Who committed criminal mischief under color of law? Bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council!
How did the bad actors of Niagara Regional Council carry out their Criminal Mischief under color of law? By feigning a need to call an in camera session in the middle of a council meeting forcing a packed gallery to stand outside with no available seating, while the bad actors deliberated for a full hour!
What was the criminal mischief committed under the color of law? Criminal mischief was committed by an elected bad actor placing a hat over a live recording device to claim a reporter was intent on recording an in camera meeting!
Why would bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council criminally target a reporter? Because the reporter was continually exposing unbecoming activities of elected bad actors!
Who were the bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council? In this case the bad actors were primarily an inordinate overload of double dipping Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) board members on our Niagara Regional Council whose conduct grew so bad that the Province had to step in to curb their activities! Even the Region's CAO was the head of the NPCA and who assaulted a reporter by violently pushing the reporter's camera into the reporter's face because the reporter photographed a public speaker in a public venue in a public building!
A compilation of the reporter's expose` of the NPCA abuse of innocent property owners can be viewed here! https://newsalertniagara.blogspot.com/2018/11/a-study-in-elected-corruption-update-8.html
Why did the bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council NOT SUCCEED in getting the reporter arrested? The bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council failed in their criminal mischief because of their own in house video which showed (at the 135 minute mark) that the reporter had left the media desk with the camera still resting on hat; NOT covering the recorder!
What have you done about the bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council? Well, I started by asking for my stolen property back following up with sending the Region a bill for holding my stolen property. Finally, in June 2021, I commenced a lawsuit in an attempt to recover my stolen property!
It is ludicrous that in the face of so many people having already heard the recording it is incredible and an absolute 'obstruction of justice' that my lawyers and the courts are denied access.
So, I filed an 'Obstruction of Justice' complaint with the Niagara Regional Police because nowhere does the charge exempt government! Detective Molnar came to hear my complaint. The only thing that came out of my 'Obstruction of Justice' complaint was to hear back from Lawyer Mickey Cruickshank that Detective Molnar carried private information back to the 'Obstruction of Justice' perpetrator.
Letter from Mickey Cruickshank to my Lawyer
Re: The Regional Municipality of Niagara et al ats. Haskell Court File No: 5623/19 recently advised by my client, Niagara Region Police, that your client has been contacting them regarding the above-noted matter. He has again reported the incident requesting an investigation regarding this matter despite the fact that he has already commenced litigation regarding same.
He has also made statements to my client the he will be publishing an article about the subject incident.
I trust that you were not aware of this, and that you can speak to your client regarding the impropriety of trying to pursue his interests in his lawsuit directly with my client and without your involvement.
Yours truly, Mickey Cruickshank Legal Counsel
Dear Mr. Cruickshank,
I want you to know that my informing YOUR CLIENT the NRP of a possible 'Obstruction of Justice Crime' is my civic duty and more importantly, my right and has nothing to do with my lawsuit against the Region!
Furthermore Mr. Cruickshank, it is incumbent upon me to let the voters know what the Regional chair has been up too before they vote!
Perhaps you can speak to your NRP client regarding the impropriety of ignoring valid information concerning criminal acts or even carrying information back to the perpetrator!
Yours Truly, Preston Haskell
Who was involved with the criminal mischief of covering the recorder with the hat? The detective on the incident interviewed the only person, Councilor Sandy Annunciata, former Chair of the NPCA Board, who claimed he found the recorder under the hat! I tried in vain to obtain the the detective's ridiculous interview with Annunziata from the NRP but I was denied!
Why was the recorder left running? At the time the reporter left the Chamber for the washroom facilities the Council had not yet decided to go in camera! In fact Councilor Rigby had already gave plausible reasons that in camera was NOT necessary as can be witnessed on the video!
According to Ontario's Ombudsman, the bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council got away with 'Criminal Mischief' and now they are getting away with 'Obstruction of Justice'!
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