Good 'ole Lying Lieberal, little Jimmy (Doolitle) Bradley, Niagara Regional Chairman Stated that Oversight and Scrutiny are not only unnecessary but bothersome! WOW!
What kind of pampered politician would consider Oversight and Scrutiny of government as unnecessary and bothersome only to prove the necessity by resorting to criminal activity to conceal conduct?
Perhaps, fifty years of unaccountable elitist behavior has shaped his arrogant opinion.
We may never know the reason Bradley proceeded down the road of criminal activity to shield against public scrutiny of his regime, but we do know what lead News Alert Niagara to follow step by step through a myriad of roadblocks to its logical conclusion of criminal corruption.
Having gone through the stage of apprising the Niagara Regional Police (NRP) of serious crime, a crime that carries a ten year prison sentence, a crime much different than inconveniencing 1700 motorists to find a handful of somewhat over the limit drinking drivers who must be shamed publicly in the news media without ever stating their level of intoxication. Not only did we do our duty of informing the NRP, which we did to no avail, but we also reached out to the NRPSB, the so-called civilian service board with NO civilians (only political hacks) where we were equally rebuffed on their stated opinion that they have no mandate to tell the police how to do their job.
We did NOT ask the NRPSB to tell the police how to do there job!
We asked them to bring our concerns of serious crime to the NRP.
When we finally caved to their stonewalling we asked if we could present to the board only to receive the following, "In consultation with the Board Chair and Board
Vice-Chair, your request to make a presentation is declined because the Board
has no legislative jurisdiction over operational policing matter..."
That is where it stayed until we finally hand delivered our written request, which could not be emailed to the Niagara Regional clerk's office, predicated on criminal activity.
The response to the hard copy of our request;
morning Mr. Haskell,
Clerk’s Office is in receipt of your letter (attached) alleging possible
criminal activity by Niagara Regional Government. Based on your correspondence,
it isn’t clear if you want to engage with someone in our Communications
Department with respect to this matter so I have copied Sean O’Brady, Associate
Director, Strategic Communications and Public Affairs, failing which criminal
matters fall under the jurisdiction of the Niagara Regional Police therefore
you may wish to redirect your correspondence accordingly.
Our hand delivered hard copy to the clerk's office did produce results!
Suddenly email communication opened up as if someone tipped off the perpetrator that citizens were on to their criminal activities.
Of the thirty-one elected officials that make up the political body of the Niagara Regional Government only twelve bothered to even read your request. .
Of the twelve Councillors that did respond their common theme was to take our request to the police.