Friday, 27 May 2022

NO! It's Corruption, STUPID!

The corrupt always try to divert attention by making claims in the (deceptively) wrong direction.

However, we have history to guide us, if we will pay attention, that the failures of our society is predicated on corruption. Corruption has caused the demise of every society of every style, shape or form tried by throughout history.

Following the definitive 1918 works of Oswald Spengler we have been repeatedly fed 'diverting attention' by the corrupt to the present day. Yet we continually vote for the very individuals that have done little more than perpetuate society's problems.

Elected officials spouting diverting platitudes while hiding the reasons they have silently failed in their duties! Elected officials who even fail to speak up on the behalf of their constituents is a clear indication as to why you should never vote for them!

We even have assholes claiming they stand for societal freedoms while they refuse their constituents the protection of a recall mechanism! The same recall mechanism that helped straighten out the ONLY Province with the last resort of recall! 

Sadly we have elected public servants who believe they were elected to Rule! How would you rate their ruling performance? Are you comfortable with the diminution of our Canadian manufacturing with their corresponding permanent loss of jobs? What about the world characterization of our rulers as 'Tyrannical Fascists'?

Still, if you are satisfied with the status quo...

 Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

Friday, 13 May 2022

Meet the World's most efficient Teacher

 Sadly, the world's most efficient Teacher  is Canadian!

The name of this efficient Teacher is none other than the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Justin Trudeau.

PM Trudeau is a contender for the unenviable International 'Toilet Seat Award' for his prowess as a teacher in the black arts of Fraud, Lying, Coverup, Waste, Tyranny, Fascism and for being the worst 'Freedom Stealing' Asshole* to ever lead an internationally infamous gang of corrupt goons masquerading as a political party to abuse the Citizens of Canada!    

*Asshole [verb] One who shits on you

Please excuse the language. It stems from the desperation of the attempt to get through to the leaders that only listen to explicit and foul language
Our article titled 'Canada the Good - until NOW' refers to the PM'S conduct that has lowered internationally recognized genteel disposition of Canadians. 
At this point we take you to the most important lessen taught to us by the world's most efficient teacher and that is the power of the purse. Our Tyrannical Asshole PM fully illustrated the devastation of having your own personal funds illegally cut off leaving you destitute!
One has to wonder what would happen if the 'Tyrannical Assholes' currently running the country had their funds cut off? It's called a tax revolt and has been used very effectively in many parts of Canada and it has done so without violence! Violence in any form is to be avoided. 
However, Citizens hire and elect their leaders to run their affairs with honesty and integrity, not as some unscrupulous manager of a personal slush fund. Citizens have no obligation to fund corruption!
The saddest thing of all is to watch the Trudeau sycophants sitting in consenting silence of crime and corruption as if they don't know what is going on all around them. The scurrilous conduct of the current Liberal Government is not a new phenomenon. This scurrilous conduct is a repeated nightmare that has plagued society throughout history and must be repeatedly destroyed by society.

  Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Quixote Rides Again

Cervantes told us that Don Quixote rode against those dammed windmills which he viewed as mortal enemies and he did so with courage and dignity!

Four hundred years later we have Steven Del Duca flying in the face of criminal liberalism telling us that his version of liberalism will take us forward.

Nice thought, but how will Steven Del Duca take us forward carting the enormous wingding baggage of McGuinty, Wynne, Trudeau and the whole corrupt liberal gang dragging him down? 

The tragedy is that Mr. Del Duca is steeped in the Liberal party morass that has brought so much pain to Canadian Citizens. Mr. Del Duca's Liberal party brought politics to a new low with lies, deception and corruption to the point were the electorate seriously dumped HIS Ontario gang leaving them with only 6 seats and without standing as a political party.
Although liberal/socialists are not the only ones robbing Citizens of their Rights and Freedoms, they certainly are the vanguard of putting themselves above their constituents. If this were not the case we wouldn't be fighting for our freedom!

  Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!