We witness justices in total conflict of interest
rendering highly questionable decisions against innocent Citizens and in favor
of their financial masters.
In ever increasing numbers Citizens are reporting
instances of malfeasance in our judiciary. Ever increasing numbers of Justices
are finding themselves in conflict with their review council.
One of the many cases now followed by Niagara Citizens
is the despicable persecution of Mr. Wakulich vs. the City of St. Catharines
and the corrupt Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.
The persecution of Mr. Wakulich (Willie) started
when the then Mayor Tim Rigby decided his rowing club owned the entire Henley
Pond, the home of the rowing course.
First they charged Wakulich with destroying fish habitat predicated on the fact that he tried to shore up the bank against erosion caused by the wake of the rowing club’s motor boats.
Ironically the outrageous persecution of Wakulich
over fish habitat flies in the face of what every squalid government agency
has allowed the rowing club to do a million times over.
Rigby then proceeded to call any one with a dock on
the Henley ‘Pond Poachers’. That soon ended when the ‘Pond Poachers’ took Rigby
to task.
When Wakulich asked why he was the only one charged Rigby responded
with ‘because we already have you in Court! Nice!
Animosity between the two men stems from the time
the Wakulich Brothers designed a beautiful and appropriately iconic rowing
sculpture and erected it strategically for all to enjoy and at no cost to the
The next stage of official persecution lands on
Wakulich like a ton of bricks when ‘Willie’ decided to erect a 'Solar Panel Array' on the bank of his private property facing ‘the pond’.
It didn’t matter to the Niagara Peninsula
Conservation Authority (NPCA) that Wakulich had obtained permission to erect
his 'Solar Panel Array' or the fact that the City of St. Catharines had even written
right on the permit application that a permit wasn’t necessary.
They hauled his
sorry butt through the court system again but this time they LOST!
Now they’re at it again!
They are claiming that their new charges stem from
the fact that their failed attack meant that the ‘Solar Panel Array’ project
was terminated.
It meant no such thing!
Willie's Solar Panel Array is a work in progress and not to be classified as a new development just because vindictive authorities lost in court over the same issue.
Hired gun lawyer Kennedy’s analogy that just because
you break a window doesn’t give you license to do it again or his equally
invalid analogy because you got caught speeding doesn’t give you license to
speed again.
A better analogy would be, predicated on the fact
that Willie didn’t break a window or get stopped for speeding added to the fact that he had
prevailed in the 2012 attack, he should be free to complete his project
without continued persecution from the city and/or the unaccountable NPCA!
Sitting through hours and days of court; witnessing
authorities presenting testimony from liars, conflicted city officials, power
hungry vindictive unaccountable authoritarian agencies and having justice's names brought
forward; justices who are under review council investigation leaves a bad taste
in one’s mouth.
It was the late and great Laura Sabia that coined
the phrase, ‘the Law is an ass’ but it is our
What we have is a questionable Court of Law not to
be confused with a Court of Justice!
The whole decades long Willie Wakulich story is nothing if its not a travesty of Justice.
The whole decades long Willie Wakulich story is nothing if its not a travesty of Justice.
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