the source of drinking water for City of St. Catharines.
Concern is that the only difference with new incinerator will be the new rhetoric. These dedicated money makers didn't care about the health and welfare of their fellow Citizens the first time around so why should they be trusted now? 

It Gets Worse! We find the municipality of Thorold is continuing to spend any amount of hard earned Taxpayer $Dollars to make sure our elected councilors sticks to the agenda. Can't have councilors speaking out on behalf of constituents or pontificating opinion or attending public meetings the municipality doesn't approve! 

For one councilor alone Thorold Taxpayers had to foot the bill of $50,000 to have high-priced Toronto Lawyers convene a kangaroo court under the specious title of integrity. 

Folks, if you read the Integrity commissioner's report you will readily see that the witch finders used non-deposed hearsay and gossip, nitpicked everything they could find, faulted the councilor for attending an anti-lockdown rally, ridiculed his concerns over his treatment by a proven malevolent Thorold staff and challenged his valid contention concerning the risks associated with CV vaccines. 

The witch finders even claimed the targeted councilor was gifted personal financial gain because Rebel News Media came to his defense over lock downs!

The targeted councilor had given ample notice why he could not attend the lopsided meeting of the 'Witch Trial'. The witch Trial proceeded as if it was the targeted councilor's discretion not to attend.

Other councilors tried to defer the witch hunt until the targeted councilor could be present to defend himself. The $Million witch finders said it was a done deal-nothing more to be said. 

Obviously the smell of petty politics emanates from the rules and regulations concocted to protect petty politics. 

Perhaps the self proclaimed even handed "Integrity Commissioners" should compare their Integrity Report with the one-sided witch finder reports of the dark ages. According to this "even handed integrity report" a great deal of our society would lose their pay!

It should not have to be stated that it is the constituents that vote to send their choice to represent them and no rules should apply to stymie the representative's ability to fully represent their constituents.  

Lack of integrity it is not with the targeted Victim! 

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Thursday, 16 December 2021

Not a dime's worth of difference

Premier Doug Ford 'Conservative in Name Only' (Cino)

CINO Ford allows squalid Politics to crush our 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms'

CINO Ford Expanding 'Witchfinders and Kangaroo Courts' disguised as Integrity Commissions

CINO Ford Continuing the horrendous Wynne/Bradley Liberal policies that leave Citizens vulnerable to the ravages of bureaucracy

i.e. Town of Fort Erie used Ontario policies to destroy innocent Citizens

I.E NPCA used Ontario Policies to abuse innocent Citizens

CINO Ford actually expanding  Government and Bureaucracy 

CINO Ford fails to protect Citizens from the ravages of big tech social media

CINO Ford fails to protect Citizens from the greed of Big Pharma

CINO Ford fails to show proof or protect Citizens from the irrational vagaries of the so-called Covid-19 pandemic: Position Paper – COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates and Exemptions - Vaccine Choice Canada

CINO Ford fails to protect our independent press from Trudeau thugs

CINO Ford fails to protect Citizens from police brutality

CINO Ford fails to protect Citizens from corrupt Trudeau Liberals

CINO Ford fails to redress faulty lower court rulings 'excessive overturns'  

CINO Ford proves he is a leader we can do without and that he is no champion of Democracy

Can anyone explain the dimes worth of difference between the Lousy Liberals and the so-called conservatives under CINO Doug Ford?

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Friday, 10 December 2021

Pheckless Pharts

Why categorize political leadership as 'Pheckless Pharts'?

Because that is just what they are!

Over the years the 'Pheckless Pharts' in charge decided to pawn off their responsibilities by forming sub-governing bodies which gave the 'Crafty Bastards' the added benefit plausible denial.

The sub-governing bodies unpopular decisions would not reflect adversely on the 'Pheckless Pharts' who are in fact elected to do the job in the first place.

Subsequently, these sub-government bodies morphed into empire building monsters interfering, smothering and controlling every aspect of society! 

Perhaps the most extreme example of a good concept going off the rails has to be the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA).

News Alert Niagara aligned with the Citizens of Niagara in an all out war on the NPCA over their flagrant abuse of Citizens as can be scrutinized in our 2018 Article: A Study in elected Corruption (Update #8) or the many articles published before or since. Unfortunately for the Wynne/Bradley Liberals the dozens of Ontario Conservation Authorities were creating so much misery and hatred that the only hope for the Citizen was to dump the government supposedly in charge.  

The truth about empire building government entities manifested itself under the McGuinty/Wynne regime when the gangster in control of the NPCA stated that "no one could touch them". It wasn't that no one could touch them, but that no one was willing to touch them. If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely then surely the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) epitomizes  corruption of power predicated on the NPCA's opinion that they answer to no one, are accountable to no one according to their stated belief in the Ontario Government act that created their absolute authority. 
In fact the Provincial Liberal Progressives condoned the behavior of the NPCA as can be seen in the ‘Willie Wakulich Story’ and the many disgusting articles published before or since. The repugnant attitude toward the Citizen destroyed the Ontario Wynne/Bradley Liberal Government were they even lost official status.
Now we come to the most disturbing scenario. We elected Doug Ford based on his rhetoric that he was conservative and would undo some of the damage done by the Wynne/ Bradley Regime and take control of the staggering burden of sub-government. Ontario is in desperate need of effective Recall Legislation! We turfed the Wynne/Bradley Liberal Progressives predicated on our admiration of Rob Ford only to find out the hard way that Doug Ford is no Rob Ford. So far it appears that the Doug Ford Regime is operating more from the 'Progressive' stance as opposed to the 'Conservative'.
And Still the NPCA is untouched - Only more cautious
Interesting that we have THE left over Provincial Liberal Progressive Bradley still singing from the Kathleen Wynne song sheet that oversight and scrutiny of the NPCA is unnecessary and bothersome! 
 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless Phart leaders!

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Crafty Bastards

 Why categorize political leadership as 'Crafty Bastards'?

Because that is just what they are!

Over the years the 'Crafty Bastards' in charge decided to pawn off their responsibilities by forming sub-governing bodies which gave the 'Crafty Bastards' the added benefit plausible denial.

The sub-governing bodies unpopular decisions would not reflect adversely on the 'Crafty Bastards' who are in fact elected to do the job in the first place.

Subsequently, these sub-government bodies morphed into empire building monsters interfering, smothering and controlling every aspect of society!

Perhaps the most extreme example of a good concept going off the rails has to be the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA).

News Alert Niagara aligned with the Citizens of Niagara in an all out war on the NPCA over their flagrant abuse of Citizens as can be scrutinized in our 2018 Article: A Study in elected Corruption (Update #8) or the many articles published before or since. Unfortunately for the Wynne/Bradley Liberals the dozens of Ontario Conservation Authorities were creating so much misery and hatred that the only hope for the Citizen was to dump the government supposedly in charge.  

The truth about empire building government entities manifested itself under the McGuinty/Wynne regime when the gangster in control of the NPCA stated that "no one could touch them". It wasn't that no one could touch them, but that no one was willing to touch them. If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely then surely the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) epitomizes  corruption of power predicated on the NPCA's opinion that they answer to no one, are accountable to no one according to their stated belief in the Ontario Government act that created their absolute authority. 
In fact the Provincial Liberal Progressives condoned the behavior of the NPCA as can be seen in the ‘Willie Wakulich Story’ and the many disgusting articles published before or since. The repugnant attitude toward the Citizen destroyed the Ontario Wynne/Bradley Liberal Government were they even lost official status.
Now we come to the most disturbing scenario. We elected Doug Ford based on his rhetoric that he was conservative and would undo some of the damage done by the Wynne/ Bradley Regime and take control of the staggering burden of sub-government. Ontario is in desperate need of effective Recall Legislation! We turfed the Wynne/Bradley Liberal Progressives predicated on our admiration of Rob Ford only to find out the hard way that Doug Ford is no Rob Ford. So far it appears that the Doug Ford Regime is operating more from the 'Progressive' stance as opposed to the 'Conservative'.
And Still the NPCA is untouched - Only more cautious
Interesting that we have THE left over Provincial Liberal Progressive Bradley still singing from the Kathleen Wynne song sheet that oversight and scrutiny of the NPCA is unnecessary and bothersome! 
 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Beware Crafty Bastard's Comicron Tyranny

Saturday, 4 December 2021

Niagara, we have a problem

In his spurious presentation pleading for the Niagara Regional Chairmen's job, Queens Park leftover little Jimmy (Doolitle) Bradley cleverly spoke of trust, integrity, civility, transparency and openness.

How has that worked out for ya?

Once elected, Niagara Regional Chair Bradley quickly put his Kathleen Wynne expertise into action!

Bradley first came under the watchful eye of News Alert Niagara because of his conduct during the 'Walkerton Crises'.

It's one thing for the 'bought& paid for media' to have missed the danger inherit in the hiring of Bradley but it is quite another thing for that same media to continue as if 'nothing to see here'. 

Worse, the same 'bought & paid for media' seems to be comfortable aiding and abetting Chair Bradley in his attempt to stifle free speech

The scurrilous  conduct is coming to light because Bradley is in charge so he has nowhere to hide as he did during his decades long stint at Queens Park! Bradley spent fifty years as a covert progressive!

However, the Niagara Regional Chair position has exposed Bradley for what and who he is as evidenced by his conduct! 

Folks, it is possible that every empire building government entity in the country places their political wellbeing ahead of the Citizens!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Bought and paid for Liberal Media

Tragedy is spending $650Million to buy Liberal Progressive Media Trash instead of unbiased reporting on behalf of the Citizens and Businesses that supports them! 

A media that promotes biased political party trash will become irrelevant and will be considered little more than a diminishing advertising rag of questionable advertising value! 

Our illustrious media has caused our Niagara Regional Government to jump from the frying pan into the fire. Vote out one corrupt regime only to vote in an even more corrupt regime in the form of a covert Liberal Progressive who states that oversight and scrutiny is unnecessary and bothersome!

Not only is oversight & scrutiny necessary but essential!


Niagara deserves better, Niagara can do better and Niagara must do better!

Stagnation and diminishing returns is not an option!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Thursday, 2 December 2021

The shocking burying of the homeless report! 

Cause of Homelessness?

  The main cause of Homelessness is Government

Not just any old government. Oh no! Homelessness is caused by a specialist government. A government of Tax & Spend, Tax & Waste and even Tax & Pilfer; a government under the leadership of a fifty year career politician who fine-tuned his craft of deception in the Ontario Liberal Government of the hated McGuinty/Wynne Regime!

What caused our Niagara Regional Government to jump from the frying pan into the fire. Vote out one corrupt regime only to vote in an even more corrupt regime in the form of a covert Liberal Progressive who states that oversight and scrutiny is unnecessary and bothersome? 

The Niagara Independent Says Homelessness is an urgent problem in Niagara. 

How urgent is it when the Bradley Regime Hides the Homeless Report?

Bradley Proves Oversight & Scrutiny are necessary and essential!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!