Tuesday, 28 January 2020


In 2009 the previous Liberal government unilaterally industrialized Ontario for the purpose of generating electricity.
The Green Energy Act (“GEA”) and ancillary legislation allowed developers to erect electrical generating stations anywhere in Ontario except: 1. where the harms test (hazard to health or species) could be proven; 2. areas closer than 550m to a “receptor”.
The policy was an unmitigated disaster. It produced unusable intermittent and expensive electricity that required spill-off of carbon-free energy when available and construction of gas turbine generators for periods when nonproductive. It rendered Ontario industry uncompetitive and households impoverished. These consequences were suffered across Ontario.
But a community of people living in proximity to Industrial Wind Turbines (“IWTs”) suffered special damages. Because they lived or worked in “receptors” more than 550m from another they had IWTs imposed on them. These people can be termed “rural” because they don’t live in urban or suburban areas. The fact is that the 550m setback requirement drove all IWT installations into rural Ontario.
This is the root of the discrimination instituted by the GEA. Anyone who lived closer than 550m to his nearest neighbour suffered no special damages. Those who did not were exposed to all the hazards of living in proximity to industrial electrical generators.
Those people are the concern of CCSAGE, a federal not-for-profit corporation based in Prince Edward County, that has been pursuing an application in the Superior Court in Picton to have the GEA declared discriminatory and thus unconstitutional.
To give the respondent Conservative government its due, in opposition it opposed the GEA and made the policy a major issue in the last provincial election. It was rewarded by a majority and returned to office to rectify the failed GEA policy. After forming government, the Conservatives repealed the GEA and cancelled many renewable energy projects that had not been started and two that had. Its Ministers explained the rationale for this new policy in press releases.
Minister Greg Rickford is reported to have said: "The Green Energy Act represents the largest transfer of money from the poor and middle class to the rich in Ontario's history,"
Minister Monte McNaughton is reported to have said: (1)“Well-connected energy insiders made fortunes putting up wind-farms and solar panels that gouge hydro consumers in order to generate electricity that Ontario doesn't need.” (2) “The Green Energy Act allowed the previous government to trample over the rights of families, businesses and municipalities across rural Ontario.” (3) “Wells that have produced clean, clear water for decades have begun producing dirty brown, unpotable water since construction of turbines for the North Kent I wind project began.”
Minister Greg Rickford: “The Green Energy Act forced wasteful projects on unwilling communities while driving up the costs of hydro bills for families and businesses across Ontario.”
Minister Jeff Yurek said the previous Liberal government “forced wind projects into the backyards of unwilling communities in municipalities across Ontario.”
Minister Todd Smith: “[T]he major multinational corporation developing the [White Pines] project was charged not once, not twice, but three times by the province’s Ministry of Environment for multiple violations.”
But repeal of the GEA and cancellation of unbuilt industrial generators has done nothing to alleviate the conditions imposed on those living adjacent to built and operational IWTs. Their situations are dire and no measures have been taken to provide relief despite thousands of reports of complaints from across rural Ontario.
When CCSAGE asked to examine the Ministers to obtain the evidence they had to support the statements they had made in the press and in the legislature, they refused and hid behind a so-called “parliamentary privilege” against attendance in any legal proceeding while sitting or in session.
And on 17 January the Attorney General asked the Superior Court in Picton to strike down the CCSAGE application in its entirety. The government alleges that no reasonable party would seek the relief sought by CCSAGE. The CCSAGE response is that no reasonable government would impose on a significant minority of its citizens the burdens of an improvident, unnecessary and totally ineffectual industrial policy.
Fortunately, the court refused to hear the AG motion because the issue is too complex to resolve in one day. It has scheduled a series of hearings ranging from half a day to 5 or more days, but none before 15 May.
The obvious question is what happened to the Conservatives who deplored the impact of the GEA and repealed it? Have they changed their minds? 
Having secured the votes of rural Ontario to gain office, are they now abandoning us as their predecessors have done?
Alan Whiteley, 
Picton, Ontario

Links For More:

Friday, 24 January 2020

Corruption Compounded

Who would deprive Regional Council of vital information

Check with the Kathleen Wynne Liberal Operative in charge!
.Why should the Niagara Regime's Councilors be expressing concern over  the Niagara Regime's corruption? 'News Alert Niagara' has been harping on the subject of corruption for years!
Now the Regime's Councilors are displaying outrage predicated on learning that the Chair's men have been skewing the rules of purchase and withholding the outcome of reports. The Chair's men have withheld pertinent information for up to a year under the watchful eye of Chair Bradley!
Chair Bradley stated that his Number one priority was to return Trust of regional council to the people of Niagara while he has failed to bring Trust to his own council.
It is heartening to see our Regional Councilors standing against the flim-flam conduct that has gotten us so much infamy of embarrassing corruption. Our Regional Councilors would do well to understand who is in charge and why their constituents elected them!
Following their raucous hour long in-camera session of the Special Council meeting January 23, 2020 our Niagara Regional Councilor's distrust of process was beyond palpable as can be witnessed by CLICKING HERE: (144 Minute Mark)

Trust, Integrity, Civility, Transparency and Openness.

Perhaps if our leadership wasn't so busy playing  team politics they might have heard the warnings. To paraphrase a famous axiom 'there is none so deaf as those who will not hear'.  

Please Note: There is plenty of room in comment section below for all those with a differing opinion, including Regional Councilors and Staff, to say so.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Corruption of the Flat Earth Society

Congratulations must go to Niagara's Flat Earth Society (FES) for their valiant and successful effort in making Niagara better by turfing the NPCA Chair predicated on the Chair not believing that the Earth is Flat (Man-made climate change).
However, the Flat Earth Society has no problem in boosting their champion of 'Schitz Creek' fame to head up the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority's Board of Directors.
That's Right! In this country we boost a person to Conservation Board Chair who is capable in 'not divulging' the fact that they participated in an organization that allowed raw sewage to silently inundate the beautiful Chedoke Creek to the tune of a foot-deep sludge of human excrement over a period of years.  https://www.chch.com/premier-doug-ford-criticizes-hamilton-council-over-sewage-spill-secret/

Worse, Flat Earth Society accepts promoting a 'cover-up artist' in the form of a political Creek polluter to head up a Conservation Authority Board of Directors as preferable to an Chair who refuses to accept their particular philosophy.So much for the 'defend to the death quote'! https://npca.ca/our-voice/post/annual-general-meeting

Its understandable that the new Chair of the NPCA Board of Directors does not want to dwell on her past even though those concerned with conservation fully understand that this new Chair of the 'Conservation Board' keeping silent  regarding raw sewage dumping into our waterways fits perfectly with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority's disgusting history
Niagara Regime's partner the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority bringing more disrepute in the form of promoting a Board Chair (Only Choice) who covered up the dumping of Raw Sewage into our waterways.

PS Lets hope the Niagara Regimes Councilors get to see this Article

Editorial didn't support democracy
What sanctimonious hypocrisy.
This newspaper has continued to praise this new Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority board for the past year and more, including the period David Bylsma has been chair, and promoted it as a new beginning for NPCA.
This without a shred of evidence this new board is any more transparent than those before or any evidence they are safeguarding the millions of tax dollars they continue to spend any better than previous administrations.
The survey your newspaper conducted was a sham and did not show any credible evidence any majority of board members believed Bylsma should be summarily rejected because of his personal views. You didn't even pretend to show it did.
What is not democratic is to allow the opinions of two local activists, who do not represent the views of all Niagara residents, dictate that a democratically appointed board chair should be rejected because he refused to renounce his personal beliefs and instead, accept theirs.
As one of the most alleged, influential sources of independent news in Niagara, your editorial does not support democracy. The views of a majority are not necessarily the right views, but as a news source you do not have any right to claim 'democracy' as a rationale to support activists even if you believe in their causes.
Andrew Watts

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Homelessness Embarrasses Municipality

Embarrassed because Homelessness is a municipal responsibility

We know the City was embarrassed because otherwise they would have been accommodating before firing up roadblocks to a Niagara 'Singer/Songwriter' who offered to spend a night in Montebello Park to bring attention to the plight of homeless Citizens.

Monday, 20 January 2020

Notice to Readers Dateline Feb 3, 2020

Notice to Readers (other than silent regional):
As a Courtesy ‘News Alert Niagara’ provides the Niagara Regional Councilors a copy of our articles.
Recently we have noticed something new.
Emails sent to Niagara Regional Councilors with ‘Request Delivery Receipt’ and ‘Request a Read Receipt’ received no response indicating interference of mail. 
The Greatest test of our veracity is the silence of the Niagara Regime. Not a single comment, counter opinion or correction of any kind of over 430 articles that the Niagara Regime wants blocked.

The issue is Trust, Integrity, Civility, Transparency and Openness.

Originally sent to Niagara Regional Councilorson Monday January 20, 2020 
But, how does Trust, Integrity, Civility, Transparency and Openness fit in to such a grand proclamation when that same leader of the Niagara Regional Regime evidently hatches a new scheme to interfere with email correspondence flowing to our Regime's Councilors?
Surely, our Regime's Councilors are the only ones with the right to interfere, block or 'close-without-reading' when it comes to electronic mail!
Question: When did it become legal for a government to control its members mail?
Censoring the mail of our Niagara Regional Councilors is just a recurring attempt to shield the Niagara Regional Regime against the ravages of 'Openness' as in their 2010 effort to deny citizen participation (Note Cause 13.3) in the Citizen's own 'Public Forum' . http://www.niagarawinnerscircle.com/Inventing-Darkness.html
Back in Autumn of 2018 'News Alert Niagara' stood alone in raising the alarm regarding the boosting of a Kathleen Wynne Liberal Operative to the Chair of the Niagara Regional Government. 
The Kathleen Wynne Liberal Operative promised that his No.1 priority would be Trust, Integrity, Civility, Transparency and Openness.
So what is Chair Bradley's promise worth? 
Will he clean up the Machiavellian barriers preventing Niagara Constituents from bringing their concerns before the Regime's Councilors by way of demanding presentations to Council be based solely on agenda issues days before the agenda is even posted? 
Will he stop the censoring of the Regime's emails?
Or will he continue in his Kathleen Wynne Liberal Operative style devoid of integrity.

If Niagara Regional Councilors are reading this Article for the first time it would be appropriate for them to inquire of their Staff!

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Tax to Prosperity - THE SEQUEL

Sir Winston Churchill once said that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
Blindly heaving on the handle of a bucket flies in the face of overwhelming and historic evidence as written in 'The Wealth of Nations' by Adam Smith or as chronicled in 'Decline of the West' by Oswald Spengler and by the failure of every society that has tried to tax itself into prosperity
Who will be the first to say that Churchill was talking about 'National Debt' not 'Municipal Debt'.
It won't be the 'Totally Free' The Niagara Independent online news!
The first paragraph of the 'Niagara Independent's most enlightening article' says it all: 'Residents in Niagara will see a sharp increase in the amount of taxes they will be paying next year as the Regional government passed its 2020 budget last Thursday night. The increases include a 5.92 per cent overall property tax increase, a 5.15 per cent hike on the water and waste water tax bill as well as a 9.9 per cent increase for waste management services despite a reduction in waste management services. It’s the largest tax increase in at least a decade.' 
Add City Tax increase - example St. Catharines 3.92 %
Not to mention Provincial and Federal Tax increases, Fines, Fees and Property Theft.
In true Kathleen Wynne double speak Chair Bradley said  "Regional Council was faced with some challenging decisions on the 2020 budget, however we continued to invest in Niagara’s future through support for high quality service delivery." 
Chair Bradley is correct in that 'high quality' means the most politicians anywhere in Canada; the greatest number of the greatest new cop shops; the greatest new anything other than the greatest husbanding of the public purse!
Government is the greatest cause of poverty and homelessness and the Niagara Regime is no exception! The government's cost to the taxpayers at multiples of inflation leads nowhere but to the eventual devastation of society

Only Councilors Redekop, Bylsma, Heit, and Insanna voted not to accept the brazen NEW tax increases!
It is very unfortunate that the rest of our Regime's Councilors acquiesce in the direction of so many historic and failed societies not least of which was the recent devastation of Jim Bradley's Ontario Liberal Regime.
Sadly this brazen scheme to cover their pay increases was deliberately spawned mid-term in an effort to ward off public backlash at election time!
Always an excuse - Always someone else's fault!
Please Click Blue Links 

Click HERE to watch your Regional Regime in action

Monday, 6 January 2020

It's NOT the Economy, Stupid! It's CORRUPTION!

Sir Winston Churchill said. 'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life'.
Your presence on social media is a positive indication that you do. 
But, just what is it you think you stand for?
What you are struggling against is some perceived or real abuse by some level of your government.

However, the derivation of the abuse, which is the abuse you are experiencing, is rooted in corruption. Without corruption you would have nothing to struggle against!
While you are squandering a fortune fighting the expensive fight in our all to often conflicted court system which is a court system loath to bite the hand that feeds them, please consider exposing corruption every where you find it. Corruption that hurts one, hurts everyone, everywhere! 
Spread the word - it's good for you!
It's Not the Economy, Stupid, It's CORRUPTION and it is CORRUPTION which is slowly eating away at our society!
.Churchill also said; 'if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves'.
P.S. One of the most successful groups fighting CORRUPTION has been the Niagara Landowners Association through their ongoing political efforts and by joining other unsatisfied organizations to politically devastate the corrupt and unaccountable Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, several disgusting and corrupt municipalities, and 27 out of 31 political miscreants of the corrupt Niagara Regional Government simply by spreading the word in order to turf feckless political miscreants. 


Sunday, 5 January 2020

UPDATE - Murder Most Foul

According to eye witnesses New Year's eve ushered in the new decade of 2020 with the sound of gunfire in West St. Catharines.

The witnesses report that at around 4:30 pm Tuesday, December 31, 2019 they pulled over because of emergency flashing police car which stopped almost abreast of them. A male and a female police officer jumped out of their cruiser and almost immediately the male officer fired one shot into an unarmed Citizen in his own driveway. The female officer fired two shots into the victim who immediately fell on his face. 

Image result for Smoking gun imageMost disconcerting is the witnesses claiming that the male officer proceeded to fire a shot into the victim's back while the victim was motionless on the ground. The witness claims the victim's clothing moved when the shot entered the victim's back.
The witnesses said the victim was unarmed because they could see his hands and that his hands were empty.
Why Would the Media paint witnesses as participants in Mr. Penner's demise?

.It was chilling to hear the witness say, 'I witnessed a murder today and I want my story to get out!'

This firearm tragedy involving 56 year old Fred Penner is no less tragic for the police officers now facing consequence for their split second decision
Question: Why is the media claiming that the dead resident, Mr. Penner completely covered by a yellow tarp is in the hospital with life threatening injuries?.
To be Continued...

PS: The Niagara Police Service Board tried desperately, to no avail, to convince the Niagara Regional Police to provide their front-line officers with body cameras.


  1. did not report a murder on the news- a lot of assuming going on
  2. To hear that police shot an unarmed man 3 times, then a fourth into his back while lying down motionless is traumatizing!  What IQ test are they using to recruit police officers?  Where they checked for substance abuse immediately after this incident?  Thank God for the 2 witnesses brave enough to step forward.  If the facts are true, let's hope the 2 police officers are charged and tried in court like they did with the police officer in Hamilton that shot the teenager on the bus.  This is way too troubling for citizens who may now feel distrust for police officers' after reading this story.
  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
  4. If Niagara police have body cams ..maybe even the car dash cam will tell the tale , and what did this "unarmed" man do in the house?

    1. "In the house"??? 5 minutes before the cops got there he could have been DANCING A HIGHLAND FLING NAKED ON THE ROOF - the fact that he was UNARMED walking calmly not being aggressive and has a history of NON VIOLENT contact with the police as recent as Dec 26th (Boxing Day) the shooting was nothing short of cold blooded murder.
      The dead mans brother told me "9 shots fired 7 hit Fred 2 remain unaccounted for"
      9 shots at an unarmed man and the last shot IN THE BACK as he LAY ON THE GROUND!
  5. Ok so if this "witness" is correct, then yes the officers should be held accountable. But.., if it is proven he is not correct then he too should be held accountable for shooting his mouth off and interfering in an investigation. I hope it is the latter because I don't want to realize our officers could do such a thing. I just don't know.
  6. "Unknown" might I suggest you EXPAND your cranial capacity and watch the TWO witnesses tell YOU live what happened
    My name is Duke Willis - the WITNESS - but please do not let MY EYES stop you from believing the LIES from the police and media.
    PS: the media feed you lies that they are fed by the POLICE
    Stay tuned for my upcoming show with the brother of the victim.