Thursday, 26 November 2020

Kathleen Wynne Alive and Well in Niagara

In the form of her decades long cabinet minister  Bradley!

During his tenure as Cabinet Minister 'News Alert Niagara' was informing Mr. Bradley regarding the horrors that were going on with Ontario Conservation Authorities (CAs), Mr. Bradley had nothing to say.

Now, when someone is trying to do the right thing by reigning in the citizen killing, developer coddling CAs former Environment Minister Bradley vociferously pontificates on the 'hoped-for ideals' of a conservation authority propaganda video as if he had never been made aware of the conservation authority horrors.

'News Alert Niagara' spent years constantly and continually keeping MPP Bradley fully apprised of  NPCA corruption and the NPCA tyrannical abuse they heaped on innocent Canadian Citizens. 

Ontario Liberal Cabinet Minister and Minister of the Environment, including his time with the Kathleen Wynne Provincial Government has an ignominious history of cunning political doublespeak not in the best interest of the public. 

It is absurd to accept Bradley's diatribe of Integrity, Civility, Transparency and Openness when he clearly and constantly displays anything but Integrity, Civility, Transparency and Openness.
Regional regime chair Bradley is a political operative and an unnecessary danger to our society by continuing the Niagara Regional Government's sordid history!
'News Alert Niagara' will not waste more time and effort to update Mr. "clear-as-mud"  Bradley on the latest Conservation Authority transgressions against Citizens!
Surely, we can and must do better!

Monday, 23 November 2020

Disfunction at region 'Part #2'

 Alert: All 48 of November 12,2020 email recipients listed opened this blog before DISSEMINATION and as of November 23, 2020 not a single regime TAX-BURNER has responded proving Rob Jansson CORRECT!

The Letter to the editor of Thursday, November 5, 2020 raises some very serious questions. 

First of which is why is this explosive expose` coming to us from a concerned citizen and not from our award winning journalists? 

Surely our in-house journalistic award winners are above giving corruption a pass predicated on political preference!

Yet there it is hanging out there like a sore thumb ignoring political abuse of Niagara's Citizens.

Rob Janssen's letter says it all!

Mr. Jim Bradley's promises where simply learned political speak garnered from decades of Ontario Legislator and Kathleen Wynne experience brought forward into our Niagara Regional Government making it a continuing corrupt regime.

Taxpayers’ hope was that with the current Regional Council the problems of mismanagement at the Region would have been cleaned up.

Nothing is further from the truth. The question should be asked who is really in charge of the Niagara Region, council or the unaccountable bureaucrats? Niagara citizens have tried to get answers on different issues without result. Transparency is suppressed with this socialist government.

Undemocratic policies have been implemented to make it difficult for citizens to ask council questions and hold them accountable as we saw with E.S. Fox Ltd. president Spencer Fox's presentation.

Senior bureaucrats are hiding important information from council as was the case with the Biosolid contract costing taxpayers almost a million dollars extra. Councillors who did ask questions about this issue were silenced.

There are ongoing problems with the newly constructed and heavily over-budgeted wastewater plant in Niagara-on-the-Lake at a high cost to taxpayers.


Rob Janssen, Lincoln

The Second question raised by Mr. Janssen's expose` is why no response from our feckless and pedantic Regional Councilors? 

'News Alert Niagara' alerted these councilors of the risk involved with electing a Kathleen Wynne operative to Chair of the already corrupt regional regime. Now they sit in silence while our Niagara Region suffers.

By way of the following emails 'News Alert Niagara' will endeavor to get answers to Mr. Janssen's expose` as to why the regime's Councilors are not forthcoming with information regarding the conduct of the regime's bureaucrats.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  



Please Note: Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.
Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

1 comment:

  1. Wait till the bill for the Canada summer games Build comes's already 10 million over budget and growing!

Monday, 16 November 2020

How NOT to defeat Covid-19

At no time in any of the extraordinary statements of our so called learned experts does the words defeat Covid-19 appear.

In their effort to 'destroy society to save society' they use weasel words like 'help prevent the spread' , 'help slow the spread' or 'help fight the spread' but never do you hear 'help destroy the COVID-19 virus'.

The fact is that all their efforts to clamp down and punish Citizens with fines ranging up to $25,000 will only ensure that the virus will be extended into perpetuity and all predicated on a continuing litany of untruths. 


The question is; what should be the penalty for tyrant 'Commerce Killers' and sociopathic 'Society Destroyers' who cower behind their computer screens while sending children into "Risky" Covid-19 ridden schools and their astonishing failure of our susceptible seniors in their care homes?

Why should these fear mongers ever hold public office if their repeated draconian crackdowns don't work?

As a matter of fact, they have already done an inordinate amount of damage  to our society with no cost to themselves and now they are doubling down in their vain endeavor to slow the virus down.

Don't worry about the lost tax revenue of the businesses closed by the Covid-19 fear mongers because these cunning control freaks will just make up for the tax loss by taxing home owners more or by grabbing outrageous fines based solely on swindle. 

P.S. Its reported that two companies are coming out with a Covid-19 vaccine. One to save us from Covid-19 the other to save us from the Covid-19 Fear Mongers!

Please Note: Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.
Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

Relief from NPCA tyranny

The Following is a sad expose` on the true nature of the 36 Ontario Conservation Authorities regarding their squalid activities  and the harm done to innocent families, which they desperately do not want you to know! 

Finally, relief is on its way regarding the unaccountable and tyrannical Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA). As with all of the Ontario Conservation Authorities (CA) they are more interested in empire building than they are in environmental conservation. 

Our CA's have even expanded into other more secret organizations. Case in point 'Provincial Water Source Committee', a CA offshoot committee claiming accolades addressing the tragic 20 year old Walkerton incident, while ignoring the security and safekeeping of the water supply to thousands along the South Shore of Niagara currently under threat from a developer.

In fact, clear and compelling evidence points to a heartbreaking history of property owner abuse while our CAs are often overlooking disastrous developer abuse of the environment. 

Citizens put their faith in their CA only to learn that their CA accepted $millions from developers under the approving gaze of the corrupt McGuinty/Wynne Liberal Regime. It is agonizing in the extreme that there are folk, for reasons of their own, who would opt to continue with expensive empire-building conservation authorities as they now exist!

However, the Ontario PC Government is forcing the NPCA board of directors to be populated by elected councilors instead of appointed citizens, appointed favorites who, as it turns out, answer to no one. Appointed favorites who refuse to even listen to the cries of their abused property owners.

 Appointed perpetual favorite  NPCA board members who deliberately block incoming emails because they already know what they have done.

Worse some of these mooches have also long hogged seats on the equally unaccountable Niagara Escarpment Commission!

After years of chronicling the antics of our conservation authorities, antics concealed from the public, it is the contention of 'News Alert Nagara' that the CAs should be disbanded and their confiscated loot be turned over in favor of having conservation of our environment properly husbanded by their respective and politically accountable municipalities as they once were and should always have been. This growing and common belief is predicated on the acceptance that sloughing off political responsibilities to unaccountable empire builders is sapping our financial resources with little defense of our environment!

So where is the relief you might well ask?

The relief lies in the fact that the Citizens will have some amount of political recourse though their vote if the CA board members are elected officials unlike long term and unaccountable appointed favorites. The down side lies in the notion of some political prats to terrified to take responsibility and be accountable!

Please Note: Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.

Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Disfunction at region 'Part #1'

The Letter to the editor of Thursday, November 5, 2020 raises some very serious questions. 

First of which is why is this explosive expose` coming to us from a concerned citizen and not from our award winning journalists? 

Surely our in-house journalistic award winners are above giving corruption a pass predicated on political preference!

Yet there it is hanging out there like a sore thumb ignoring political abuse of Niagara's Citizens.

Rob Janssen's letter says it all!

Mr. Jim Bradley's promises where simply learned political speak garnered from decades of Ontario Legislator and Kathleen Wynne experience brought forward into our Niagara Regional Government making it a continuing corrupt regime.

Taxpayers’ hope was that with the current Regional Council the problems of mismanagement at the Region would have been cleaned up.

Nothing is further from the truth. The question should be asked who is really in charge of the Niagara Region, council or the unaccountable bureaucrats? Niagara citizens have tried to get answers on different issues without result. Transparency is suppressed with this socialist government.

Undemocratic policies have been implemented to make it difficult for citizens to ask council questions and hold them accountable as we saw with E.S. Fox Ltd. president Spencer Fox's presentation.

Senior bureaucrats are hiding important information from council as was the case with the Biosolid contract costing taxpayers almost a million dollars extra. Councillors who did ask questions about this issue were silenced.

There are ongoing problems with the newly constructed and heavily over-budgeted wastewater plant in Niagara-on-the-Lake at a high cost to taxpayers.

Questions to councillors about these problems were never answered. Wasting tax dollars on lawsuits because of bureaucratic incompetency is a costly problem at the region. Questionable is Chair Jim Bradly's ability to maintain a transparent, proper and democratic decorum at the region and to restrain these rogue bureaucrats.

Rob Janssen, Lincoln

The Second question raised by Mr. Janssen's expose` is why no response from our feckless and pedantic Regional Councilors? 

'News Alert Niagara' alerted these councilors of the risk involved with electing a Kathleen Wynne operative to Chair of the already corrupt regional regime. Now they sit in silence while our Niagara Region suffers.

By way of the following emails 'News Alert Niagara' will endeavor to get answers to Mr. Janssen's expose` as to why the regime's Councilors are not forthcoming with information regarding the conduct of the regime's bureaucrats.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  

Alert: 48 of recipients listed above opened this blog before DISSEMINATION and as of November 23, 2020 not a single TAX-BURNER has responded proving Rob Jansson CORRECT!


Please Note: Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.
Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!

Monday, 9 November 2020

Who is behind the Covid-19 Madness?

 And who are the people perpetuating the Madness?

The more important question is why?
For some mysterious reason humanity has been fed pernicious misinformation regarding the vagaries and attributes of Covid-19.
It started with an estimated death rate in the hundred of millions 3.4 which has been whittled down to less than a purported 0.13 or 1 in 750 cases and of these many of the deaths have been attributed to mitigating medical circumstances. 

The Latest statistics from the CDC indicates that Covid-19, although serious, does in no way reach the ridiculous level of destroying society to save society.  
Still, the madness continues with Health officials like Dr. Mustafa Hirji calling for more restrictions on Citizens and increased law enforcement
In the local newspaper attacking the PC Premier of Ontario their article is calling for more government spending while lamenting the high cost Covid-19 has had on budgets! 
As ludicrous as it might seem we have Mayor John Tory of Toronto saying that masks should be in place between bites when eating!
Brampton Mayor Brown has Journalists arrested for exposing his hypocrisy of doing what his constituents are not allowed to do under penalty of $880 fines! Mayor Brown's Brampton regime has issued fines on its hapless Citizens totaling in the $hundreds of Thousands.
We have police officers arresting, handcuffing and body searching mothers, in front of their kids, for the great offence of being in an empty public park.
Disturbing is the astonishing exuberance of our authorities to pound the hell out of our Citizens over every excuse they can find and this Covid-19 Swindle proves the point.
You will notice that at no time do the purveyors of Covid-19 fear ever state that their recommendations will eliminate Covid-19.  
These same purveyors of fear can't even prevent Covid-19 in the controlled confines of long term care homes. The actual result of the 'fear purveyors' is the perpetuation of Covid-19 until the advent of a final and safe Vaccine. The very thought of a effective and safe Covid-19 vaccine strikes terror in the hearts of fear mongers!
The Madness continues and is pervasive!

One way to change the attitude of the 'Covid-19 Fear Mongers' who espouse the imposition denying the livelihood of others should also face the same circumstance of having their livelihood removed until their so-called pandemic is over!
People are starting to believe that the best way to clear the fog from those who ride their high horse over the Citizens is a full blown tax revolt to put everything back into perspective; a correction which appears to be long overdue.

Please Note: Everyone is free to comment under each and every 'News Alert Niagara' article.
Predicated on 'Free Speech' our articles are available for your free use!

Don't forget to click on the blue Links for the rest of the story!