Thursday, 25 November 2021

An observation from a Swedish engineer:


“The notion that a nation can run on sunshine and breezes is worse than delusional.
People might fall for the idea that we can merrily run on sunshine and breezes, alone, but with a few trillion dollars worth of mythical mega-batteries providing backup for a few minutes, when the sun sets and the wind stops blowing.
A two-megawatt windmill is made up of 260 tons of steel that required 300 tons of iron ore and 170 tons of coking coal, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons.
A windmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.”
But that is not what we were led to believe! We were fed a load of bovine waste that Sunshine and Breezes would carry us into the future!
Trust the science they said! Trust the experts they said! Trust us they said!
We trusted them even when they let foriegn corporations to threaten our munucipalities with devastating Lawsuits for refusing Wind Turbines. We trusted them regarding setbacks of Wind Turbines.
.Turns out that when it comes to Wind Turbines they just can't be trusted!
In light of continuing and currrent events we now know that none of these self-serving, deceptive, lying enemies of society can be trusted!
Trusting the untrustworthy has led 'News Alert Niagara' down an ever enlightening path of their disgusting sordid crime and corruption as evidenced in our 500+ articles.
Perhaps the most disturbing example of bureaucratic devastation was the downword spiral of the Niagara Peninsular Conservation Authority.
Worse, as stated in our article titled 'Where were they when we needed them?', the list goes on but the greatest failure of our time is the failure of our media that wallows in this pathetic situation as if they were part of the 'Dickensian era'!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Where were they when we needed them?

In one form or another we have been voluntarily exposing 
exasperating man-made problems in Niagara for decades.
Thanks to the nature of our 'BLOG', (News Alert Niagara) our efforts (Since 2012) against bureaucratic abuse and empire building is available for all to see, read, peruse and to respond using God's Gift of insight.
News Alert Niagara has been read by hundreds of thousands and commented, likes and shared by millions. Over 5 Dozen of our articles are now permanently available on Amazon Books. 
Through all of our efforts and all of Citizen's efforts to right the wrongs perpetrated by those we have elected, hired and those claiming to be our so-called news and information have only dug in their heels in favour of their own particular empire! 
If those we have elected, hired and those professed to be news & information spent half the time looking after our society as they do in extremely expensive covert progressive political infighting we would'nt be falling behind other societies. .
With proper leadership we would'nt be paying $Billions for 50% more bureaucracy than the closest overburdened bureaucracy in the country!
With dedicated management be would'nt be appealing to the 'Human Right Tribuanal' for protection from tyranical human rights abuses!
With honorable governance we would'nt be witnessing unaccountable, uncontrolled and unelected, empire building committees, commissions and independent authorities, running roughshod over innocent Citizens! 
With leadership of 'Integrity' there would'nt be mockery of those who have correcty predicted every stage of the shameful covid scam!
With concerned direction we would'nt have hundreds of homeless children, or people living in tents or the embarrasment of bodies under blankets cluttering our streets!
With better 'Oversight & Scrutiny' we would'nt be continually increasing the highest tax burden, while sitting on a $2Billion Accumulated Surplus!
The list goes on but the greatest failure of our time is the failure of our media that wallows in this situation as if they were part of the 'Dickensian era'!
In a previous article 'News Alert Niagara' asked Who do you have to be to help? Well now you know. 
YOU must to becme an informed voter who knows what to do! 

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

PS:  Please note the great dearth of comment from our feckless leaders!


Thursday, 11 November 2021

Who do you have to be to help?

 !Obviousy not those we have elected and hired

Those we have elected and hired have sloughed off their work and obligations to unelected, empire building and unaccountable   committees, commissions and independent authorities, while those same elected and hired lead us into societal distress! 

The so-called 'progressives' have progressed us out of the very 'commerce and industry' that once made Niagara the 'shining city on the hill' where people flocked to for a better life! 

These so-called 'progressives' have progressed us into increased homelessness, mental incapacity, skyrocketing addiction and tax induced poverty where most of our young can never own their own home!

These so-called 'progressives' have even progressed Niagara into a population decline from 447,888- 2016 down to 418,29- 2021!

The question was and is: Who do you have to be to help?

Perhaps the question should be: Who is standing in the way of those we have elected and hired to help?

As stated in our article titled: Rabid Cancel Culture our Niagara Regional Government has degraded itself into a cesspool of unlawfull activity displaying total contempt for their taxpaying constituents. 

What progress was made when Councilor It pontificated her right to terminate her baby's life while It and her fellow Regional Councilors spuriously denied a fellow Councilor his same free speech right? Same on Niagara's so-called 'Integrity Commissioner'!

Sniveling and sniping party politics is no way to promote the proper administering of Niagara's needs. Niagara can no longer afford the 'progessives' concept of government. It's time for Regional Council to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way! 

What progress was made when Regional Council voted against declaring an innocuous 'State of Emergency' statement, while bodies under blankets litter our streets and hundreds of children languish in poverty? 
As far as 'News Alert Niagara' can surmise the only thing these so-called 'progressives' have managed is to turn our government into a collection of self-serving expensive tyrannical entities NOT operating in the best interest of its Citizens evidence of which can be found in the decades-long avoidence of Niagara's selfish and needless cost to the overtaxed Citizen predicated on an over-abundance of seat hogging politicians and duplication of services wasting $Billions!
As per usual not one of these feckless farts has done one thing more for their community than to stink up perfectly good leather easy chairs - also paid for by their overtaxed Citizens!
No wonder not a single self-serving Niagara
Regional officianado has challenged the charges made by 'News Alert Niagara'!
Folks, the last Regional Council was voted out by 75% of seats because they were no good and this Regional Councl is no better!
'News Alert Niagara' affirms these opinions from years of trying to help, while the Niagara Regional Government was spending $95,000 of hard earned Taxpayer dollars on big shot Toronto Lawyers in an illegal attempt to influence an inquiry into their own unlawfull activities!

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Rabid Cancel Culture

 is Alive and Well in Niagara


Cancel culture or call-out culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those subject to this ostracism are said to have been "cancelled". Wikipedia


Witnessing the actions and demeaner of the Niagara Regional Council October 21, 2021 could lead to a conclusion that Niagara Regional Council has been turned into a lopsided 'Kangaroo Court' victimizing and ostracizing targeted individuals based on anything but law.

At the outset of these disgraceful 'Integrity Commissioner witch-hunts', one inciteful Regional  Councilor correctly warned of this tactic being weaponized. Any Regional Councilor that cannot see the irrationality in weaponizing 'Integrity Com witch-hunts' is either corrupted or on council a bit too long! 

Weaponizing a single comment out of a long amicable conversation is contemptable and puts a damper on free and civilized speech!

At the 303 minute mark Councilor Ip can be seen doing just that with her rabid display of  disgust that a fellow councilor could possibly have an intimate conversation as to the possibility that any experimental Covid-19 jab might affect the menstrual cycle. 

Councilor Ip brought up the history of persecution against Councilor Bylsma orchestrated

by Chair Bradley's 'Kangaroo Court', which follows a devastating history of lies, deceit, misinformation, theft, official perjury, seizure & possession of stolen property, attempted false arrest, withholding public information, secret meetings, interfering with mail, egregious conspiracies' etc. etc. etc.

Please Note: St. Catharines Mayor Sendzik's sordid attempt (306 minute mark) to justify council's conspiracy against the  targeted Bylsma by quoting a medical journal article not available at the time of the so-called great transgression! 

A small sense of sanity during the 'Cancel Culture' meeting came from Regional Councilor Whalen questioning the $7500.00 cost of hard earned taxpayer dollars just to skewer a targeted councilor!

Folks, it is said that you will know them by their deeds. You will know all you need to know about this Niagara Regional Council by their silence in the conveniently provided comment section below!

We're left to wonder what a legitimate 'Integrity Commissioner', would make of all the Regional Government's crime and corruption, which these elected geniuses would never ask him (or anyone else) to investigate?

It is ironic that during the same council meeting where they voted to silence West Lincoln's choice for mayor, Councilor Bylsma, they also shamefully voted NOT to join 11 of our Niagara municipal governments in even making an innocuous 'State of Emergency' statement on behalf of homeless families, mental health and addiction!

Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

 Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are always available for your free use!

 Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!