What are we to make of the 'pity party' as painted in the article ‘Inspiring people to take action’ where Mayor Sendzik intimated that Niagara Citizens are such a bunch of low life buffoons that they call our political leaders ugly names simply because they are political leaders?
Mayor Sendzik’s comments become extraordinary and telling when he fails to mention the cause of some of the hatred. His one sided lament rings hollow when we know why some people are over-reacting.
You need thick skin if you have political aspirations.
But if you can tolerate the verbal abuse from some people who “feel they can call you whatever they want,” local mayors say it’s a way to work towards positive changes in the community.
“The amount of people that can shout at you, that can poke at you, that can get at you is much more. It’s greater than it ever has been,” said St. Catharines Mayor Walter Sendzik.
Using social media, people have called him “a moron, I’ve been called an a--hole, I’ve been called dumb” and much worse, he said.
“Those are just the kind words,” he told about 36 members of the Leadership Niagara program during a meeting last Friday at Brock University.
“You develop a veneer — a thick skin — to deal with it, but that’s the bad side of being in politics.”
“Those are just the kind words,” he told about 36 members of the Leadership Niagara program during a meeting last Friday at Brock University. Did anyone bother to ask what the 'Pity Party' just what they thought the 'Niagara Buffoons' where reacting too?
Perhaps Mayor Senszik could explain his muting of Mr. And Mrs Camilleri's years long cry for help regarding the flooding of their property. A couple who never once disparaged the Mayor even while being forced to flee their decades-long home.
Then again he could explain his broken promise to help his St. Catharines Citizen Willie Wakulich who was being viciously and improperly attacked by the NPCA. Though the Mayor decided to throw Mr. Wakulich under the NPCA corruption-laden- bus Mr. Wakulich never called the mayor by any derogatory name.
Then you have Mayor 'Tax & Spend' Augustyn who claims that HE is being bullied because people are demanding answers as to how their hard earned taxpayer dollars are spent.
It could be just as easily said that it is the Citizen who must develop a veneer — a thick skin — to deal with bad side of politics.”