Ridiculous you say!
It was enlightening to attend the fourth and final charade regarding the decades long attempt to convince the citizens of St. Catharines to approve the City's effort to place another burden* on private property.
No, not for the sake of a shade canopy or the well-being of our trees.
Oh No! For the sake of control and money! The city is after the expensive permit fees on the spurious excuse that other municipalities get away with it!
1. The poster suggesting the multitude of so-called protectors of TREES on Private Property.
2. The number of people with NO Private Property Trees that are so willing to sacrifice the rights of others who do.
3. How easy it is for government to get citizens to give up their rights.
4. Rights stolen are hard to retrieve.
5. The abusive record of the designated tree protectors.
6. The cost in terms of staff time and printed material expended to facilitate their power grab.
Citizens are fed up with never-ending excuses to steal their property rights and their home equity!
*After losing their years-long persecution against an innocent St. Catharines city resident, the NPCA and City convinced a court that by finishing his legal Solar array project he further violated the law under the spurious argument that he created a new development. This corrupted equity theft cost the Citizen additional $thousands!https://newsalertniagara.blogspot.com/2018/07/an-extraordinarily-disgusting-story.html
I would like to know how the city feels it has right over the trees on private property. The trees were given and granted on each property as stated on title, subject to the Crown Grant. The land was given and granted by the sovereign. The city now feels that it is above the Sovereign yet the queen plays no role in the provincial parliament. There action is Ultra Vires.