Sunday 22 October 2023

Soothing the Savage Beast!

 What was the purpose of having an October 18, 2023 planning meeting of St. Catharines City Council way down at the Neil Campbell Rowing Center on the Henley Rowing Coarse away from prying eyes of the public?

We say 'Prying eyes of the public' because this Special Meeting was also NOT Televised!

It took two days for 'News Alert Niagara' to find out when, where and at what time this special meeting was to take place! ..

The Convener, Erin O'Hoski who did an admirable job directing the meeting actually introduced herself and inquired who I was. Erin was the only one to even acknowledge I was in the room! Perhaps by not assimilating into their common position, I've worn out my welcome.

As the planning session proceeded there were a couple of slides of interest. One slide showed an increase in government mandated tax of over $10Million 68% to 77%. 

Was there ever an outrage from our civic leaders? Did they ever try to protect their constituents from endless 'Empire Building' or do they just use the
higher level of government mandates as their go to excuse? 


Let's see what this strategy looks like when it sees the light of day.

Unfortunately it is 'THEY' who determine 'Taxpayer affordability'!

Another slide illustrated the cost value of each percent increase in tax!
They banter jargon comparing other communities doing better or worse than St. Catharines without even mentioning the other communities by name.
News Alert Niagara would like to name one.
Ajax is not only a similar size as St. Catharines, it is also right across and on the shore of our Lake Ontario! As a matter fact there are no other communities mired in as much over-governess as St. Catharines mired in the Region of Niagara!
St. Catharines, once the shining city on the hill now reduced surviving on service industry predicated on allowing their once thriving and prosperity producing industries to slip away without so much as a whimper!

Its as though Adam Smith and his 'Wealth of Nations' never existed!

So, to answer our first question, the whole exorcise dubbed 'planning session' was nothing more than a squalid attempt to 'Sooth the Savage Beast'; the Savage Beast being the perceived growing threat emanating from some councilors who are becoming aware that double digit property tax increases are unsustainable. 

 Strategic Plan Refresh Project - OCT2023.pdf

Setting Taxpayers up for catastrophic failure!

Standard Reporter Karena Walter (Not present at the planning meeting) somehow managed to write the following diatribe, on behalf of the city, under the deceptive title:

St. Catharines asset conditions not a good news story

2023 Assessment Management Plan condition ratings

City non-core assets were rated based on replacement value

Buildings and facilities: 71% in good to very good condition, 15% in poor to very poor condition

Corporate fleet: 40% in good to very good condition, 48% in poor to very poor condition

Cultural assets: 59% in good to very good condition, 29% in poor to very poor condition

Fire services: 42% in good to very good condition, 48% in poor to very poor condition

Information Technology: 27% in good to very good condition, 51% in poor to very poor condition

Natural assets: 40% in good to very good condition, 12% in poor to very poor condition

Parking services: 49% in good to very good condition, 26% in poor to very poor condition

Parks: 40% in good to very good condition, 43% in poor to very poor condition

Source: GM BluePlan Engineering Inc. 

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