Conspicuously absent is even one entity in place to investigate and prosecute reported government abuse of the Citizen.
Even our municipal governments have an Ombudsman to try to keep them in check while the Canadian Citizen has nothing but their own pocketbook!
You will understand who exactly is going to enforce the 'Charter' protection of Canadian Citizens when you hear the deafening and revolting words "YOU had better hire a lawyer"!
It is YOU, the hapless Citizen (2), that must take the offending Government to the Government's Court of Law at your expense, time and effort!
It is YOU, the hapless Citizen (4), who will suffer the realization of the cost for YOU to personally 'enforce the protections promised in OUR so-called Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms'!
The Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms is supposed be your protection against government abuse but only if you can afford to fight the same government in the government's court of law, hence the title 'Charter of Rights ONLY for the Rich?'
The Charter does not apply to thew RICH or the POOR.
Section 32a 7 32b clearly state the Charetr only applies to the Federal and Provincial governments.
The last line in section 32 reads "... this act does not apply to any persons corporations or organizations ..."
Interpretation act
ReplyDeleteCanada, for greater certainty, includes the internal waters
of Canada and the territorial sea of Canada;
Canadian waters includes the territorial sea of Canada
and the internal waters of Canada; (eaux canadiennes)
internal waters,
(a) in relation to Canada, means the internal waters of
Canada as determined under the Oceans Act and includes
the airspace above and the bed and subsoil below
those waters, and
(b) in relation to any other state, means the waters on
the landward side of the baselines of the territorial sea
of the other state; (eaux intérieures
statutory declaration means a solemn declaration
made pursuant to section 41 of the Canada Evidence Act;
(déclaration solennelle)