Friday, 27 January 2017

Access to Easement

Kudos to Deputy Judge David Black for his enlightening decision that delaying access to an easement costing $thousands of dollars is allowed if a property owner simply claims ignorance of the easement!

With no evidence at all; just a claim that someone says that there was no easement and/or the easement had timed out, Deputy Judge David Black ruled that to be enough for his decision.

Apparently Deputy Judge David Black has not only decided that ignorance is an excuse to cause harm but also enough to reward the ignorant.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

A Tax by any other name

Socialism Dictates the the government takes everything and then expects thanks for hand-outs!
According to Canadian sources Canada has 990 million acres of forests,
370 million acres of wetlands and
167 million acres of crop-yielding farmland.

These are known as "carbon sinks". ie :- they absorb carbon.

Biologists tell us that trees absorb about 2.6 tones of carbon per acre

So if you do the math 990 million acres x 2.6 tones/acre=2.574 billion
tones of carbon being absorbed every year here in Canada.

Now if you do more math: 36 trillion tones (amount of world emission x
0.0167 (1.67%)=601.2 million tones - this is the amount of carbon that
Canada contributes to world emissions - in the forests alone, Canada
absorbs almost 4 times the amount of carbon it emits.

AGAIN :-- In the forests alone, Canada absorbs 4 times the carbon it

This means that the other three quarters of our forests are being
sustained by carbon being emitted by the rest of the world.

This calculation does not take into account the wetland or farmland
that also absorbs carbon.

Canada really couldn't get any greener, so why are our politicians hell
bent on punishing us with these ridiculous carbon taxes?

If the media were honest, this information would be made public. SHOULD

Considering the fact that Canada is given no credit for absorbing much
more carbon than it emits I think there is a good case for some lawyer
to charge governments with a “class action suit “


Sunday, 22 January 2017

The Mirror online

All Editions available... Click Here

Portraits of Niagara

Extraordinary Niagara

 Extraordinary Niagara

Portraits of Niagara
A coffee table book
Extolling the charms of Niagara
Preston Haskell
One of 450 Niagara Images on Preston Haskell photographer’s website

Friday, 20 January 2017

From Little Acorns NPCA Audit

How did we go from Niagara Regional Council saying “Take your complaints elsewhere” to successfully forcing an audit of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) with exposure in Hamilton Spectator and CBC National News

 Seems like only yesterday when Dave Honey, President of the Niagara Landowners Association (NLA) made his historic plea before the Niagara Regional Government regarding the appalling treatment of Niagara Property Owners at the Hands of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA).

It all started when the unaccountable Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority turned into a tyrannical and grasping empire-building institution hell bent on illegally taking power over private property.

While the NPCA was attacking every little infraction on the part of Property Owners, the very same NPCA was aiding and abetting Developers in the destruction of Provincially Significant Wetlands (PSW).

Working on behalf of the Niagara Regional Government the morally bankrupt NPCA made a fatal error in deciding to destroy the SPW slough forest known as ‘Thundering waters’. This brought together several organized groups on the same mission. Their mission was to fight against the obvious corruption of the NPCA.

Sadly it is the total failure of the NPCA board of directors (All Politicians) that has brought us to this tragic state of affairs!

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Did Kathyn McGarry (MNR) Lie to us

Perhaps if Kathryn McGarry knew more about the crime and corruption being carried out by the NPCA she might do more to aid the victims. 

9.2 MNR reserves the right to audit CAs for adherence to these policies and procedures and to review the effectiveness of the policies and procedures with regard to implementation of provincial policies and protection of the provincial interest.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

World Wide Scam

This common Canadian story is about the greatest and most evil world wide scam ever to be perpetrated on humanity! 

Single mom Kathy Katula, 54, from Buckhorn, Ont., with her placards at her home on Saturday, January 14, 2017. (Clifford Skarstedt/Postmedia Network)

Kathy Katula's story is a common and growing story creeping up the ranks of regular Canadian Citizens.

Prime Minister's spinning response is nothing less than a jarring wake up call!

We are now questioning the bovine waste emanating from our elected flannel master  about not allowing pipelines to run through Quebec in favour of the allowing extremely more dangerous rail tankers through the heart of huge urban areas!

Canada's oil sands are claimed to be large emitters and are now subject to a 'climate test' - but when it comes to saving the planet, keeping the Marshall Islands from drowning by sea level rise, and Montreal safe from climate change due to pipelines... the truth is stranger than fiction. 

Marshall Islands host the third largest marine fleet in the world; Montreal ships in oil to its refineries by marine tanker from more than 7,000 km distance. 

Just 16 big ships using marine diesel heavy with as much lung clogging sulfur as all the cars in the world.

If you don't think this scam will effect you, just wait. These deceitful bastards will use every socialist trick in the book to deprive you of everything you own and then expect you to thank them for food stamps.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

NPCA Out of Control

What Happens when you ask for a forensic audit of the unaccountable and unsupervised Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA)?

Media Release
In his media release Mr. Ed Smith revealed that he was being sued by the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) and Carmen D'Angelo.

He states that he was served notice by the NPCA legal council on November 14, 2016. The letter of notice included a list of demands for his compliance, failure to comply could result in further legal action.

In that letter the demands made by the NPCA, a government agency, can be paraphrased in part as: 

1.      You will deliver a full and unqualified written apology for delivering the report.

2.      You will deliver a written undertaking confirming that you will not distribute the document to nay other persons and that you will not make similar statements about the NPCA in the future and

3.      You will provide the identity of the author (s) of the Document.

I did not agree to the three demands.

On the 22 of December 2016 the NPCA (our government along with Carmen D’Angelo, the now CAO of the Niagara Region, launched a civil action against me seeking $200,000 for defamation ($100,000 Each).

It is my intent to defend myself against this action to the fullest extent. I have said it before and I will say it now. This is governance run amok. That any government in Canada can sue a Citizen for defamation, or even believes that it should, speaks of arrogance and a complete lack of understanding of the true principals of our democracy

The NPCA is using taxpayer funding to sue a Citizen.

I remain steadfast in my pursuit for transparency, accountability and good governance at the NPCA and I will not be intimidated by Lawsuits. Let the leadership of the NPCA (our elected Regional Councilors) be held accountable. 

Bruce Timms claims the NPCA is a model of Transparency and accountability. The upcoming court case will certainly cast some light on that

Ed Smith, Just a Citizen 

News Alert Niagara points to the fact that the NPCA and the former CAO of the NPCA (now CAO of the Niagara Region) as a masterful stroke of lunacy!

After all it wasn’t Smith who took $millions from Walker Industries to allow the creation of Mount Carcinogen!

 It wasn’t Smith who used Walker’s $millions to build Commercial Banquet Halls in and on our conservation areas and especially OUR Unesco World Heritage Balls Falls! 

It wasn’t Smith who assaulted a media person by smashing his camera against the photographer face!

It wasn’t Smith who tried to pull a fast one on the Citizens of Niagara with a fallacious claim that they could simply move the Thundering Waters slough forest elsewhere!

It wasn’t Smith who used NPCA powers to destroy Niagara Citizens for doing exactly what the NPCA allows developers to do!

It wasn’t Smith who abused OUR Justice system to deprive Niagara Citizens of their Rights!

Smith isn't among the NPCA misfits that dishonor the so-called Ontario Freedom of Information rules! 

What Smith is attempting to do is to bring transparency and accountability to what an over-abundance of citizens, including Niagara Authorities, believe is a corrupt organization. 

And just what did Smith get for his efforts?

He has faced lies, ridicule, threats and a $200,000 Lawsuit while the unaccountable and unsupervised Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority throws a total hissy-fit in their efforts to avoid examination!