Recently a number of
Ontarians have written to the Lieutenant Governor's office seeking assistance
in regards to the Premier's government's "Breach of Trust". With the statement of Kathleen Wynne, during the debates on June 3,
2014, of:
Approx. 2:02 minutes
– Premier Kathleen Wynne states:
And in the process
the public good was sacrificed to partisan interests.
… But I know –
I know that people are still angry you have a right to be angry because –
because – there was – there was a breach of trust between the government and
the people of the province…"
It would seem that the
Lieutenant Governor's Chief of Staff, Anthony Hylton, doesn't even understand the
authority of the Office of which he is the Chief of Staff.
He states, in his response
letter, that the Lieutenant Governor does not "intervene in day-to-day
issues and decisions made by the Government of Ontario," and that the
Lieutenant Governor is "apolitical, and thus…does not get involved in any
political activity." I beg to differ.
As stated in "The Governor General and Lieutenant Governors: Canada’s Misunderstood
Viceroys", by - David S. Donovan, Ontario Legislature Internship Programme
(OLIP), Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political
Science Association."
"But in truth,
there is a long-standing legal foundation in Canada which endows our vice-regals
with wide-ranging and significant political powers. The legal groundwork of
which appears throughout The British North America Act, 1867, The
Letters Patent, 1947, The Constitution Act, 1982, as well as
Commonwealth law and tradition which encompasses the Royal prerogatives.
Nevertheless, despite this legal foundation, misconceptions remain in both the
public mind and the Canadian body politic, including conventions. Yet, then
again, throughout Canada, instances exist in which these political powers have
been invoked, upon the discretion of the vice-regal, which seem to snub
convention; suggesting that they remain in full legal effect."[1]
This information has been presented to the L.G.'s Chief of Staff
and yet he continues to forward letters, beseeching the L.G. to do something
about the sitting government's breach of trust, to the Attorney General’s
office, which was involved in the Breach of Trust. As Frank Mackinnon stated, in the same paper:
"The Office of
the Governor General and the Lieutenant Governor are Constitutional fire
extinguishers with a potent mixture of powers for use in great emergencies.
Like real extinguishers, they appear in bright colours and are strategically
located. But everyone hopes their emergency powers will never be used; the fact
that they are not used does not render them useless; and it is generally
understood there are severe penalties for tampering with them."
The paper goes on to
should circumstances arise, these eleven so-called ‘ceremonial’ vice-regals
have the power to dismiss their premier or prime minister, call for an
election, offer the government to an opposition party or coalition and even
veto legislation."
With the current
"circumstances" isn't it time for the Lieutenant Governor to exercise
the powers granted to her, if not for the people of Ontario, at least for the
Honour of the Queen?
like a desolating pestilence, pollutes whatever it touches.
Bysshe Shelley
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