Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Crime against Humanity

 Because Someone is lying to us!

The first wave of the pandemic, long-term care facilities and retirement homes accounted for more than 80% of all COVID-19 deaths in the country.

There were fewer than fifty COVID-involved deaths among those under the age of 45. Pneumonia, and symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified, were the most common comorbidities among this age group.


On the one hand we have STATSCAN informing us the the overall death rate has actually dropped during the Covid-19 Hysteria, while on the other hand we have Health Officials screaming about the shocking Covid-19 mortality rate!

Politicians claim they are just following science but, many are convinced that many politicians are just hiding behind questionable health officials predicated on the politician's personal proclivities.
Covid-19 has been an epiphany for the general public starting with the physical and financial abuse of innocent Citizens. 
We learned that the so-called health experts where generally wrong with their prognostications.
We learned that those who were supposed to be on guard for pandemics such Covid-19 managed to squander our resources on themselves without the expected results. They failed us!
It was more than alarming that our self-praised nation was in no position to supply our own vaccine making us a beggar nation. 
We witnessed a pitifully slow roll-out and administering of much vaunted Covid-19 Vaccine.
Most disturbing of all is facing the fact that the claim that the Covid-19 vaccine was safe turns out to be 'not as advertised'.
Those abusing innocent Citizens based on conflicting statistics and spurious information could and possibly should face charges relating to Crimes against humanity!
Obviously we must pay more attention to the value of those we have elected or hired to govern!

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Friday, 19 March 2021

Dancing in the Dark

  According to the victim of bureaucratic theft, Mr. Ray Desmarais of the Town of Fort Erie, an unidentified crew along with unmarked heavy construction equipment, came onto his property without written authority, to rob him of all his worldly possessions.  https://newsalertniagara.blogspot.com/2021/02/who-authorized-destruction.html 

Mr. Desmarais Stated the following: All MY belongings (“SORRY I THOUGHT THEY WERE”) the city removed from the property. Even down to “MY” tools of the trade.

I found some of my “DERELICT, DEBRIS REFUSE at another business in town (almost beside the police station).
I approached a gentleman there and he told me his shop is just a rental and he would contact the owner and have him contact me. I left him all my contact information, a month now and no reply.
March 15, 2021 2:24 and 2:26 pm called police to report a theft.
Left my name and number on voicemail.
Almost a day later I was called by the police station ( 12:17pm ).
The officer more or less just laughed at me and said “nothing to be done”.
I requested the incident number and file.
“Take it to court”
All will be gone during timeframe.
News Alert Nagara supports our Niagara Regional Police but, it is less than comforting to witness  police unlawfully trespass or their blindly following the dictates of apparent unlawful and extraordinary conduct by Fort Erie Municipal Authorities even to the NRP, Fort Erie detachment, actually witnessing and ignoring physical assault. 
Its even more disconcerting to hear of a cavalier attitude, after the fact, toward the victim as in the case of the improperly targeted Fort Erie property owners.
Excuses for their conduct fall flat in the face of actual ignored prolific eyesore properties cluttering Fort Erie that are clearly visible from street view even across the Street from the targeted Mr. Desmarais!
Mr. Dan Favero, also a victim of Fort Erie Authorities, wants everyone to know that he does NOT collect Garbage
 and he sends Proof! 

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Message to Fort Erie Council from one of our readers:
I think all politicians should ask themselves if they want an appointed agent to enter their back yard without a warrant, inspect the trees and shrubs, peer under benches for garbage, check the family cat for bad teeth, etc.  They should ask themselves if they would accept a year in jail and a $250,000 fine if a Dense Blazing Star were found there.  They should ask themselves if they work for the people or the people work for them.
Then they should go into the legislature library and re-read (or read) all those acts and regulations that they assume 
everyone over the age of 16 has the high-speed Internet service, computer, time and memory to be aware of.

Monday, 8 March 2021

Fort Dreary Strikes Again !!!

Please share that we have posted #446 of the Municipal Code which the Town of Fort Erie says gives them their authority to clean up unsightly properties under their control.

Please Share that those in charge of the Town of Fort Erie see's the Municipal Code as giving them carte blanche to do anything they wish, to anyone they wish, and to confiscate any and all private property they find on their selectively targeted property.


Please Share that the Town of Fort Erie uses the Municipal Act  to operate in a disgusting and thuggish manner with the blessing of the Doug Ford Conservative Provincial Government and our so-called judicial system. 


Perhaps some enlightened individual can point to the  clause that allows municipal authorities to confiscate a persons 'Tools of their Trade' or seize and scrap customer's licensed and plated vehicles or to hold customer's vehicles for ransom? 

Perhaps some enlightened individual can point to the clause that allows police officers the right to trespass on private property without a warrant?

Perhaps some enlightened individual can explain why bylaws officers are decked out with 'intimidating  NRP look-alike uniforms and as an untrained  sergeant no less?


What can we expect next? Armed bylaw officers maybe or the specter of the 'NRP Armored Tank' to help quell victimized innocent Citizens!

Innocent Citizens must be ready to expect anything once their Ontario and municipal government turns on them!


The only protection for the Citizen is at the ballot box at election time once each Citizen finally learns the risk of an authoritative government!

Please tell everyone that News Alert Niagara apologizes if this article seems one sided! It certainly would be our preference to give the Town of Fort Erie's side of their conduct. Unfortunately, the Town of Fort Erie is far to arrogant to speak on their own behalf regarding their choice of action or their activities.

However, the Town of Fort Erie, like anyone else, has every right and opportunity to make comment in the comment section provided at the bottom of the article just the way Citizens have to communicate with their civic leaders

The difference is that the 'News Alert Niagara' posted comments are available for all to see even without the prompting of the Ontario Ombudsman's Office! 

Remedial action

446 (1) If a municipality has the authority under this or any other Act or under a by-law under
this or any other Act to direct or require a person to do a matter or thing, the municipality may also provide that, in default of it being done by the person directed or required to do it, the matter or thing shall be done at the person’s expense.  2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184.

Entry upon land

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the municipality may enter upon land at any reasonable time.  2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184.

Recovery of costs

(3) The municipality may recover the costs of doing a matter or thing under subsection (1) from the person directed or required to do it by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes.  2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184.

Costs added to tax roll

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), a local municipality shall, upon the request of its upper-tier municipality, add the costs of the upper-tier municipality to the tax roll.  2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184.


(5) The costs include interest calculated at a rate of 15 per cent or such lesser rate as may be determined by the municipality, calculated for the period commencing on the day the municipality incurs the costs and ending on the day the costs, including the interest, are paid in full.  2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184.

Lien for costs

(6) The amount of the costs, including interest, constitutes a lien on the land upon the registration in the proper land registry office of a notice of lien.  2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184.


(7) The lien is in respect of all costs that are payable at the time the notice is registered plus interest accrued at the rate established under subsection (5) to the date the payment is made.  2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184.

Effect of payment

(8) Upon receiving payment of all costs payable plus interest accrued to the date of payment, the municipality shall register a discharge of the lien in the proper land registry office.  2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 184.

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Monday, 1 March 2021

Justice in the Lawless Frontier

New York Citizens call it The Niagara Frontier.

Ontario Citizens call it The Lawless Frontier.

Niagara Citizens call the epicenter of Lawlessness the Town of Fort Erie, often labeled Fort Dreary. 

News Alert Niagara is in possession of hundreds of images illustrating a valid reason for the Fort Erie Authorities to use their authority, under the 'municipal Act', in an attempt to clean up their community's image.

However, the Fort Erie Authorities are NOT exercising their authority to clean up their community's image! What the Fort Erie Authorities are doing is twisting laws to maliciously abuse and even destroy INNOCENT CITIZENS for spurious reasons. 

Case in point, the decades long persecution of Mr. Dan Favero and his Family even to the point of raiding his mother's funeral looking for Covid-19 violations. The Town of Fort Erie Lost in Court repeatedly until they found a Judge to rule that the Favero storage facility could keep his STORAGE CONTAINERS but he could not have anything in them!

Try justifying the vindictive attack and theft of private property perpetrated by the Town of Fort Erie against the Favero property supposedly to clean up the image of the town on the basis that the Favero property is unsightly. The fact remains that this despicable action and decades long persecution of Mr. Favero is predicated on the Town's attempt to inexpensively seize the Favero property to gain access to their failed development project! 

The only thing unsightly on the Favero Property is the Police and Town bylaw officer's vehicles cluttering up the driveway as juxtaposed to the many, many unsightly Fort Erie properties that are clearly viewable from the street and left unmolested by those hired and elected to actually clean up the Town's badly tarnished image! In fact there is no other municipality in Niagara with hundreds of unsightly properties cluttering the landscape! 
While those elected and hired by the Citizens of 
Fort Erie completely ignore hundreds of unsightly properties, clearly visible from the street, they still actually trespass to search for reserved items stored for potential future use as is common in commercial business application. 
The question has to be just who is the arbiter as to what is junk or that which is useful to the business operation? 
In the background of a witness VIDEO (starting at 1:17 Minute mark) it can be seen how the workers actually remove Favero's  private property from its place of concealment, a place out of public view putting a lie to the Bylaw Officer's effort to do the spurious bidding of Town Authorities! 
NOTE: At the 5:18 Minute mark of the video  an NRP Officer forcefully expressed embarrassment that the police conduct was being video recorded! 
Fortunately, the Video is now all over YouTube for all to see!
Mr. Favero can count himself fortunate that the town didn't knock his house down or that he wasn't physically assaulted as was Mr. Ray Desmarais when the Town's gang raided the Desmarais property and stole and/or destroyed $hundreds of thousands of his private property including the tools of his trade, again on the excuse of improving the image of the Town of Fort Erie.  
As can be seen in the pictures, improving the image
of the Town of Fort Erie does not start by attacking decent properties of decent Citizens just because they won't bend to your will.
Political persecution is generally attributed in gangsterism where 'crime is for criminals by criminals' not to be found among honorable leaders concerned with the welfare of their community.
There has to be a rational explanation for the Town of Fort Erie to look like it does and to treat its Citizens the way they do. Perhaps the silence coming from the mayor and his gang says it all!  
Dear reader, To give you a sense of the attitude emanating from the Town of Fort Erie authorities, the Bylaw Officer became so alarmed by the witnesses standing on the sidewalk that she decided to photograph the witnesses asking the police officers to charge the witnesses. 
That same Bylaws Officer asked me if I was the owner of the property because of her concern that there was too people illegally crowding the property. However the people illegally crowding the property where only there because of the Town's effort to further persecute Mr. Favero! 
Following the story Titled: 'Who Authorized Destruction', a story that disturbed and enraged so many people, I have to report that there has not been a single comment from any of our elected or hired authorities at any level of government!

Interesting how so many constituents see government abuse as unlawful without so much as a by your leave from our feckless leaders. Our leadership is apparently content to have their constituents used and abused by unaccountable hired and elected low-life committing thuggish activities. 
More to Follow

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