Thursday 8 September 2016

Tanks for Public Safety

New Police Fortresses, Military Tanks and Armed Police Boats demanded by our Niagara Regional Police FORCE (NRPF).

The stated reason for this level of power is for PUBLIC SAFETY!

A question pops up as to whether our $400K NRPF Chief  McGuire would have used tanks against innocent civilians during his squalid G20 misconduct?
 Question: When in the history of Niagara has there ever been a need for an armored tank for any reason?

Considering the record of police brutality against Niagara Citizens, although by a very few bad apples, can The NRPF be trusted with such military weapons? Will heavy handed use of force trigger backlash?

Cause of Backlash

In the USA the murder of police officers has increased by 72%.

Know-it-alls give every reason for the cop killing except the real reason for cop killing.

Many think that restoring law and order can be accomplished by taking a harder line or even by deploying military weapons.

The only thing this tough guy stance will accomplish is a more strategic backlash!

Has anyone given a thought as to were this mindset will lead?

Picking a war with the public will bring tragedy!

Solution to Backlash

The Solution to deadly backlash can be summed up in one word ‘Accountability’ !

Purge brutal Police Officers!

Purge cops that interfere with body cams!

Purge perjuring Police Officers!

Purge Cops that fail to uphold Constitution Rights!

Purge Judiciary who fails Constitutional Rights!

Open our court rooms to scrutiny with CCTV!

Constitutional Rights & Human Rights are worthless if not enforced!


 Hell why stop there? How about about a Half Million Dollar Armed Yacht?

What's next; a deadly military drone?

Juxtapose the psyche between our NRPF and the Windsor Police Force!

Could this militarization have anything to do with our liberal government in Canada attempting to change how we vote in the Liberalista quest to seize  power in perpetuity? 

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