Saturday, 3 December 2022

Criminal Mischief under Color of Law

Who committed criminal mischief under color of law? Bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council!

How did the bad actors of Niagara Regional Council carry out their Criminal Mischief under color of law? By feigning a need to call an in camera session in the middle of a council meeting forcing a packed gallery to stand outside with no available seating, while the bad actors deliberated for a full hour!

What was the criminal mischief committed under the color of law? Criminal mischief was committed by an elected bad actor placing a hat over a live recording device to claim a reporter was intent on recording an in camera meeting!

Why would bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council criminally target a reporter? Because the reporter was continually exposing unbecoming activities of  elected bad actors!   

Who were the bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council? In this case the bad actors were primarily an inordinate overload of double dipping Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) board members on our Niagara Regional Council whose conduct grew so bad that the Province had to step in to curb their activities! Even the Region's CAO was the head of the NPCA and who assaulted a reporter by violently pushing the reporter's camera into the reporter's face because the reporter photographed a public speaker in a public venue in a public building!

A compilation of the reporter's expose` of the NPCA abuse of innocent property owners can be viewed here!

Why did the bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council NOT SUCCEED in getting the reporter arrested? The bad actors of the  Niagara Regional Council failed in their criminal mischief because of their own in house video which showed (at the 135 minute mark) that the reporter had left the media desk with the camera still resting on hat; NOT covering the recorder!

What have you done about the bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council? Well, I started by asking for my stolen property back following up with sending the Region a bill for holding my stolen property. Finally, in June 2021, I commenced a lawsuit in an attempt to recover my stolen property! 
The Region's lawyer Mickey Cruikshank refuses to release the recorder on the basis of his claim that there is recorded secrets on it. 
What IS on the recorder is recorded evidence of criminal mischief, which is exactly what Regional Chair Bradley through his lawyer Mickey Cruikshank is trying to hide

It is ludicrous that in the face of so many people having already heard the recording it is incredible and an absolute 'obstruction of justice' that my lawyers and the courts are denied access. 

So, I filed an 'Obstruction of Justice' complaint with the Niagara Regional Police because nowhere does the charge exempt government! Detective Molnar came to hear my complaint. The only thing that came out of my 'Obstruction of Justice' complaint was to hear back from Lawyer Mickey Cruickshank that Detective Molnar carried private information back to the 'Obstruction of Justice' perpetrator.

Letter from Mickey Cruickshank to my Lawyer  

Re: The Regional Municipality of Niagara et al ats. Haskell Court File No: 5623/19 recently advised by my client, Niagara Region Police, that your client has been contacting them regarding the above-noted matter. He has again reported the incident requesting an investigation regarding this matter despite the fact that he has already commenced litigation regarding same

He has also made statements to my client the he will be publishing an article about the subject incident.

I trust that you were not aware of this, and that you can speak to your client regarding the impropriety of trying to pursue his interests in his lawsuit directly with my client and without your involvement. 

Yours truly, Mickey Cruickshank Legal Counsel


Dear Mr. Cruickshank,

I want you to know that my informing YOUR CLIENT the NRP of a possible 'Obstruction of Justice Crime' is my civic duty and more importantly, my right and has nothing to do with my lawsuit against the Region! 

Furthermore Mr. Cruickshank, it is incumbent upon me to let the voters know what the Regional chair has been up too before they vote!

Perhaps you can speak to your NRP client regarding the impropriety of ignoring valid information concerning criminal acts or even carrying information back to the perpetrator! 

   Yours Truly, Preston Haskell

Who was involved with the criminal mischief of covering the recorder with the hat? The detective on the incident interviewed the only person, Councilor Sandy Annunciata, former Chair of the NPCA Board, who claimed he found the recorder under the hat! I tried in vain to obtain the the detective's ridiculous interview with Annunziata from the NRP but I was denied!

Why was the recorder left running? At the time the reporter left the Chamber for the washroom facilities the Council had not yet decided to go in camera! In fact Councilor Rigby had already gave plausible reasons that in camera was NOT necessary as can be witnessed on the video!

According to Ontario's Ombudsman, the bad actors of the Niagara Regional Council got away with 'Criminal Mischief' and now they are getting away with 'Obstruction of Justice'!


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 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

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Thursday, 3 November 2022

Three Cheers for Man of the Years

According to The Niagara Independent Dated 1 November 2022 'The Man of the Years' has once again stood up for Property Rights!

That's right 'once again' since 'The Man of the Years' challenged the corruption of Fonthill Mayor Augustin's property rights abuses and whose valiant effort wiped out the entire municipal governance!

It takes a hellofalota time, effort and money to fight against government overreach when it comes to abuse of Private Property Owners!

That is exactly what 'The Man of the Years' has been up to! His efforts has sent a clear message to municipalities regarding the passing of laws effecting Private Properties.

Municipalities who follow the logic of former Councilor now MPP Stephens who famously stated "we were elected to rule these people"! Municipalities certainly do rule except when they cross the line onto Private property!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

Friday, 14 October 2022

Interception and interference

 Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)

Addresses the Crime of email intervention and interference of private emails


  •  (1) Every person who, by means of any electro-magnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other device, knowingly intercepts a private communication is guilty of

    • (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or

    • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

    • Just following orders is no excuse!

    • Bureaucratic interference of emails from Citizens to their elected officials is inappropriate

      Persons deriving income from taxpayers interfere when permanently blocking emails from Taxpaying Citizens

      Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

       Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

       Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

      We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information ! 

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Did You Know?

That the Ontario Ombudsman ruled, after many long and grueling hours of investigation, that the December 7, 2017 confiscation of reporter Preston Haskell's recording device was unlawful?

Did you know that reporter Preston Haskell has a lawsuit against the Niagara regional regime where Preston finally found the illusive police report regarding the illegal activity of the regional regime.

Sad that one must sue a regime to recover property the regime has stolen! 

There is evidence on the recording clearly indicating what went on, which is the reason the current Regime Chair Jim Bradley is refusing to release the recorder with the damning evidence!

The recorder is in his lawyer Cruikshank's possession hoping the story can be smothered until after the upcoming election.

Nearly 5 years after the illegal confiscation, "Kathleen Wynne's Stealthy Clone" still holds onto stolen property possibly making him guilty of 'obstruction of justice'! Obstruction of Justice (of any kind) carries a penalty of up to ten years in prison or at least it would be if perpetrated by anyone not in political position!                            Costs award incorrectly provided restitution for seized laptop: Alberta Court of Appeal | Canadian Lawyer (

 Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) for obstruction of justice regarding Chair Bradley's activity is now in the hands of the Niagara Regional Police Officer Adam Molnar (9779) since August 18, 2022. We will keep you posted. 

Letter from Mickey Cruickshank to my Lawyer  

Re: The Regional Municipality of Niagara et al ats. Haskell Court File No: 5623/19 recently advised by my client, Niagara Region Police, that your client has been contacting them regarding the above-noted matter. He has again reported the incident requesting an investigation regarding this matter despite the fact that he has already commenced litigation regarding same

He has also made statements to my client the he will be publishing an article about the subject incident.

I trust that you were not aware of this, and that you can speak to your client regarding the impropriety of trying to pursue his interests in his lawsuit directly with my client and without your involvement. 

Yours truly, Mickey Cruickshank Legal Counsel


Dear Mr. Cruickshank,

I want you to know that my informing YOUR CLIENT the NRP of a possible 'Obstruction of Justice Crime' is my civic duty and more importantly, my right and has nothing to do with my lawsuit against the Region! 

Furthermore Mr. Cruickshank, it is incumbent upon me to let the voters know what the Regional chair has been up too before they vote!

Perhaps you can speak to your NRP client regarding the impropriety of ignoring valid information concerning criminal acts or even carrying information back to the perpetrator! 

Yours Truly, Preston Haskell

The Burning Question regarding the life-long career of failure Jim Bradley toward the Citizens of Niagara is who is he or better yet what is he?

For the whole of Bradley's political 50yr career of failure, Bradley never once addressed the spectacular over-governance of Niagara! Not even when he was Deputy Premier!

Bradley is Comfortable presiding over a region with obscene tax levels. Niagara suffers obscene tax levels because he and his ilk drove out the wealth creating manufacturing that once made Niagara the 'Shining City on the Hill', which attracted so many. Now we are actually losing population!

The telling evidence that a community is suffering 'diminishing returns' is by the thundering silence from laconic leadership toward our real problems while barking like dogs if their personal ox is gored! 

While so many jurisdictions have succeeded in building back from bombed out basements to become 'Shining Cities on the Hill' as compared with Bradley and his ilk working diligently on taking our once 'Shining City on the Hill' to a unenviable stagnation and dearth of wealth generating industry and commerce where they are actually calling for a police state and even our charities are being crushed!

Unfortunately, there are so few who new and loved
our 'Shining City on the hill' at the time Bradley and his ilk landed in politics!

The sad truth is that the only two things the Niagara Regime is good at is Tax and Spend!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information ! 

Sunday, 2 October 2022

No Free Press in Canada

 Government Decides Who is or is not Free Press

Cut and paste story from Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun

Permission, approval, permits and staff accompanying reporters is the future for media covering the news at the airport, even as Transport Canada strongly disagrees with the iron-fisted approach.

We’re not talking about an airport in North Korea, China, Afghanistan or Cuba.

These rules are being brought into Toronto Pearson International Airport. ArriveCan may be gone this weekend but a new rule being installed Monday will fundamentally change how media cover the airport news.

“As you’re likely aware, we recently opened Toronto Pearson terminals back up after having restrictions in place for more than two years,” said a message to media sent out by the Greater Toronto Airports Authority this week. “We’re excited to have more people around, but after consulting with several GTAA officials, we have decided to put in place a more formal media access policy than the email process we had in the past.”

Here it comes.

“Starting Monday, October 3, a request form located on our website will need to be filled out 24 hours before sending crews to the airport, whether reporting from inside a terminal or outside on the curbs, lands, and roadways that make up Toronto Pearson. It’s an automated form, so it shouldn’t take much more effort than our email process from before. But it will give us the info we need to approve or deny requests.”

Approve or deny requests to cover the news? It means only who airport personnel deem acceptable are allowed to report the news. If they don’t like a journalist’s views or something they have reported, they will have the power to not admit them.

For example, I have often gone out to the airport during the pandemic to cover delayed flights, passenger backups, COVID-19 restrictions and testing, passengers with COVID coming into the country, or those being quarantined. But as of Monday, the airport can decide, saying yes or no as to whether or not I can write, photograph and comment on these types of things or even be on the premises!

We reached out to Transport Canada, which strongly disapproves of the GTAA’s incoming new rule.

“Freedom of the press is at the core of our democracy and is a commitment for our Government,” a spokesperson from Transport Canada told the Sun. “Pearson Airport’s new media policy is unacceptable, and our office will be reaching out directly to the Airport to express this concern.”

However, the GTAA is the operator of Pearson airport and is not part of the federal government.

“Once you fill the form out, we’ll review it (as quickly as possible) and decide whether to approve the application, effectively turning the form into a permit,” said the GTAA letter. “We’ll also have a GTAA employee available to accompany crews while on-site.”

A chaperone on a reporter is a first for a free and democratic Canada. They also have put up the crushing rule of having to decide 24 hours before, which makes it particularly difficult when you decide at the last minute to go out to cover something that has just happened. There is nothing wrong with the courtesy of alerting the airport you are planning to be on site, but there should never be licensing or permitting to cover news.

Pearson insists that is not happening with the new guidelines.

“Hi Joe, of course, you and other media will always be welcome at the airport,” said GTAA manager, communications and media relations, Ryan White. “This has nothing to do with access. This policy is just about knowing who is in the building at what time for safety issues and to ensure that our passenger services representatives are informed.”

But until the GTAA grounds their new media rules, it will be as believable as when transport authorities blamed massive airport gridlock on rusty, out-of-practice travellers.

If Canadians accept the state having the power of who gets to report, they will only get what government decides is permissible to be reported. That starts Monday at Pearson!

Fits in nicely with the Chinese Communist Police headquarters located in Toronto

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information ! 

Monday, 29 August 2022

Niagara Problem Solvers

On July 21, 2022 The Niagara Regional Chair Jim Bradley and his Councilors Easton, Edgar, Fertich, Foster, Gibson, Greenwood, Heit, Huson, Insinna, Ip, Rigby, Sendzik, Siscoe, Witteveen voted themselves the authority to deny any Citizen their right to address council if they even suspect that the Citizen may possibly say something they don't agree with!

Deaf, Dumb and Stupid Never Solved a Problem!

Fortunately, the reasons for their spurious decision can be witnessed on the region's own televised video of the occasion starting at the 1:15 Minute mark.

To reach their sordid conclusion they referred to past behavior of presenters as having been so out of order as to warrant restrictions of Citizen's civil rights and freedoms.

Fortunately also, is the fact that all of the Council meetings are publicly televised, the honorable
members of council should have no trouble pointing out to us the televised instances of troublesome presentations of which they are referring.

News Alert Niagara sat through many hours of council and witnessed many egregious situations none of which where perpetrated by Citizen presenters. 

News Alert Niagara has been chronicling the conduct of our civic leaders on matters ranging from mere contempt of constituents to downright criminal activity some of which would otherwise carry penalties of up to 5 years in prison for the average Citizen!

So, here is the challenge. Yes, little News Alert Niagara is issuing this challenge. No one is obligated to respond to anything News Alert Niagara has to say! 

However, lopsided claims of presenter misbehavior cannot and will not be ignored! Moreover, the public has the right to call any public servant to account when false claims are made for the purpose of restricting citizens rights and freedoms! 

Niagara Regional Chair Jim Bradley along with Councilors Easton, Edgar, Fertich, Foster, Gibson, Greenwood, Heit, Huson, Insinna, Ip, Rigby, Sendzik, Siscoe, Witteveen can display their integrity by citing the televised instances of bad Citizen presentation behavior serious enough to ban them for life OR these integrity laden councilors can do the right thing by resigning!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

We have know-it-all's collecting tax Dollars while blocking public information ! 


Thursday, 25 August 2022

Are you aware that...

Government bureaucrats are taking you to the cleaners. And your politicians in Ottawa are letting them get away with it.
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation discovered that more than 114,000 federal bureaucrats received a salary greater than $100,000 in 2021.
That means that 45,000 more federal bureaucrats are now receiving a six-figure salary than before the pandemic.
Do you think it’s fair for the government to make Canadians who lost their job or took a pay cut during the pandemic to pay higher taxes so the federal government can add thousands of highly paid bureaucrats?
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
A total of 312,815 federal government bureaucrats received at least one pay raise during the pandemic and lockdowns. Not a single federal employee received a cut.
While you suffered through the pandemic, the party also was rolling right along at federal Crown corporations.

The Bank of Canada handed out $45 million in bonuses and pay raises during the pandemic, despite failing to keep inflation low. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation gave its employees nearly $60 million in bonuses and pay raises despite failing to meet its objective of housing affordability. The CBC used your tax dollars to hand out $51 million in bonuses and pay raises during the pandemic.
Do you think this is fair?
You need to demand that politicians get off their butts and fix this.
Please send an email to the finance minister and the leader of the Official Opposition and let them know what you think of bureaucrats taking your money to pad their pockets during the pandemic by using the addresses below:

Do you want more information about the number of government bureaucrats in Ottawa receiving six-figure paycheques so you can share it with your friends and family? The National Post reported on the Canadian Taxpayers Federation’s discovery. You can read the story by clicking this link:
Note: The National Post reports that the number of bureaucrats receiving a six-figure salary increased by 39,000 between 2020 and 2021. This is correct, but the increase since the beginning of the pandemic is 45,000 bureaucrats.
Thanks for fighting for taxpayers – it’s making a difference!

  • Franco, Shannon, Todd and the rest of the CTF team. 

 P.S.: Unlike governments, we can’t just take more money whenever we feel like it. We rely on voluntary donations from taxpayers like you. You can help hold these government bureaucrats accountable by donating through this secure online link:

Friday, 12 August 2022

Regional Regime of Corruption

The Corrupt Regional Regime voted themselves the right to do wrong!

They voted themselves the right to deny citizens their legal right to address their Council in their public council chamber if there is mere suspicion that the citizen will not conform to the corrupt regime's desires!

Lifelong politician Little Jimmie Doolittle in charge says Oversight of his administration is unnecessary and bothersome!

Apparently Easton, Edgar, Fertich, Foster, Gibson, Greenwood, Heit, Huson, Insinna, Ip, Rigby, Sendzik, Siscoe, Witteveen agree with him!

This integrity laden gang of Mayor Sendzik's pity party are not interested in anything anyone has to say that does not concur with their self-proclaimed superior wisdom! 

The gang that voted to silence concerned Citizens have themselves been witness to every type and kind of corruption and they are well aware that there are too many Citizens that know about it and even worse, these Citizens are prepared to talk  about it at council! 

The fact remains that leadership entails the art of both listening and hearing what constituents have to say!

By Voting to give themselves the right to do wrong The Regional Regime's Chair and his posse have crawled into a dark hole that has no place in a democracy and even less in polite society!

At its meeting held on July 21, 2022, Regional Council considered proposed amendments to its Procedural By-law. One such amendment included the addition of the proposed language within the Procedural By-law: 

The following wording be added to Section 13:

13.13 A request to appear before Council or Committee shall not be permitted regarding any of the following:

(f)  in exceptional circumstances, notwithstanding Sections 13.1, 13.2, and 13.5, where the CAO, Clerk and Legal Counsel determine, in consultation with the Regional Chair/Committee Chair, acting reasonably, that a person requesting to be a delegate at a meeting is likely to engage in unreasonable or offensive conduct, make unreasonable or offensive statements or demands, repeatedly speak on a subject matter that is not within the Region’s jurisdiction, or otherwise misuse the privilege of addressing Committee or Council.

An amendment was put forward to remove the above wording. A recorded vote was requested:

Voting in support of the amendment to remove the proposed language:

Yes (14): Britton, Butters, Bylsma, Campion, Chiocchio, Diodati, Disero, Junkin, Nicholson, Redekop, Ugulini, Villella, Whalen, Zalepa


Voting against the amendment: 

No (14): Easton, Edgar, Fertich, Foster, Gibson, Greenwood, Heit, Huson, Insinna, Ip, Rigby, Sendzik, Siscoe, Witteveen


As the vote was tied, Chair Bradley voted. His vote was not in favour of the amendment; therefore, the amendment was defeated.


A friendly amendment was accepted by the Regional Chair and the mover and seconder of the motion so that the clause reads as follows:


The following wording be added to Section 13:

13.13 A request to appear before Council or Committee shall not be permitted regarding any of the following:

(f)  in exceptional circumstances, notwithstanding Sections 13.1, 13.2, and 13.5, where the CAO, Clerk and Legal Counsel determine, in consultation with the Regional Chair/Committee Chair, acting reasonably, that a person requesting to be a delegate at a meeting is likely to engage in unreasonable or offensive conduct, make unreasonable or offensive statements or demands, repeatedly speak on a subject matter that is not within the Region’s jurisdiction, or otherwise misuse the privilege opportunity of addressing Committee or Council

Thank you,

Jenna Spratt
Administrative Assistant to the Regional Clerk

Office of the Regional Clerk, Niagara Region
Phone:  905-980-6000 ext.3305